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Category: Powershell

Building a SQL Server Inventory via Powershell

Lee Markum wants to figure out where all the servers are:

You’re a data professional and you’ve been given the keys to a new SQL Server environment. You know you need to build a SQL Server inventory so you know what is in your environment, but how do you get that information?

One of the things I have talked about in other posts is how to create a SQL Server inventory. I’ve discussed using the MAP Toolkit and building your own inventory database using T-SQL. Today, we’ll see another way to generate a list of SQL Servers in your environment.

Click through for that method. In the past, I’ve used nmap (with permission, of course) to figure out all the SQL Server instances in my environment. Fun times.

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Running a SQL Assessment from Powershell

David Alcock performs a bit of assessment:

My last post covered the SQL Assessment extension in Azure Data Studio and in this article I’m going to look at running the SQL Assessment API using PowerShell instead. Whilst in ADS we can export assessment results to HTML or into SQL via a script the PowerShell option is a bit more flexible, we can export straight to a SQL table and run the assessment across multiple instances.

I’ll follow the PowerShell instructions from the SQL Assessment API web page; this is the code that will run the assessment on my localhost instance and it will also write the results to a table (Assessment.Results) in the SQLAssessmentDemo database, the -Force parameter will create the objects if they don’t already exist:

Read on for that code as well as a few tweaks you can make to make your life easier.

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Color Palettes in Powershell and WPF

Jeffrey Hicks has been working with color lately:

Let’s continue looking at how to use PowerShell and a Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) form to display [System.Drawing.Color] values. This article builds on an earlier post so if you missed it, take a few minutes to get caught up. As I did earlier, before running any WPF code in PowerShell, you should load the required type assemblies.

This has been a fun series to watch.

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Overloading Methods in Powershell

Robert Cain continues a series on classes in Powershell:

This is the next installment in our series of advanced techniques for PowerShell classes. In the previous installment we saw how to implement static properties and methods. In this one, we’ll see how to overload your methods.

We’ll take a deeper look at overloading in a moment, but first let me mention that for all of the examples we’ll display the code, then under it the result of our code when applicable. In this article I’ll be using PowerShell Core, 7.2.1, and VSCode. The examples should work in PowerShell 5.1 in the PowerShell IDE, although they’ve not been tested there.

Read on to see how overloading works in .NET.

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Static Properties and Methods in Powershell Classes

Robert Cain continues a series on Powershell classes:

Over the last few articles we’ve been covering PowerShell objects. The first article in the series, Fun With PowerShell Classes – The Basics, covered the basics of using of the PowerShell class construct introduced in PowerShell version 5.

If you’ve not read it I’d suggest you do so now as we’ll be building on it in this article, as well as in the next two, as we explore the advanced capabilities of PowerShell classes. In this post we’ll cover the concept of static properties and methods.

Read on to see what’s special about static methods and properties. My well-founded biases: static methods are fine, great even (but remember that I’m very biased toward functional programming and away from object-oriented programming). Static properties are usually a bad idea, especially in multi-user applications.

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Modifying Existing Objects with Powershell

Robert Cain dives a bit further into objects in Powershell:

So far we’ve covered a lot in this series on PowerShell Objects. We began by creating a class using the class keyword introduced in PowerShell 5. We then looked at using PSCustomObject to create new objects, then add methods to those objects. In the previous post, we used C# code to create our PowerShell objects.

In this installment, we’ll see how to add properties and methods to existing objects created by someone else. For this example we’ll use objects returned by the Get-ChildItem cmdlet, but we could use any objects.

Click through to see what you can do.

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Data Masking with Powershell

Jeff Hicks wants to stop a shoulder-surfing attack:

If I print this or send it to a file, I might not want the computername to be shown. Or maybe even my name. I want PowerShell to handle this for me. In short, I need to replace strings like ‘Prospero’ and ‘Jeff Hicks’ with some like XXX and ‘Joe Doe’.

PowerShell has a Replace operator. Or I can use regular expressions. Naturally, I wenbt with the latter.

Read on to see what you’d need to do.

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Script Parsing with ScriptDOM

Mala Mahadevan continues a series on ScriptDOM:

In the last post I wrote about what ScriptDOM is and why it is useful. From this post, I will explain how it can be put to use. What it does when you pass a script to it is to parse it, check if it is free of syntax errors, and build what is called an ‘Abstract Syntax Tree’, which is a programmatic representation of the script, with nodes and branches for each code element. The rest of the usage/functionality is built around the Abstract Syntax Tree. So in this post let us look into how this is accomplished.

Read on to see what you need to do.

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Creating Powershell Objects from C#

Robert Cain mixes languages:

In the last two installment of this series, I covered the various ways to create objects using the PSCustomObject. We saw how to create it using the New-Object cmdlet, then how to add your custom properties to it using the Add-Member cmdlet. In the subsequent post we saw how to add new methods to it.

In this post, we’ll cover something new, creating an object based on C# code!

Click through to see how. And also to see the relic of pretended multi-language support, where you have a -Language parameter but it can only take one input and you aren’t going to see another.

Somebody in the community has created an alternative to support F#, though.

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