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Category: Query Tuning

LAG() vs All

Kathi Kellenberger shows the power of the LAG() function in T-SQL:

Microsoft introduced the first window (aka, windowing or windowed) functions with SQL Server 2005. These functions were ROW_NUMBERRANKDENSE_RANKNTILE, and the window aggregates. Many folks, including myself, used these functions without realizing they were part of a special group. In 2012, Microsoft added several more: LAG and LEADFIRST_VALUE and LAST_VALUEPERCENT_RANK and CUME_DISTPERCENTILE_CONT, and PERCENTILE_DISC. They also added the ability to do running totals and moving calculations.

These functions were promoted as improving performance over older techniques, but that isn’t always the case. There were still performance problems with the aggregate functions introduced in 2005 and the four of the functions introduced in 2012. In 2019, Microsoft introduced Batch Mode on Row Store, available on Enterprise and Developer Editions, that can improve the performance of window aggregates and the four statistical functions from 2012.

I started writing this article to compare some window function solutions to traditional solutions. I found that there were so many ways to write a query that includes a column from another row that this article is dedicated to the window functions LAG and LEAD.

In these sorts of circumstances, LAG() is extremely efficient at its job. Click through to see just how efficient.

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Implicit Conversions and SARGability

Erik Darling bears bad news:

Data types are one of those core things you need to get right. Whether it’s matching types between join columns, or between parameters and predicates, not doing so can really squash application performance in quite similar ways to writing non-SARGable predicates.

That’s because — wait for it — a lot of the stuff we’ve talked about over the last week that can happen with poorly written predicates can happen with poorly matched data types, too.

Click through for an example. If this keeps up, we may never save Sarge.

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Indexed Views and SARGability

Erik Darling shows how you can create indexed views to make life easier when tuning queries:

There are some things that, in the course of normal query writing, just can’t be SARGablized. For example, generating and filtering on a windowing function, a having clause, or any other runtime expression listed here.

There are some interesting ways to use indexed views to our advantage for some of those things. While windowing functions and having clauses can’t be directly in an indexed view, we can give an indexed view a good definition to support them.

It won’t always work, but it is an option to keep in mind.

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More on SARGability

Erik Darling continues a series on SARGability. First up, max datatype columns aren’t going to cut it:

No matter how much you scream, holler, and curse, when you try to filter data in a column with a max type, that predicate can’t be pushed to when you touch the index.

Leaving aside that max data types can’t be in the key of an index, because that would be insane, even if you stick them in the includes you’re looking at a lot of potential bulk, and not the good kind that makes you regular.

Read on for an example of Erik’s point, and then go to the next post, which covers fixing functions:

The bottom line on scalar UDFs is that they’re poison pills for performance.

They’re bad enough in the select list, but they get even worse if they appear in join or where clause portions of the query.

The example query we’re going to use doesn’t even go out and touch other tables, which can certainly make things worse. It does all its processing “in memory”.

Both of these are worth checking out.

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Using Index Column Order and Dynamic SQL to Fix Non-SARGable Queries

Erik Darling wraps up season 1 of Saving Sarge with a cliffhanger. First up, how setting up indexes to lead with SARGable columns makes sense:

Quite a bit, I find myself working with people who are able to change indexes, but unable to change queries.

Even making small, sane changes would nix their support, should they ask for it. I do sometimes have to laugh at the situation: if support were that great, they wouldn’t need me, and if we made the change, they probably wouldn’t need support.

Oh well, though. Keep me employed, ISVs.

Then, Erik takes a look at using dynamic SQL to solve one class of non-SARGable predicates:

The non-SARGABLE pattern that dynamic SQL helps you deal with is the the catch all query pattern, which can look like:

– col = @parameter or @parameter is null
– col = isnull(@parameter, col)
– col = coalesce(@parameter, col)

Or any similar variation of null/not null checking of a parameter (or variable) in the where/join clause at runtime.

Dynamic SQL allows you to build up the specific where clause that you need for the non-NULL set of search filters.

Stay tuned for the next thrilling episode of Saving Sarge. Same SARG-time, same SARG-channel.

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When in Doubt, Stop Counting

Chad Callihan looks at the SET NOCOUNT ON option:

You may have a stored procedure that completes in an acceptable amount of time for the dozen or so times a day it gets called. Maybe it returns results in a few seconds and that makes the users calling it happy enough that you can move onto more pressing matters. But what about a stored procedure being called millions of times a day? The definition of acceptable can be drastically different when you consider the speed and traffic that type of stored procedure produces. When every millisecond matters, it’s worth checking to see what your setting is for SET NOCOUNT.

Click through for a demo and what you can realistically expect from SET NOCOUNT ON. This works best with big loops, and incidentally, one pattern I like to use is to combine SET NOCOUNT ON with an occasional RAISERROR('%i iterations run...', 10, 1, @loopvar) WITH NOWAIT. That way, you can still see progress on the screen, but instead of printing results every single run, you might see one every 100 runs.

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Optimizing String Split and Search

Daniel Hutmacher needs things to go faster:

One of the things that sp_ctrl3 does is plaintext database search. If you pass a string to the procedure that does not match an existing object, it’ll just perform a plaintext search of all SQL modules (procedure, views, triggers, etc) for that string. The search result includes line numbers for each result, so it needs to split each module into lines.

I’ve found that this takes a very long time to run in a database with large stored procedures, so here’s how I tuned it to run faster.

Read the whole thing.

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Seeking SARG

Erik Darling leaves no man behind and is seeking Sarge. On day one, Erik briefs the crew:

SARGability is the in-club way of saying that a search predicate(s) can be used to seek through the key(s) of an index.

On day two, the crew use the power of math to get past a blockade:

Let’s say we’re doing this to audit short questions and answers for quality.

Since SQL Server doesn’t retain any precise data about string column lengths, we don’t have an effective way to implement this search.

Worse, since the Body column is a max datatype, no expression (SARGable or not) can be pushed to the index scan.

On day three, they enter the fetid jungles of tempdb:

In all, the query runs for about 50 seconds. This can be avoided by hinting a hash join, of course, for reasons explained here.

But good luck figuring out why this thing runs for 50 seconds looking at a cached, or estimated execution plan, which doesn’t show you spills or operator times.

Stay tuned for the thrilling conclusion to Seeking SARG.

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Working around Unparameterized IN Clauses with EF

Erik Darling bears the bad news:

If you’re using an Entity Framework, and sending in queries that build up IN clauses, they won’t end up getting parameterized.

Even Forced Parameterization won’t help you if you’re sending in other parameters. One limitation is that it doesn’t kick in for partially parameterized queries.

Even if they did get parameterized, well, what’s one funny thing about IN clauses? You don’t know how many values will be in them.

Read on for a couple of work-arounds for this.

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When Query Cost Goes Astray

Erik Darling warns that man cannot live on query cost alone:

There are also rather misguided efforts to figure out parallelism settings based on plan costs. The main problem with that being that if you currently have a lot of parallel queries, all that means is that the estimated cost of the serial plan was higher than your current Cost Threshold For Parallelism setting, and the cost of the parallel plan was less than the cost of the serial plan.

If you increase Cost Threshold For Parallelism, you may very well still end up with a parallel plan, because the serial version was still more expensive. If you eventually change Cost Threshold For Parallelism to the point where some queries are no longer eligible for parallelism, you may eventually find yourself unhappy with the performance of the serial version of the query plan.

Read on for Erik’s take on query cost, which is a good one.

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