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Category: R

An Introduction to the Package

Steven Sanderson explains the purpose of a package:

The ultimate goal really is to make it easier to do data analysis and machine learning in R. The package is designed to be easy to use and to provide a wide range of functionality for data analysis. The package is also meant to help and provide some easy boilerplate functionality for machine learning. This package is in its early stages and will be updated frequently.

It also keeps with the same framework of all of the healthyverse packages in that it is meant for the user to be able to use the package without having to know a lot of R. Many rural hospitals do not have the resources to perform this sort of work, so I am working hard to build these types of things out for them for free.

Read on to see how it works, including several examples of the package in action.

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Practical healthyR.ts Examples

Steven Sanderson provides some examples:

Today I am going to go over some quick yet practical examples of ways that you can use the healthyR.ts package. This package is designed to help you analyze time series data in a more efficient and effective manner.

Let’s just jump right into it!

Read on for a few common time series activities, such as testing for stationarity, extracting tends from noise, and performing lagged correlation.

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An Overview of gganimate

Dario Radecic shows off a neat library:

The main criticism people have when it comes to ggplot2 is the static nature of the charts it has to offer. Truth be told, it will never be an interactive visualization king like Highcharts, but it doesn’t mean animation is out of the picture.

Meet R gganimate – a natural extension of ggplot2 that allows you to visualize your data change through time or some other variable, and then render and export the chart as a set of PNGs, or a single GIF/MP4.

Click through to learn more about it. I remembered the original gganimate and was going to say, “Wow, I hadn’t heard of that library in forever.” But it turns out that Thomas Lin Pedersen built a newer version of the library and has added in quite a bit of functionality since the last time I looked. H/T R-Bloggers.

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An Introduction to healthyR

Steven Sanderson covers a package:

This article will introduce you to the healthyR package. healthyR is a package that provides functions for analyzing and visualizing health-related data. It is designed to make it easier for health professionals and researchers to work with health data in R. It is an experimental package that is still under active development, so some functions may change in the future along with the package structure and scope.

Unfortunately, the package needs some love and attention. Which I am trying to give it. Given that information, I will be updating the package to include more functions and improve the existing ones. I will also be updating the documentation and adding more examples to help users get started with the package.

So let’s get started!

Read on for that overview, including an explanation of why the package exists and several examples of how to use it.

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An Intro to Vetiver in R

Colin Gillespie introduces an R package for MLOps:

Most R users are familiar with the classic workflow popularised by R for Data Science. Data scientists begin by importing and cleaning the data, then iteratively transform, model, and visualise it. Visualisation drives the modeling process, which in turn prompts new visualisations, and periodically, they summarise their work and report results.

Click through for a demonstration of how to create and deploy a model using vetiver.

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Checking for Patterns in Text with R

Steven Sanderson looks for a sub-string:

When working with text data in R, one common task is to check if a character or substring is present within a larger string. R offers multiple ways to accomplish this, ranging from base R functions to packages like stringr and stringi. In this post, we’ll explore how to use grepl() from base R, str_detect() from stringr, and stri_detect_fixed() from stringi to achieve this.

Click through for three separate ways of doing this.

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Distribution Parameter Wrangling in TidyDensity

Steven Sanderson introduces a new set of functions:

Greetings, fellow data enthusiasts! Today, we’re thrilled to unveil a fresh wave of functionalities in the ever-evolving TidyDensity package. Buckle up, as we delve into the realm of distribution statistics!

This update brings a bounty of new functions that streamline the process of extracting key parameters from various probability distributions. These functions adhere to the familiar naming convention util_distribution_name_stats_tbl(), making them easily discoverable within your R workflow.

Read on for the list and an example of how to use them.

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