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Category: R

Built-In R Datasets

Adrian Tam continues a series on getting started in R:

The ecosystem in R contains not only the function libraries to help you perform statistical analysis but also the data library that gives you some famous datasets to test out your program. There are a lot of built-in datasets in R. In this post, you will:

  • Learn some of the built-in datasets
  • Know how to use these datasets

Let’s get started.

Most of these built-in sets are fairly small and able to help you illustrate a specific point.

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Plotting Multiple Histograms in R

Steven Sanderson shows us two libraries to plot two histograms:

Histograms are a powerful tool for visualizing the distribution of numerical data. They allow us to quickly understand the frequency distribution of values within a dataset. In this tutorial, we’ll explore how to create multiple histograms using two popular R packages: base R and ggplot2. By the end of this guide, you’ll be able to confidently display multiple histograms on a single graph using both methods.

Click through for more than two examples.

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Visualizing Univariate Data Distributions in R

Steven Sanderson reviews the shape of the data:

Understanding the distribution of your data is a fundamental step in any data analysis process. It gives you insights into the spread, central tendency, and overall shape of your data. In this blog post, we’ll explore two popular functions in R for visualizing data distribution: density() and hist(). We’ll use the classic Iris dataset for our examples. Additionally, we will introduce the {TidyDensity} library and show how it can be used to create distribution plots.

Click through for three different functions for visualizing the density of a variable.

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Adding Mean to Box Plots in R

Steven Sanderson tracks the sixth number of a five-number summary:

Data visualization is a powerful tool for understanding and interpreting data. In this blog post, we will explore how to create box plots with mean values using both base R and ggplot2. We will use the famous iris dataset as an example. So, grab your coding tools and let’s dive into the world of box plots!

Note that this is mean in addition to median in these visuals, not replacing the median.

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Omitted Variables and Logistic Regression

John Mount misses a variable:

I would like to illustrate a way which omitted variables interfere in logistic regression inference (or coefficient estimation). These effects are different than what is seen in linear regression, and possibly different than some expectations or intuitions.

This is an interesting article and there’s a really good comment helping to explain this effect in epidemiology.

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Lists and DataFrames in R

Adrian Tam continues a series on core data types in R:

Vectors in R are supposed to be of homogeneous data type. You can use a list as the container if there are mixed data types, such as numbers and strings. The list and data frame are closely related in R. The data frame is probably more useful because it reflects how we usually collect statistics. In this post, you will learn about them. Specifically, you will know:

  • What are lists and data frames in R
  • How to manipulate lists and data frames

Read on to learn more about these two sorts of collections.

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Creating a Box Plot in R

Steven Sanderson builds up a box plot:

Are you ready to dive into the world of data visualization in R? One powerful tool at your disposal is the box plot, also known as a box-and-whisker plot. This versatile chart can help you understand the distribution of your data and identify potential outliers. In this blog post, we’ll walk you through the process of creating box plots using R’s ggplot2 package, using the airquality dataset as an example. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced R programmer, you’ll find something valuable here.

Click through to learn what kind of information a box plot can provide, as well as how to create one using a variety of R libraries.

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Data Pre-Processing in R

Amieroh Abrahams cleans up some data:

As data scientists, we often find ourselves immersed in a vast sea of data, trying to extract valuable insights and hidden patterns. However, before we embark on the journey of data analysis and modeling, we must first navigate the crucial steps of data cleaning and preprocessing. In this blog post, we will explore the significance of data cleaning and preprocessing in data science workflows and provide practical tips and techniques to handle missing data, outliers, and data inconsistencies effectively.

Read on for several tactics which can help you clean up your data.

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A Primer on Vectors in R

Adrian Tam shows off one of the building blocks for R:

R is a language for programming with data. Unlike many other languages, the primitive data types in R are not scalars but vectors. Therefore, understanding how to deal with vectors is crucial to programming or reading the R code. In this post, you will learn about various vector operations in R. Specifically, you will know:

  • What are the fundamental data objects in R
  • How to work with vectors in R

This is often a little tricky for newcomers to the language to pick up, though if you’re already familiar with set-based operations in SQL, vector-based operations are fairly straightforward.

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