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Category: Powershell

Navigating A SQL Server Instance With Powershell

Andy Mallon shows off the drive-based navigation available in the SQL Server Powershell module:

I recently noticed that the system objects were missing from my results when I do a Get-ChildItem. I noticed it with views, but then realized that none of the system objects showed up. What gives? I floundered through a quick Google search, where I knew I wasn’t searching for the right thing, and was not surprised when I didn’t see the answer.

I said to myself, “Andy, hold on a second & think. If something doesn’t want to open up, sometimes you just have to -force it open.”

I don’t tend to use this much, as I have recollections of it being slow.  Nonetheless, it is good to know about.

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Find And Replace Stored Procedure Code

Jana Sattainathan has to find and replace a lot of code:

The database has 100’s of stored procedures (700+ to be somewhat precise)

Qualifying stored procedures have these characteristics

  • Procedure name ends with “_del”
  • Procedure has the string “exec” in the code
  • Procedure has the string “sp_execute” in the code

This is what needs to be done:



  • Replace AS at the beginning of CREATE PROC with “WITH EXECUTE AS OWNER AS”

  • Comment out some SET statements

  • …in fact, there could be any number of other changes

Read on to see how Jana did it.

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Loading Excel Files With Powershell

Garry Bargsley walks us through a solution he implemented to load Excel file data into Powershell:

Recently one of our development teams has increased the request of importing an Excel file with 20 sheets in to 20 tables in a database from about once a quarter to multiple times a week and this past Monday was three times in one day.  I have been the lucky DBA to get these requests as of late and after Monday I was determined to fix the process.  The current procedure is to use the good ol’ Import/Export Wizard since this was a rare request. (This included a lot of point and click and possibility for manual error)  With increased requests and increased table counts I knew there had to be a better way to get this accomplished without grimacing each time I see the request.

Garry has a script which he uses, but which can be tailored for other uses pretty easily.

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Executing Powershell Against Multiple Servers

Stuart Moore shows an easy way to execute a Powershell script against multiple servers:

We setup new PsSessions using New-PsSession, I set ErrorAction to SilentlyContinue just in case a host isn’t available for some reason (if I was being good I’d try/catch here).

As we’re just using PS standard functionality here with Get-Service there’s no need to build a a new function, we can just call this directly here. By calling Invoke-Command against a session pointed at numerous hosts we can PowerShell handle all the connection management here and just assume the command will be ran against each host. if we were running against a lot of hosts then we would want to look into using the -ThrottleLimit parameter to limit the number of concurrent hosts we’re hitting. The one little trick here is using the using scope modifier here so PS pulls in the variable defined in our main scope (gory details on scoping here

Click through for the script, and do check out the comments, where Stuart gives a bit of advice when you’re trying to execute against a large number of servers.

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Quick Update Stats Job

Amy Herold has a Powershell script to generate a SQL Agent job which updates statistics for defined tables:

In an effort to rule out whether or not statistics are definitely a factor, I want to UPDATE STATS on all the tables in my query, and at a specific time – sometime the day before we expect our slowdown to occur. I also want to be able to easily see how long the process ran and the duration of the update for each table. I could write all this to a table, and maybe I will do this later, but viewing this from job history is what I want right now – it is easy to look at and easy for everyone else to find and see as well.

Creating a job with multiple steps can sometimes be a bit painful and tedious, if the job is going to have A LOT of steps. With PowerShell, a server name and a database, I can dynamically create this job.

One of many reasons to have at least a little bit of Powershell knowledge if you are a SQL Server DBA.

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Performing A Database Migration With dbatools

Viorel Ciucu has a Powershell script using dbatools to configure a new SQL Server instance and migrate databases using TDE over to the new instance:

The second option (and the one we chose) was to leave the encryption enabled. In order to be able to attach the files, or to do restores from the backups you need to have the same certificate that was used for encryption. This certificate is protected by the master key.

To accomplish this:

  1. Make backups of the master key and the certificates

  2. Restore the key and certificates on the new principal and mirror pairs

Read on for the process.

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Active Directory Management With Powershell

Jana Sattainathan walks us through a few AD management scenarios using the Powershell Active Directory module:

If you are an AD admin, you are very likely a pro at managing AD group membership but for mere mortals, this can be a tedious task. Please read on to find out what I am talking about and how to address that easily

For example, you get an urgent request to

  • Move a bunch of users from one AD group to another

  • To make matters worse, you are not given any ID’s but rather just the names!

Jana shows how to whip up a script to perform this migration in a few lines of code, as well as several other scenarios.

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Recovering A Log-Shipped Database

Sander Stad wraps up his series on log shipping:

Initially log shipping was meant to be used as a warm standby. You have your data on another instance but you still have some human intervention to get it all back up.

Imagine the following situation. You have setup log shipping using either the GUI or the commands in dbatools. You have about 15 databases and everything is working fine.

Until one day the primary instance goes down and is not recoverable. For the production to continue you have to bring the log shipped databases online fast.

You have to figure what the last transaction log backup was. You have to check if it was copied to the secondary instance and if it’s restored.

To do this by running a couple of queries, copying the files if needed and run the log shipping jobs takes time. I’d rather run a command and recover one or more databases and get back to the problem of the primary instance.

Read on to see how to use dbatools to recover a log shipped database.

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Handling Permissions Changes With Powershell

Drew Furgiuele has a process to store and then re-run rights grants on SQL Server databases:

Permission requirements for these environments can change over time, just like the code and data going into your databases. It’s hard to track permissions because a database permission is much more than just a user principal; database objects often contain permission definitions for GRANT and DENY states, and users may belong in certain database roles in one environment, but not another. This isn’t a big deal… until it is: sooner or later your data and code drift will be different than production, or maybe some new change really breaks an environment. Then, you’ll be asked to restore these environments to either an earlier version, or, more likely, you’ll be asked to “refresh” these editions to what is currently in production.

You probably already have a process for this, but how are you handling maintaining differences in permissions between environments? Wouldn’t it be nice if you had a way to quickly evaluate, store, and then re-apply permissions as part of refresh? Even better, wouldn’t it be cool if you could do this for all your databases on a given instance? Or what about all your instances in a given environment?

You can, and you can do it pretty easily with PowerShell.

My one problem with Drew’s otherwise-excellent post is that he approved far too many entry visas in the opening GIF.  100% deny, 0 problems.

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Goodbye, SQLPS

Max Trinidad notes that SSMS 17.4 gets rid of the SQLPS module:

After SSMS Version 17.4 was release back in December, SQLPS module is no longer available. So, if you try to use the “Start PowerShell” from any of the database object, you’ll get the message “No SQL Server cmdlets found…” popup message.

And good riddance.  Even in 2008, the SQLPS method of dealing with Powershell was obsolete, as Powershell modules were supposed to be snap-ins rather than independent shells.  The SQL Server Powershell module is a major improvement in that regard.

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