Matthew Roche lays out some of the basics of risk management:
One simple and lightweight approach for risk management involves looking at two factors: risk likelihood, and risk impact.
Risk likelihood is just what it sounds like: how likely is the risk to occur. Once you’re aware that a risk exists, you can measure or estimate how likely that risk is to be realized. In many situations an educated guess is good enough. You don’t need to have a perfectly accurate number – you just need a number that no key stakeholders disagree with too much.[3] Rather than assigning a percentage value I prefer to use a simple 1-10 scale. This helps make it clear that it’s just an approximation, and can help prevent unproductive discussions about whether a given risk is 25% likely or 26% likely.
Risk impact is also what it sounds like: how bad would it be if the risk did occur? I also like to use a simple 1-10 scale for measuring risk impact, which is more obviously subjective than the risk likelihood. So long as everyone who needs to agree agrees that the impact a given risk is 3 or 4 or whatever, that’s what matters.
Read on for a summary of the topic and a good leaving-off point to learn more.
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