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Category: Query Tuning

IF Branching, Local Variables, and Stored Procedures

Erik Darling continues a quest. Part 3 involves local variables:

What never seems to get a bad name, despite numerical supremacy in producing terrible results, are local variables.

In this particular scenario, I see developers use them to try to beat “parameter sniffing” to no avail.

A chorus of “it seemed to work at the time”, “I think it made things a little better”, “it worked on my machine”, and all that will ensue.

But we know the truth.

The next part is around stored procedures:

You know and I know and everyone knows that stored procedures are wonderful things that let you tune queries in magickal ways that stupid ORMs and ad hoc queries don’t really allow for.

Sorry about your incessant need to use lesser ways to manifest queries. They just don’t stack up.

But since we’re going to go high brow together, we need to learn how to make sure we don’t do anything to tarnish the image of our beloved stored procedures.

Erik notes that stored procedures are part of the solution but there’s a bit more that we need.

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IF Branches and Updating Parameters

Erik Darling explains why NULL checks on parameters doesn’t help when trying to improve query performance:

One thing I see developers do quite a bit is try to “fix” a parameter in an IF branch.

Maybe it’s to protect against bad search values, but more often it’s to nix NULLs.

I know that the stored procedure I’m showing only has one branch in it where a query is executed, and the series is supposed to be about if branching with multiple queries.

I’m only doing that to simplify the point of this post, which is that “fixing” supplied values does not correct performance and cardinality estimation issues with queries in IF branches.

Click through for the example and a brief round-up of several things which don’t work.

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Left and Right Deep Hash Joins

Forrest McDaniel dives into the forest:

There’s a lot already written about left versus right deep hash joins. Unfortunately for us SQL Server nerds, “left” and “right” don’t make as much sense in SSMS query plans – those have a different orientation than the trees of database theory.

But if you rotate plans, you can see left and right that make sense (even if they still don’t match canonical shapes). Just follow the join operators.

Read on to understand the difference and what it means for query performance.

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Window Functions and Tips on Sorting

Itzik Ben-Gan shares some good advice:

A supporting index can potentially help avoid the need for explicit sorting in the query plan when optimizing T-SQL queries involving window functions. By a supporting index, I mean one with the window partitioning and ordering elements as the index key, and the rest of the columns that appear in the query as the index included columns. I often refer to such an indexing pattern as a POC index as an acronym for partitioningordering, and covering. Naturally, if a partitioning or ordering element doesn’t appear in the window function, you omit that part from the index definition.

But what about queries involving multiple window functions with different ordering needs? Similarly, what if other elements in the query besides window functions also require arranging input data as ordered in the plan, such as a presentation ORDER BY clause? These can result in different parts of the plan needing to process the input data in different orders.

Read on for six tips. By the way, if you see broken images on the page (which I saw at the time of posting), click the broken image icon to see the image. It appears that the problem is just with inline images.

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Forced Parameterization and Local Variables

Erik Darling tries something out:

I think it was sometime in the last century that I mentioned I often recommend folks turn on Forced Parameterization in order to deal with poorly formed application queries that send literal rather than parameterized values to SQL Server.

And then just like a magickal that, I recommended it to someone who also has a lot of problems with Local Variables in their stored procedures.

They were curious about if Forced Parameterization would fix that, and the answer is no.

Shot down by the third paragraph of the intro. That’s rough. Still, click through for the demo.

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Optimizing Index Spools

Francisco looks at index spools:

When we are analyzing execution plans, we may come across different types of Spool operators – Table Spools, Row Count Spools, Window Spools or Index Spools – that the Query Optimizer chooses for specific purposes. In this post we are going to briefly look into the Index Spool, how it can sometimes lead to suboptimal query performance, and what can be done to easily fix it.

My favorite description of this is Erik Darling’s: spools are SQL Server’s passive-aggressive way of telling you “I’m not saying you need an index but you need an index.”

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Consolidating Indexes

Erik Darling runs through an exercise:

The more columns you have in a table, the more potential column combinations there are for indexes. Much like columns, indexes tend to get added following the path of least resistance.

Very rarely does someone consider current indexes when deciding to add an index.

Erik’s process is a good one. The real pain comes when there are 40-50 indexes on a table (seriously…) and there are a lot of similar-but-not-quite-similar-enough indexes.

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Determining Simple Parameterization Usage

Paul White continues a series on simple parameterization and trivial plans:

It’s more complicated than you might expect to tell from the information provided in execution plans if a SQL statement uses simple parameterization. It’s no surprise even highly experienced SQL Server users tend to get this wrong, given the contradictory information often supplied to us.

Let’s look at some examples using the Stack Overflow 2010 database on SQL Server 2019 CU 14, with database compatibility set to 150.

Read on for four classes of outcome and several ways you can determine into which your queries belong.

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