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Category: Powershell

Automating Command Line Sessions with Powershell

James Livingston shows us how to redirect the standard in flow with .NET, using Powershell as the example language:

Command Line Interface (CLI) tools can be very useful for interacting with certain applications. However, some CLIs do not let a user pass in parameters which makes it difficult to automate. Instead, they lock a user into an interactive session and force the user to enter commands. Fortunately, some programming languages allow for a redirection of the standard input, output, and error of an running process. A developer co-worker of mine has been very successful doing this in Java, which got me thinking… And turns out, using the .NET libraries, we can implement this functionality for any CLI in PowerShell.

Automating interactions with CLI programs is often not ideal but when you’re stuck, it does the trick.

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Micro Modules in Powershell

Kevin Marquette shows how to create a micro module and explains why you might want one:

A micro module is very small in scope and often has a single function. Building a micro module is about getting back to the basics and keeping everything as simple as possible.

There is a lot of good advice out there on how to build a module. That guidance is there to assist you as your module grows in size. If we know that our module will not grow and we will not add any functions, we can take a different approach even though it may not conform fully to the community best practices.

There are a few things which differ from standard module best practices.

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Azure SQL Managed Instance Public Endpoints

Danimir Ljepava announces public endpoints for Azure SQL Managed Instances:

Public endpoint, ability to connect to Azure SQL Database Managed Instance from Internet, without VPN has reached global availability today. The release of this feature will help support many new integration scenarios.
The public endpoint for Managed Instance can today be enabled/disabled via PowerShell script. The support for Azure portal will be coming within the next week or so as soon as all updates are rolled out.

Click through to learn how to enable it with Powershell.

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Saving Time with Choclatey

Craig Porteous explains how you can use Chocolatey to manage Windows packages:

In my own words, it’s the quickest way to get a machine up and running, ready to start working. Chocolatey is a package manager for Windows that allows you to script out the installation of (what feels like) almost anything. I was able to get up and running on a new laptop in just a few hours, while I worked on something else. Forget constant Next > Next > Next installation wizards. I had all the tools I needed to do my job, not just apps but PowerShell modules too, all installed automatically.

I’ve pulled packages but never created one. It’s definitely something that should go on my to-learn list given how often I build and rebuild machines and VMs.

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Desired State Configuration Resources

Jess Pomfret takes us through resources in Desired State Configuration:

A critical part of our DSC configuration is made up of resources. These are the building blocks we need to to define our desired state.  There are two kinds of resources that we can use: class based and MOF based (most common). We are going to focus our efforts today on looking at MOF based resources.

Resources come packaged up as modules and our servers, which use at least WMF 4.0, come with several built-in. We have two main options for additional resources; we can find DSC resource modules in the PowerShell Gallery or we can write our own.

Jess wraps up the post with five useful resources for database administrators.

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Generating Workloads with Powershell

Rob Sewell wants to generate a workload against AdventureWorks using Powershell:

For a later blog post I have been trying to generate some workload against an AdventureWorks database.

I found this excellent blog post by Pieter Vanhove t which references this 2011 post by Jonathan Kehayias t

Rob turns these into multi-threaded workload generators. If you’re looking at generating stress on servers, you might also look at PigDog, developed by Mark Willkinson (one of my co-workers, so I have seen the look of joy on his face when he brings SQL Server to its knees).

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Quick Data Migration With Powershell

Emanuele Meazzo shows how you can use dbatools to perform a quick table-by-table data migration using Powershell:

I’m using the sqlserver and dbatools Powershell modules to accomplish such a tedious task in the fastest way possibile.

The Write-DbaDbTableData cmdlet is pretty neat because it can create automatically the destination table if it doesn’t exists, truncate the table if it exists (or append, your choice), keep the identity values and nulls if necessary and everything is done via a bulk insert with a configurable batch size.

Click through for the script. It’s not a replacement for a real ETL process but if you just need something fast, it will do the job.

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Connecting to Jira with Powershell

Kevin Marquette has a new Powershell module:

JiraPS is a wonderful module that is great at a lot of things. There several great people that have put a lot of time into it for it to have such good feature coverage. It was designed to be approachable and do a lot of validation for you. JiraPS does not have a good user story around bulk operations with its issue commands and thats what I need from it the most.

It also has a large user base with hundreds of thousands of downloads and is used in a lot of organizations. Every change made to that module at this point needs to pay very close attention to backwards compatibility.

Now there are two modules depending on your use case.

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Desired State Configuration’s Local Configuration Manager

Jess Pomfret continues a series on Desired State Configuration in Powershell:

Once we have crafted the perfect configuration and shipped it out to our target nodes, it’s time for the magic to happen. The MOF file that we created by executing our configuration is translated and enacted by the Local Configuration Manager (LCM) on each target node. The LCM is the engine of DSC and plays a vital role in managing our target nodes.
The LCM on each target node has many settings that can be configured using a meta configuration. This document is written very similarly to our regular DSC configurations and then pushed out to the target node.

I’m going to cover a few of the important LCM settings for use in push mode. This is where the LCM passively waits for a MOF file to arrive. The other option is pull mode- this is a little more complicated to set up and in this scenario the LCM is set to actively check in with a pull server for new configurations.

Click through to see some of those important settings.

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Exporting SQL Server Tables to Excel with Powershell

Aaron Nelson shows how you can export the tables in a SQL Server database to Excel, using a warehouse as an example:

Obviously, you have to have the module installed, and a copy of AdventureWorksDW2017 db restored to a SQL Server.  After that,  all you have to do is loop through the tables, ‘query’ them with the Read-SqlTableData cmdlet, and pipe the results to the Export-Excel cmdlet.

I did some trial and error with this yesterday.  I settled on exporting all of the Dimension tables to separate Worksheets within the same Excel file, and exporting all of the Fact tables to their own individual files (since they tend to be much larger).

Click through for Aaron’s script.

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