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Category: Powershell

Powershell’s Switch Statement

Shane O’Neill shows us Powershell’s switch statement:

We send out notification emails if jobs fail as well but hey, we’re DBAs, we like a backup!

Since this used to be done manually, and since I like PowerShell, I created separate functions that can take individual log files and parse out the needed data in a nice, easy format.

My problem, and the reason for this post, was figuring out, based on the name of the file in a directory, which function to call…

Click through to see how to use the switch statement, as well as how to switch on an expression.

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Checking If UseLargeFRS Is Enabled

Cody Konior has a quick post showing how to see if you have the UseLargeFRS switch turned on for your SQL Server disks:

PureStorage has a pretty cool post that mentions the importance of formatting SQL Server disks with a 64KB clusters and the /L flag (also known as the UseLargeFRS switch on PowerShell’s Format-Volume cmdlet).

Why UseLargeFRS? It’s to help avoid DBCC CHECKDB failures on large/busy databases. But how do you work out whether it’s enabled or not? PowerShell to the rescue!

You can’t work this out remotely but you can do it locally.

Read on for the script.

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Installing dbatools

Chrissy LeMaire has a good walkthrough on how to install a module from the Powershell gallery, using dbatools as an example:

It’s easy for PowerShell toolmakers to forget that new users may have questions about ExecutionPolicy and Repositories. If dbatools is the first module you’ve ever installed and used, this guide is intended to help you with all of your install/setup questions and concerns.

In order to emulate what your experience may be like, I spun up a fresh Windows 10 instance in Azure and went through all of the required steps which include addressing:

  • Setting the Execution Policy

  • Explicitly trusting Microsoft’s PowerShell Gallery repository

  • Installing dbatools

  • Explicitly trusting dbatools as a Publisher, before first use

If you’ve never installed dbatools before, Chrissy shows just how easy it can be.

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Using dbatools To Determine SQL Server Versions

Simone Bizzotto walks us through a new dbatools feature:

You get back on a jiffy:
– the Build
– the Major Release
– the Service Pack
– the Cumulative Update
– the KB related to that version
– when the support for that version ends
– if all of the above are matching a verified build
– if a warning is shown, you passed a bad build or the JSON must be updated

Getting the build is easy; getting some of this other information is where they add a lot of value.

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Updating A Collection Of Variables In Powershell

Klaas Vanbenberghe shows how to update multiple variables in the same way using Powershell:

We turn to two cmdlets: Get-Variable and Set-Variable. They may seem redundant as we get and set variables all the time without those. Maybe you have even never heard of these two cmdlets.
Well here they prove their usefulness:
we will set the variables using their names, and use the current value as a starting point.
An important rule to remember is this:

$ is a token to indicate we’re dealing with a variable, but it is not part of the variable name!

It’s worth reading the whole thing.

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Cross-Platform Variables In Powershell Core

Max Trinidad shows how to use the Is* variables in Powershell Core to write cross-platform code:

Use the cmdlet Get-Variable to find them, and keep in mind, these variables are not found in Windows PowerShell 5.x.

Get-Variable Is*

Although, the results will display four variable, but let’s pay attention to three of them. Below are the variables with their default values:

IsLinux                            False
IsOSX                              False
IsWindows                    True

These three variables can help in identifying which Operating System the script are been executed.  This way just adding the necessary logic, in order to take the correct action.

Read on for a code example showing how to use these variables.

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Running Powershell Tasks With SQL Agent

Chrissy LeMaire shows how to run Powershell cmdlets from SQL Agent:

By default, only members of the sysadmin role are allowed to create jobs with the CmdExec Job Step, but adding non-sysadmins as principals to the CmdExec proxy works as well.

So here are the steps that I use to schedule my tasks:

  • Create a Windows-based Login in SQL Server

  • Ensure dbatools is available to the account

  • Create a SQL Server Credential

  • Create the Agent Proxy

  • Create the PowerShell .ps1 file

  • Create the Job and Job Step

Chrissy walks you through step by step, making the whole thing easy.

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Basics Of Powershell Modules

Tracy Boggiano shows you how to create a Powershell module:

The first file you need to create is a manifest file.  This file tells who wrote the module what version PowerShell should be used and module version.  You will need to open either PowerShell ISE or PowerShell under Run as administrator to run this command. You change the path to match the name you want the name you want your module to have along with the name of the module and author.  You may have to create the folder in your Modules folder (DBAFunctions) first depending on the security on your machine.

There isn’t too much to the process, but there is a big benefit:  code portability.

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Automated Edition Downgrade For SQL Server

Jana Sattainathan shows how to automate downgrade of SQL Server Enterprise to Standard:

Standard edition is limited to lesser of 4 sockets or 24 cores with a maximum memory of 128 GB plus a few truly Enterprise level features like Compression, Availability Groups, Partitioning etc are off limits. I would say most places would fall under this threshold for “Standard” but feel inferior to say they run “Standard”! I don’t, especially when money matters.

But, all kidding aside, most shops don’t even realize that they do not use any Enterprise features on 90% of their instances but pay Enterprise price anyway! If you don’t trust me, go check for yourself at your place – we did, on hundred’s of SQL Server instances! I painfully built the infrastructure to do this type of thing using PowerShell in seconds  if not a few minutes, for scanning hundreds of servers/instances.

There’s a lot here, so if you’re thinking about downgrading in a post-2016 SP1 world, Jana’s post is a must-read.  But even with the new features, there are still quite a few enterprise-level features that make it so I don’t want to live without Enterprise Edition.

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Clearing Cached Credentials With Powershell

Adam Bertram shows how to use Powershell and cmdkey to clear out cached credentials:

It is even easier to use cmdkey with PowerShell. IT can build a small wrapper script that can manage cached credentials on one remote computer at a time and perform the action just as quickly on multiple computers at once.

The following example uses a PowerShell module called PSCredentialManager. IT pros can download the module from the PowerShell Gallery by running Install-Module.

Read the whole thing.

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