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Category: Powershell

Last Known Good DBCC CHECKDB In Powershell

Rob Sewell shows off a cmdlet to check DBCC DBINFO for each database to get the last known good CHECKDB run:

This time we get more information. The server name, database name, when the database was created, the last good DBCC Checkdb, how long since the database was created, how long since the last known good DBCC Checkdb, a status and a Data Purity enabled flag. If you look at the image above it shows that the DBA_Admin database has a status of “New database, not checked yet” even though it has a date for the last known good DBCC CheckDb. This is because it was restored after this server was upgrade from CTP 1.3 to CTP 1.4 and there has not yet been a DBCC CheckDb run yet. The system databases have a status of “CheckDb should be performed”. This is because the last known good DBCC CheckDb is more than 7 days ago. Lets run a DBCC CheckDb and check again

Do read the caveats, and also check out a previous Arun Sirpal blog post on DBCC DBINFO.

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Database File Sizes In Powershell

Rob Sewell has a nice post on checking database file sizes using dbatools in Powershell:

As always, PowerShell uses the permissions of the account running the sessions to connect to the SQL Server unless you provide a separate credential for SQL Authentication. If you need to connect with a different windows account you will need to hold Shift down and right click on the PowerShell icon and click run as a different user.

Lets get the information for a single database. The command has dynamic parameters which populate the database names to save you time and keystrokes

It’s a great post, save for the donut chart…  Anyhow, this is recommended reading.

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Testing SQL Server On Linux Backups

Rob Sewell confirms that Test-DbaLastBackup in the dbatools kit works for Linux:

I have written about Test-DbaLastBackup in posts here, here and here. They have been Windows only posts.

With SQL Server vNext CTP 1.4 now available and providing SQL Agent capability on Linux, I wrote here about using Ola Hallengrens scripts on Linux SQL Servers so can Test-DbaLastBackup work with Linux?

It’s a short post but good to know.

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Connecting To Linux SQL Agent Using Powershell

Slava Murygin shows how to connect to a SQL Agent running on Linux using the SqlServer Powershell module:

From this point we will work directly with SQL Server.
In order to establish connection you have to run following script.
The most important are 2nd and third lines:
– In second line you have to provide your SQL Server Instance address, by replacing “<your_server_instance>” by something like “” or “\MSSQLSERVER,1433”
– When second line runs it will ask you for SQL Server credentials !!! So, you have to enter SQL user name and it’s password.

Slava does note some limitations at present, but a lot of the functionality seems to be there.

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SQL On Linux Backups

Rob Sewell shows how to use Ola Hallengren’s solution to back up SQL Server databases on Linux using the SQL Agent:

Now the jobs are not going to run as they are as they have CmdExec steps and this is not supported in SQL on Linux so we have to make some changes to the steps. As I blogged previously, this is really easy using PowerShell

First we need to grab the jobs into a variable. We will use Get-SQLAgentJobHistory from the sqlserver module which you need to download SSMS 2016 or later to get. You can get it from As we are targeting a Linux SQL Server we will use SQL authentication which we will provide via Get-Credential and then take a look at the jobs

It’s not “point, click, done,” but Rob shows you certainly can do it.

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Testing Backups With dbatools

Sander Stad shows how to test database restorations en masse using dbatools:

Testing your backups is a tedious job and it takes a lot of time which I as a DBA don’t have. I don’t have the time to restore a database, run a DBCC command for every database that’s backed up.

There is a solution and it’s called “Test-DbaLastBackup” which is part of the dbatools module.

Rob Sewell also has a recent post on the topic.

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Restoring Databases With dbatools

Rob Sewell shows how to restore a slew of databases using one dbatools command:

In my lab I had installed SQL 2016 on a server running Server 2016 TP5 which expired so I needed to re-install Windows and therefore needed to restore all of my user databases again. This was so easy using the dbatools module that I thought it was worth sharing to show how easy your disaster recovery process could be.

Having re-installed Windows and SQL and copied the backup files back to the server (although I could have used a network location), I then had to restore all of the user databases.

This is how I restored all of my user databases using the dbatools module command Restore-SQLBackupFromDirectory

Read on for the answer, as well as a warning that the upcoming dbatools 1.0 release may change some things.

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Mike Fal defends Invoke-SqlCmd’s honor:

Why do people gripe so much about Invoke-SqlCmd then? Well, to understand this is to understand the history of SQLPS. For a long while, the SQL Server module for PowerShell was klunky and buggy. There were a lot of challenges with loading it and using it, such that many scripters decided to throw it out and write their own functions. In many cases, PowerShell folks would skip Invoke-SqlCmd not because it was bad, but because it came packaged with the rest of SQLPS and they wanted to avoid the entire module.

Now that the SQL Tools team has been reworking the module as SqlServer, this has become less of a concern. The module is less of a burden to load and the other components do not get in the way. There are also improvements and updates to the code to make it work better and serve more needs.

Mike makes good points, like how you can pretty much guarantee that Invoke-SqlCmd will be available, whereas you can’t always guarantee that third-party libraries (even if better) will be available on all systems at all times.

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Adding Powershell Job Steps To Existing SQL Agent Jobs

Rob Sewell uses Powershell to add a Powershell job step to a set of existing SQL Agent jobs:

I put all of our jobs that I required on the estate into a variable called $Jobs. (You will need to fill the $Servers variable with the names of your instances, maybe from a database or CMS or a text file and of course you can add more logic to filter those servers as required.

$Jobs = (Get-SQLAgentJob -ServerInstance $Servers).Where{$_.Name -like '*PartOfNameOfJob*' -and $_.IsEnabled -eq $true}

Of course to add a PowerShell Job step the target server needs to be SQL 2008 or higher. If you have an estate with older versions it is worth creating a SMO server object (you can use a snippet) and checking the version and then getting the jobs like this

Click through for the process.

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Powershell In Bash: Cursor Issues Fixed

Max Trinidad points out that the latest alpha for Powershell in Bash has fixed an annoying display issue:

Finally, the fix we all been waiting for has arrived with the newest release of PowerShell version v6.0.0-alpha.17. Now, when you installed the Ubuntu 16.04.1 version of PowerShell 6 in Bash on Windows 10, it works this time.

Thanks God! No more crazy cursor screen issues going on when you type commands and/or display results.

Max also shows how to install the latest version of Powershell in Bash on Ubuntu in Windows 10.

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