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Category: Python

Graph Analysis with NetworkX

Tori Tompkins introduces us to a Python package:

NetworkX is a Python package for the creation, manipulation, and study of the structure, dynamics, and functions of complex graphs. It’s a really cool package that contains heaps of graph algorithms for all different uses. In this tutorial, I will cover how to create a graph from an edge list and different ways we can query it.

Unsure what a graph is exactly? Check out my Data Science Moments video which introduces graphs and their uses in 5 minutes:

Click through for that video, as well as a way to load, process, and display graph data.

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Profiling Python Code

Adrian Tam shows how you can test the performance of calls in Python:

Profiling is a technique to figure out how time is spent in a program. With this statistics, we can find the “hot spot” of a program and think about ways of improvement. Sometimes, hot spot in unexpected location may hint a bug in the program as well.

In this tutorial, we will see how we can use the profiling facility in Python. Specifically, you will see

– How we can compare small code fragments using timeit module

– How we can profile the entire program using cProfile module

– How we can invoke a profiler inside an existing program

– What the profiler cannot do

Read on for those techniques.

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Remapping Database Columns in Python

John Mount performs mapping en masse:

The tricky part is: data science application scale easily has hundreds of string valued variables, each having hundreds of thousands of tracked values. The possibility of a large number of variable values or level renders the CASE/WHEN solution undesirable- as the query size is proportional to the number variables and values. The JOIN solutions build a query size proportional to the number of variables (again undesirable, but tolerable). However, super deeply nested queries are just not what relational databases expect. And a sequence of updates isn’t easy to support as a single query or view.

As an example of remapping, John shows translating “a” in a column to 1, “b” to 2, “d” to 3, etc.—that is, perhaps mapping each unique string to a unique number.

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Debugging Code in Python

Adrian Tam takes us through debugging options with Python:

The purpose of a debugger is to provide you a slow motion button to control the flow of a program. It also allow you to freeze the program at certain point of time and examine the state.

The simplest operation under a debugger is to step through the code. That is to run one line of code at a time and wait for your acknowledgment before proceeding into next. The reason we want to run the program in a stop-and-go fashion is to allow us to check the logic and value or verify the algorithm.

For a larger program, we may not want to step through the code from the beginning as it may take a long time before we reached the line that we are interested in. Therefore, debuggers also provide a breakpoint feature that will kick in when a specific line of code is reached. From that point onward, we can step through it line by line.

This is something I definitely need to get better at when doing Python development.

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Using Azure DevOps to Deploy Python Functions to Azure Function Apps

Rayis Imayev has a trick question for us:

Can I create a CI/CD pipeline to deploy Python Function to Azure Function App using Windows self-hosted Azure DevOps agent?

My short answer to this question is Yes and NoYes, you can use Windows self-hosted Azure DevOps agent to deploy Python function to the Linux based Azure Function App; and, No, you can’t use Windows self-hosted Azure DevOps agent to build Python code since it will require collection/compilation/build of all Python-depended libraries on a Linux OS platform.

Click through for the full answer.

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Anomaly Detection in Two Ways

Muhammad Asad Iqbal Khan shows how you can use isolation forests and kernel density estimation for outlier detection:

Just like the random forests, isolation forests are built using decision trees. They are implemented in an unsupervised fashion as there are no pre-defined labels. Isolation forests were designed with the idea that anomalies are “few and distinct” data points in a dataset.

Recall that decision trees are built using information criteria such as Gini index or entropy. The obviously different groups are separated at the root of the tree and deeper into the branches, the subtler distinctions are identified. Based on randomly picked characteristics, an isolation forest processes the randomly subsampled data in a tree structure. Samples that reach further into the tree and require more cuts to separate them have a very little probability that they are anomalies. Likewise, samples that are found on the shorter branches of the tree are more likely to be anomalies, since the tree found it simpler to distinguish them from the other data.

Click through for descriptions and the code.

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Enhancing Color Photographs via Generative Adversarial Networks

Neil Saunders re-colorizes photographs:

When I’m not at the computer writing R code, I can often be found at the computer processing photographs. Or at the computer browsing Twitter, which is how I came across Stuart Humphryes, a digital artist who enhances autochromes. Autochromes are early colour photographs, generated using a process patented by the Lumière brothers in 1903. You can find and download many examples of them online. Stuart uses a variety of software tools to clean, enhance and balance the colours, resulting in bright vivid images that often have a contemporary feel, whilst at the same time retaining the somewhat “dreamy” quality of the original.

Having read that one of his tools uses neural networks, I was keen to discover how easy it is to achieve something similar using freely-available software found online. The answer is “quite easy” – although achieving results as good as Stuart’s is somewhat more difficult. Here’s how I went about it.

Click through for the process and some really nice-looking post-production photographs.

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Data Exfiltration Protection and Pip

I have a post borne from frustration:

I have an Azure Synapse Analytics workspace which uses a managed virtual network and includes data exfiltration protection. I also have a Spark pool. My goal is to import a few packages and use them in a Spark notebook.

Doing so is pretty easy from the Synapse workspace. I navigate to the Manage hub and then choose Apache Spark pools from the Analytics pools menu. Select the ellipsis for my Spark pool and then choose Packages.

From there, because I plan to update Python packages, I can upload a requirements.txt file and have Pip do its job.

But then it doesn’t… Click through to learn why, as well as the workaround for this. It’s stuff like this which makes me say data exfiltration protection is a feature administrators will (mostly) like and developers will hate. Especially because there’s no obvious indicator why this was happening in the error message itself.

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Wrapping up a Spark Advent Calendar

Tomaz Kastrun did it: 25 posts in 25 days on Spark. Part 23 looks at Delta Live Tables:

Delta Live Tables is a framework for building reliable, maintainable, and testable data processing pipelines. User defines the transformations to be performed on the datasources and data, and the framework manages all the data engineering tasks: task orchestrations, cluster management, monitoring, data quality, and event error handling.

Delta Live Tables framework helps and manages how data is being transformed with help of target schema and can is a slight different experience with Databricks Tasks (with Apache Spark tasks in the background).

Part 24 takes us through a bit of visualization:

You can use any of the popular Python packages to do the visualisation; Plotly, Dash, Seaborn, Matplotlib, Bokeh, Leather, Glam, to name the couple and many others. Once the data is persisted in dataframe, you can use any of the packages. With the use of PySpark, plugin the Matplotlib. Here is an example

And part 25 wraps things up with links to additional resources:

To wrap up this year’s Advent of Spark 2021 – series of blogposts on Spark – it is essential to look at the list of additional learning resources for you to continue with this journey. Let’s divide this list not by type of the resource (book, on-line documentation, on-line courses, articles, Youtube channels, Discord channels, and others) but rather divide them by language flavour. Scala/Spark, R, and Python.

Great job on Tomaz’s part for gutting it out.

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Functional Programming in Python

Mehreen Saeed tries to tempt me into liking Python:

Python is a fantastic programming language. It is likely to be your first choice for developing a machine learning or data science application. Python is interesting because it is a multi-paradigm programming language that can be used for both object-oriented and imperative programming. It has a simple syntax that is easy to read and comprehend.

In computer science and mathematics, the solution of many problems can be more easily and naturally expressed using the functional programming style. In this tutorial, we’ll discuss Python’s support for the functional programming paradigm, and Python’s classes and modules that help you program in this style.

Click through to see how you can write functional-friendly programs in Python.

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