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Category: Reporting Services

Including a SQL Query in an Expression in SSRS

Slava Murygin shares a tip:

Why: Most of the time, when you want a flexibility of your SQL query you can use parameterization. However there might be a situation when you’d need to build a dynamic query. In my case I used SQL query within an expression to feed it to multiple data sources targeting different servers with the exact same query.

Read on to see what Slava has fought with in the past.

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Migrating Multiple SSRS Reports to Power BI Paginated Reports

Olivier Van Steenlandt doesn’t do things one at a time:

A few weeks ago I released a blog post about migrating SSRS Reports to Power BI Paginated Reports. At that point in time, I wasn’t aware of any way to migrate multiple SSRS Reports in one go.

Meanwhile, I have done some research and experimented a bit. In this blog post, I will be going through 2 different ways to migrate multiple SSRS Reports at once to Power BI.

Click through for Olivier’s findings and how you can migrate en masse.

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Getting Last-Used Report Parameters for SSRS

Brian Bønk shares some history:

A couple of years back I needed to find the latest used parameters from a reporting services – SSRS (yes, it is old!) report. The functionality was to find the latest used parameters for all parameters dynamically and use them as the default values for each parameter in the report, when tjhe user opened the report. If the uesr had not used the reprot before, it should ask for the parameters.

This was a alot of fun for me to do, as I needed to query the internal tables from the reporting services database. The tables ExecutionLogStorage and the Catalog was on play. This due to the fact that I needed the active user’s latest used parameter values from each specific report and this in runtime when the report was opened.

Click through to see how Brian did it.

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Working with Power BI Paginated Report Subscriptions

Olivier Van Steenland performs a conversion:

As a first step, I tried to “migrate” an example report from SQL Server Reporting Services to Power BI. In a previous blog post, I described the steps required to migrate successfully. You can find that blog post using the following link: Converting SSRS Reports to Power BI Paginated Reports.

In this blog post, I will look at the subscription functionality for Paginated Reports.

Read on for the process, as well as one limitation (and workaround).

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Converting SSRS Reports to Power BI Paginated Reports

Olivier Van Steenlandt makes a move:

In this blog post, we will be going through the process to convert a Reporting Services report to a Power BI Paginated report and deploy it in the end.

For this blog post, I have created a very basic SSRS report named Product Sales Overview. This report gets his data from an Azure SQL Database which contains the default dummy database (AdventureWorksLT).

Read the whole thing. It makes me wonder, though, if there’s an automated process for doing these conversions, especially if you have hundreds or thousands of reports.

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SSRS 2022 Updates

Cookie McCray shares some updates:

Back in 2020, we announced the deprecation of Report Server features Pin to Power BI, Mobile Reports, and Mobile Report Publisher. These features will be removed from versions of SQL Server starting with SQL Server 2022 and will no longer be supported. Only the last three releases, SQL Server 2016, SQL Server 2017, and SQL Server 2019, will be supported in maintenance mode until EOL (End of Life) for existing customers.

There are some interesting things in here but nothing that makes me say Reporting Services has a real future.

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Migrating SSRS between SQL Server Instances

Garry Bargsley performs a migration:

Good evening. Today’s episode is coming to you from my home office, where I feel motivated to write a blog in the comfort of my home.

Today we will discuss migrating SSRS from one instance of SQL Server to another. Several methods are available for you, but I will show you how to backup and restore the Reporting Services components for a full migration.

Read on for the process and pay special attention to Garry’s notes about encryption key handling.

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Errors Sending Subscription E-mails in SSRS

Garry Bargsley sorts out an e-mail problem:

Recently, I was tasked with creating an email subscription to a new SSRS report in an environment that I was not familiar with.  I have created my fair share of subscriptions in my day, and this one was very straightforward.

I found the report, clicked on Manage, and went to the Subscription page.  Clicked on New Subscription and filled in all the information, easy peasy.

The subscription is ready to go when the schedule kicks in the next day, or so I thought.

Turns out that wasn’t quite the case. Read on to see what happened and how Garry fixed the problem.

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Searching SSRS Reports for Keywords

Hannah Vernon does a search:

Microsoft’s SQL Server Reporting Services, colloquially known as SSRS, provides a great way to expose data from SQL Server in human-consumable form, typically via a web site. Generally, it’s a good idea to use a stored procedure as the source of data for SSRS Reports. In a large SSRS environment, it can be challenging to determine which reports use a specific stored procedure.

This code provides details about SSRS Reports where the definition of the report includes any specific keyword, such as the name of a stored procedure.

Click through for a query against ReportServer.

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Reviewing the ReportServer Database

Ed Pollack opens the lid:

SQL Server Reporting Services is a convenient application for generating reports quickly and efficiently. Its back-end components are a bit more confusing to an unsuspecting administrator.

This article delves into the ReportServer database, revealing the tables and data that are used to power SSRS. In addition, the ability to alter data in these tables is presented as a way to avoid time-consuming migration or data modification processes.

Do be sure to check out Ed’s warning and then dive into the database.

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