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Category: Powershell

Using the Power BI REST API for DAX Queries

Gilbert Quevauvilliers writes some Powershell:

In this blog post I am going to show you how to use PowerShell to run a DAX query from my dataset, and then store the results in a CSV file.

I will also include the PowerShell code!

I really liked the awesome blog post by Kay on the Power BI Team which you can find here: Announcing the public preview of Power BI REST API support for DAX Queries

Read on to see what prep work you need to do, as well as the scripts needed to pull this off.

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Wackiness with TrimEnd in Powershell

Shane O’Neill digs into TrimEnd:

A couple of days ago, I was running some unit tests across a piece of PowerShell code for work and a test was failing where I didn’t expect it to.

After realising that the issue was with the workings of TrimEnd and my thoughts on how TrimEnd works (versus how it actually works), I wondered if it was just me being a bit stupid.

So I put a poll up on Twitter, and I’m not alone! 60% of the people answering the poll had the wrong idea as well.

The way that works is…not what I would have expected.

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Write-Debug in Powershell

Robert Cain goes from verbose to debug mode:

In my previous post, Fun With PowerShell Write-Verbose, I introduced the use of the built in -Verbose switch. In this post we’ll dive into its counterpart, the -Debug switch and its companion Write-Debug cmdlet.

In covering Write-Verbose, I mentioned verbose messages are typically targeted at the average user. The -Debug messages are meant to target the developer. These messages are meant to assist the PowerShell developer in trouble shooting and debugging their code.

Click through for examples of it in action.

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Jeffrey Hicks builds a useful function:

If there’s one task I’ve never stopped doing, it is finding files. I am constantly creating new ways to organize files and display them in a meaningful format. Naturally, PowerShell is a great tool for this task. Get-ChildItem is obviously the proper starting point. The cmdlet works fine in getting only files from a folder and I can do basic early filtering by name and extension with wildcards. But my latest task was organizing files by date, and because of the way Get-ChildItem works under-the-hood, I’m going to need to resort to late filtering with Where-Object. There’s nothing wrong with that. But if this is a task I’m likely to repeat, then a PowerShell function is on the drawing board. My goal is to create a function that will display files grouped into aging buckets such as 1-week or 6-months. Even though I’m primarily concerned with age based on the last write time, I (or you) might have a need to base aging on the creation time. Let’s code.

Click through for a great walkthrough and code.

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Verbose Powershell Results

Robert Cain gets verbose on us:

In my previous post, Fun With the PowerShell Switch Parameter, I introduced the use of switches with PowerShell functions. We learned how they work, and how to create your own. For all functions, PowerShell creates a set of switches that are just “built in” to PowerShell. You do not have to explicitly create these yourself, you can simply use them and implement them within your own functions.

Two of the most used are -Verbose and -Debug. When used with the Write-Verbose and Write-Debug cmdlets they will display informational messages to the user of your functions. In this post, we’ll focus on the Verbose switch. The next post in the series will examine the Debug switch.

Click through for examples of how this can be useful.

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Using Powershell in Azure Cloud Shell

Hope Foley shows how you can set up Powershell to be your Azure Cloud Shell language of choice:

Part of my job is doing POCs with customers to help with Azure Data Services.  Anything that helps me move quicker is helpful so I’m a tad bit obsessed with automating things.  I have used PowerShell for more years than I’m willing to admit to help me automate what I can.  There are a lot of ways to automate things like ARM templates and DevOps, but PoSH has been my preferred hammer.  As much as I love it, I’ve ran into issue sometimes with installing modules locally on folks machines and not to mention if they have a Mac.  I wondered recently if Azure Cloud Shell would help make things easier, and it very much did and I’m super pumped to share!  This post will help run through how to get setup to run PowerShell scripts in Azure.

For people who prefer Powershell to bash, check it out.

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ETL via Powershell

Greg Moore builds a simple ETL process using Powershell:

Recently a customer asked me to work on a pretty typical project to build a process to import several CSV files into new tables in SQL Server. Setting up a PowerShell script to import the tables is a fairly simple process. However, it can be tedious, especially if the files have different formats. In this article, I will show you how building an ETL with PowerShell can save some time.

It’s a simple process, but that’s a good reminder that simple processes can be good processes.

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Automating Notebook Execution with Powershell

Julie Koesmarno shows off an automation process for notebooks:

When I first think about automation, I generally think in the following way: in order to automate a script, we want to ensure that the script itself can be run via a command line interface (CLI) and with almost no user interaction (except for input and output parameters). Now, how do we apply this to Jupyter Notebooks so that we can automate SQL notebooks or PowerShell Notebooks?

The good news is that these SQL notebooks and PowerShell notebooks that we’ve created using Azure Data Studio, can be run on PowerShell CLI. If these notebooks can be run on PowerShell CLI, that means any automation systems or serverless architecture (Azure Automation combined with Azure Logic Apps as an example) should be able to run these notebooks also.

In this blog post, I’ll cover examples on using Invoke-SqlNotebook, using Invoke-ExecuteNotebook and putting it together with Azure Automation.

Click through to see the whole thing.

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Pipelined Functions in Powershell

Robert Cain continues a series on functions in Powershell:

In my previous post, I covered the use of PowerShell Advanced Functions. I highly suggest you read it if you haven’t, it provides some foundational knowledge that will be important to understand for this post.

In this post, we’ll see how to pipeline enable your functions. Just like a cmdlet, you’ll be able to take input from the pipeline, work with it, then send it out your function back into the pipeline.

Making your code pipeline-friendly is especially important if you want others to use your functions, as that’s one of the biggest benefits of Powershell as a language.

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