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Category: Security

Availability Groups and Logins

Andrea Allred runs into a post-failover issue:

While doing a planned Availability Group failover, the application stopped talking to the database. After checking the SQL Server log, we found that all the SQL Logins were failing with an “incorrect password” error. The logins were on the server, the users were in the databases, and the passwords were even right, so what was wrong? It all comes down to SID’s (Security Identifiers).

Read on for the cause and the solution. I’d also recommend Sync-DbaAvailabilityGroup as a good dbatools cmdlet to use.

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User-Defined Roles in SQL Server

Greg Larsen shows us how to create and use user-defined security roles in SQL Server:

When developing an application that accesses SQL Server, you need to set up a security model, so each user gets the access they need based on their job duties. Some applications require the same access for all users, while other application might require different security access rights based on the role a user has in the organization. The best practice for providing user access is to use role-based security. SQL Server provides user-defined Server and Database roles for defining security rules for different user security needs. This article will discuss how to use user-defined server and database roles to provide secure access to SQL Server resources.

This is something I think DBAs tend to under-utilize. Granted, a big part of why I think DBAs under-utilize it is that we often have Windows groups that we can use as the base for roles, but even so, it’s a good way to secure assets in the database.

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HDFS Data Encryption at Rest

Arun Kumar Natva takes us through the process of encrypting data at rest in Cloudera Data Platform:

HDFS Encryption delivers transparent end-to-end encryption of data at rest and is an integral part of HDFS. End to end encryption means that the data is only encrypted and decrypted by the client. In other words, data remains encrypted until it reaches the HDFS client.

Each HDFS file is encrypted using an encryption key. To prevent the management of these keys (which can run in the millions) from becoming a performance bottleneck, the encryption key itself is stored in the file metadata. To add another layer of security, the file encryption key is stored in encrypted form, using another “encryption zone key”.

Read on to learn more and to see how it all fits together.

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Service Endpoints in Azure SQL Database

Mike Wood takes us through service endpoints in Azure:

In previous installments of my “Securing Azure SQL Database” series, I covered Azure SQL Database firewall rules and private endpoints—the first of which is a way to help reduce the public exposure of your database endpoint and the second being a means to remove all public access if necessary. Each option has unique benefits, and some scenarios might call for a mix of the two options.

In this blog post, I’ll cover a third option for securing Azure SQL Database—service endpoints. This option is similar to private endpoints in that you restrict public access and only grant access to the database through your Virtual Network (VNet).

Read on to learn more.

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Working with Secrets in Powershell

Jeffrey Hicks tries out the Secrets Management modules in Powershell:

So I’ve been kicking the tires and trying to do more with the Secrets Management modules from Microsoft, now that they are out of pre-release status. You can install the Microsoft.PowerShell.SecretStore and Microsoft.PowerShell.SecretManagement modules, you’ll need both, from the PowerShell Gallery. You can find extension modules that build on the Microsoft modules for working with other key vaults or secret store. Run find-module -tag secretmanagement to find additional modules. But what I want to talk about today relates to the Microsoft modules. Although, it might apply to you with any of the extension modules. The challenge is using the secrets management modules with a PowerShell profile script.

Read on for a challenge around running scheduled tasks which require secrets and a solution.

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Chris Johnson looks at one way to protect dynamic SQL statements:

I don’t have the usual aversion to dynamic SQL that you find a lot of developers have. I use it quite regularly as part of my ETL processes, usually to define how data will move from one stage to another. So, for instance, I might have a single Validate procedure that takes a number of parameters, including an import table name, and moves data from that import table to a valid table according to my validation rules. Or I might have a single SCDMerge procedure that takes a transformation view and merges that into a slowly changing dimension (although not using the actual MERGE function for various reasons). These procedures allow me to have confidence that data will always move from one stage to another in the same way, and saves me from writing essentially the same statement 50 times, and having to update it 50 times when I need to change the way we do something, and inevitably missing something and introducing some error.

This always feels like a pretty safe use of dynamic SQL to me, because it avoids some of the more common objections people like to raise to it:

Click through to see how QUOTENAME() can help sanitize user inputs. I personally prefer the route of using sp_executesql but QUOTENAME() can also do the trick.

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Using AD Authentication on Linux when Connecting to SQL Server

Daniel Hutmacher shares some hard-earned wisdom:

I’m a complete beginner at Linux, so I should preface this post with the fact that these are my humble notes after hours of pulling my hair. It’s not really a fully-fledged how-to article, and there are lot of things I’m not covering. But I figured it may help someone out there at some point.

Also, different Linux distros and versions will behave differently, so your mileage will most likely vary.

For the purposes of this post, I’m on Red Hat Enterprise 8.3.

Note that this is using a Linux-based client, rather than talking about SQL Server on Linux.

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Securing the sa Login

Chad Callihan has a few tips for making that sa login safer:

Every SQL Server install includes the sa login as a sysadmin. This can be good for consistency; however, that also makes it a prime target for attackers trying to get into your SQL Server. That is one of many reasons why you should make the following changes to protect your sa login from being used in an attack.

Click through for the list. Troll me says the best answer is to rename sa (like Chad mentions), create a new account called sa, and write a script to add a rule to your firewall banning the IP of anybody who logs in with this account.

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