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Category: Query Tuning

First Operator Execution Plan Properties

Grant Fritchey implores us not to forget the SELECT/INSERT/UPDATE/whatever operator:

I’ve watched several people recently go straight to XML when reading execution plans because they didn’t know about the execution plan properties in the first operator. Now, don’t get me wrong. If going straight to the XML is working for you, that’s fine. Keep doing it. I’m absolutely not questioning how anyone does things. I just want people to know that “hidden” information isn’t so much hidden as much as it’s not too obvious.

Read on to see what this contains.

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When Compute Scalars Attack

Erik Darling goes scalar hunting:

This is awful. It really is. It’s so awful. These operators skated by undetected for years. Acting so innocent with their 0% cost.

Subprime operators, or something.

In this post, I’m going to show you how compute scalars hide work, and how interpreting them in actual execution plans can even be tricky.

I’m now imagining Erik as the Steve Irwin of the query tuning world. And it’s kind of working for me.

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Queries and Batch Mode

Erik Darling takes us on a batch mode joyride:

Prior to SQL Server 2019, you needed to have a columnstore index present somewhere for batch mode to kick in for a query.

Somewhere is, of course, pretty loose. Just having one on a table used in a query is often enough, even if a different index from the table is ultimately used.

Batch mode is pretty great and Erik explains why.

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Spools, Plus Memory Grants

Erik Darling continues looking at plan operators. Erik starts with spools:

Spools are temporary structures that get stuck over in tempdb. They’re a bit like temp tables, though they don’t have any of the optimizations and enhancements. For example, loading data into a spool is a row-by-row operation.

The structure that spools use varies a bit. Table spools use a “clustered index”, but it’s not built on any of the columns in your data. Index spools use the same thing, but it’s defined on columns in your data that the optimizer thinks would make some facet of the query faster.

Definitely a must-read and a good way of explaining things. In my words, spools aren’t necessarily a problem but if you have a problem, spools are often at the root.

Erik Darling is also Overdrawn at the Memory Bank:

Whoever called memory a “bank” was a smart cookie. Everything you get from RAM is a loan.

In SQL Server, queries can get memory loaned to them while they execute. The most common reasons for memory grants are Sorts and Hashes. You may also see them for an Optimized Nested Loops Join, but whatever.

Memory is such an important aspect of query and overall server performance that it really helps to understand when there’s pressure on it, and where it’s coming from.

Check out both.

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Matching Supply and Demand

Itzik Ben-Gan continues looking at interesting solutions to a tricky problem:

Last month I covered solutions based on a revised interval intersections approach compared to the classic one. The fastest of those solutions combined ideas from Kamil, Luca, and Daniel. It unified two queries with disjoint sargable predicates. It took the solution 1.34 seconds to complete against a 400K-row input. That’s not too shabby considering the solution based on the classic interval intersections approach took 931 seconds to complete against the same input. Also recall Joe came up with a brilliant solution that relies on the classic interval intersection approach but optimizes the matching logic by bucketizing intervals based on the largest interval length. With the same 400K-row input, it took Joe’s solution 0.9 seconds to complete. The tricky part about this solution is its performance degrades as the largest interval length increases.

This month I explore fascinating solutions that are faster than the Kamil/Luca/Daniel Revised Intersections solution and are neutral to interval length. The solutions in this article were created by Brian Walker, Peter Larsson, Paul White, and me.

These are some of the best solutions but the whole series has been quite interesting.

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Watching and (Not) Messing with Optimization Phases

David Alcock giveth:

The full optimisation stage is where the optimiser uses a bag of tricks to optimise our query (surprise, surpise), well technically it has three bags of tricks that are named optimisation phases that each contain a collection of transformation rules (which I cover in this post that you should never do). The optimiser is not limited to using just one of the phases and each has a set criteria which determines if the optimiser can use that particular phase.

In order to see what how the optimiser is using these phases we need to enable Trace Flag 8675 as well as Trace Flag 3604 which will redirect the output to the query messages tab in Management Studio:

And David Alcock taketh away:

Now it has to be said it’s undocumented for a reason, the reason is that it’s really not a good idea to do this. In fact enabling this trace flag is such a bad idea that it will probably cause no end of issues with query performance…so let’s do it, but before we do let me add yet again that please don’t do this! Disabling optimisation features is a really bad idea, just like we did in this post – the purpose for this demo is just to show that we can, and how dangerous it can get.

This is fun to learn and interesting when doing advanced troubleshooting, but maybe not something you want to do very often.

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Understanding Plans: Seeks and Scans

Erik Darling made me rhyme. First up, data retrieval via seek:

People. People complain. People complain about SQL Server. That’s probably why I get paid to deal with it, but whatever.

One complaint I get to hear week in and week out is that SQL Server isn’t using someone’s index, or that there are too many index scans and they’re slow.

That might actually be a composite of like twelve complaints, but let’s not start counting.

Erik gives us three reasons why we might not see a seek. But wait, there’s more!

I’m not sure why scans got such a bad rap. Perhaps it’s a leftover from the Bad Old Days© when people worried about logical fragmentation and page splits.

What I mean to say is: scans are often treated with a level of revulsion and focus that distracts people from larger issues, and is often due to some malpractice on their part.

This is true–scans aren’t inherently bad and Erik gives us a better mental model to work with.

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Top Value per Group: Window Function or APPLY

Erik Darling hits one of my favorite topics:

The first rule of rewrites is that they have to produce the same results, of course. Logical equivalency is tough.

In today and tomorrow’s posts I’m going to compare a couple different scenarios to get the top value.

There are additional ways to rewrite queries like this, of course, but I’m going to show you the most common anti-pattern I see, and the most common solution that tends to work better.

Click through to see when each works better.

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Solutions for Matching Supply with Demand

Itzik Ben-Gan continues reviewing solutions to a tricky problem:

Last month I covered a solution based on interval intersections, using a classic predicate-based interval intersection test. I’ll refer to that solution as classic intersections. The classic interval intersections approach results in a plan with quadratic scaling (N^2). I demonstrated its poor performance against sample inputs ranging from 100K to 400K rows. It took the solution 931 seconds to complete against the 400K-row input! This month I’ll start by briefly reminding you of last month’s solution and why it scales and performs so badly. I’ll then introduce an approach based on a revision to the interval intersection test. This approach was used by Luca, Kamil, and possibly also Daniel, and it enables a solution with much better performance and scaling. I’ll refer to that solution as revised intersections.

Read on for one class of solution which performed quite well.

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Row-Level Security and Parallelism

Jose Manuel Jurado Diaz hits on an issue with row-level security:

Today, I worked on a service request that our customer reported that running a complex query this is executing in parallel but having more than 2 vCores in Azure SQL Database this query is not using parallelism.

During the troubleshooting process we suggested multiple tips and tricks, but any of them made that Azure SQL Engine uses parallelism: 

Being on-premises versus in Azure turned out to be a red herring and the solution was something maybe even more difficult to spot than triggers.

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