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Category: Powershell

Refreshing Power BI Report Server Reports

Aaron Nelson has some new cmdlets for us:

I just wanted to give everyone a heads-up that a new version of the ReportingServicesTools module went out last week, and it includes 3 new PowerShell functions for working with Power BI reports on a Power BI Report Server (PBIRS) instance.

You can now Create (New), Get, & Start a CacheRefreshPlan of a Power BI report deployed to a PBIRS instance.  For clarity, these only apply to reports using an Imported model, not those using Direct Query.

Click through for more detail.

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Hiding Excel using Powershell

Mikey Bronowski shows how you can hide an Excel worksheet, as well as specific rows and columns, using Powershell:

This is part of the How to Excel with PowerShell series. Links to all the tips can be found in this post.
If you would like to learn more about the module with an interactive notebook, check this post out.

MS Excel offers many different functionalities and one of them is making things to disappear like hiding worksheets or columns and rows, even cells.

Read on to see how.

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Using Azure Cloud Shell

Joey D’Antoni shows off some of the benefits of using Azure Cloud Shell:

One of the challenges of being a consultant is having to work with a number of clients, and having different login credentials and accounts. In the early days of Azure, this was exceptionally painful, but over time the experience of using the portal with multiple identities and connecting to Azure tenants has gotten much easier. However, when writing PowerShell or Azure CLI code, switching accounts and contexts is slightly more painful. Also, when you are doing automation, you may be touching a lot of resources at one time, you want to be extra careful that you are in the right subscription and tenant.

Enter cloud shell.

Read on to see how to use it, get an idea of its cost, and see some of the benefits.

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Copying a Database with dbatools

Jess Pomfret shows how we can copy a database using dbatools:

We’re working hard on the AdventureWorks2017 database, perhaps getting it ready for an upgrade – since it’s now 3+ years out of date.

dbatools has so many functions, and I know I’ve mentioned it before, but Find-DbaCommand is a great way of looking for what we need. I want to know what the default backup path is set to, and since I’m just backing up and restoring to the same server, we already know that the instance has the required permissions here. If only there was an easy button for this…

Spoiler alert: there is.

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Enabling Multiple Lifecycle Policies on S3

Sheldon Hull has a hoarding problem to solve:

In my case, I’ve run into 50TB of old backups due to tooling issues that prevented cleanup from being successful. The backup tooling stored a sqlite database in one subdirectory and in another directory the actual backups.

I preferred at this point to only perform the lifecycle cleanup on the backup files, while leaving the sqlite file alone.

Click through to see how to do this using Powershell.

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Auto-Pausing Dedicated SQL Pools in Azure Synapse Analytics

Fonseca Sergio automates an important cost-saving measure when working with Azure Synapse Analytics dedicated SQL pools:

As Synapse engineer or Synapse Support Engineer you may need to start and test some Pools, and you want this to be the most cost efficient possible. Leaving some Synapse with a lot of DWU left turned on during the weekend because you forget to pause the DW after you shutdown your computers is not a good approach and we can quickly resolve this by using Powershell + Automation accounts.

This is also a good introduction to Azure Automation if you aren’t familiar with it.

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Creating a Hyperlink in Excel using Powershell

Mikey Bronowski continues a series on generating Excel documents with Powershell:

Last week I have mentioned the new functions waiting to be included into the module. This week I would like to write about another set of functions:


Those are fresh too and were inspired by a query I have got from Garry Bargsley (blog|twitter) who needed adding hyperlinks to the existing cells without using HYPERLINK() Excel function.

Read on to see how.

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The Editions of Powershell

Jeffrey Hicks gives us an update on the Powershell landscape:

The PowerShell community is beginning another year in the world of PowerShell 7. Most of you know what that means. However, there are newcomers to our community practically every day. Or I know there are occasional or reluctant users who might not pay enough attention to understand the world of PowerShell as it stands today. I wrote this post as a kind of virtual sticky note for the PowerShell community. Feel free to reference this post in your own work so that you don’t have to explain or define “Windows PowerShell” and “PowerShell”.

Click through to learn how to differentiate the two.

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Extracting Refresh Metrics for a Power BI Workspace

Marc Lelijveld wants to pull some metrics:

In the Power BI service, you can easily look at refresh times for an individual dataset or dataflow. There are many different reasons why these metrics are important to you as a dataset or dataflow owner. For example, you may bump into refresh time-outs or unfortunate errors. There are many good reasons to think about why you want to have more insights in your refresh metrics.

Having that said, it can be a pain to look at these metrics every day. Power BI already offers a way to send automatic notification in case of a refresh failure. Though, I would personally prefer to have more insights in all my refresh metrics, whether they are failing or succeeding.

In this blog I want to share a way how you can export all refresh metrics for your datasets and dataflows using a PowerShell script.

Click through to see how and to get a copy of the script.

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Adjusting Database Settings with Powershell

Eric Cobb takes a look at some nice functionality in dbatools:

There may be times that you want to ensure certain settings are applied to a database, or multiple databases. For example, if you restore a Production database to a QA environment, you may need to change the Recovery Model. Or if you’re migrating databases to a new SQL Server version you want to make sure to update the Compatibility Level. With dbatools this is really, really easy. Here are some examples:

Read on for examples around setting the database owner, changing the compatibility level, and setting the recovery model.

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