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Category: Powershell

Working with Objects in Powershell

Jeffrey Hicks explains the value of working with objects in Powershell:

I expect I will write several articles about PowerShell and its relationship with objects. I know that this is the biggest hurdle for PowerShell beginners to overcome. But once they grasp that PowerShell is about working with objects in the pipeline, they recognize the value and begin finding it easier to write PowerShell code and use it interactively at a console prompt.

Read the whole thing and if you like what you see, there’s also a Substack where you can sign up for free or subscribe for additional content.

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Uploading Multiple Reports to Power BI

Jon Fletcher doesn’t have time to upload reports one by one with the UI:

In this blog post, I will be sharing a PowerShell script that allows multiple Power BI reports to be uploaded at once. In a previous blogpost, I shared a PowerShell script that allowed users to downloaded multiple Power BI reports. Combined you could move several reports from one workspace to another in a few seconds.

The script is downloadable at the bottom of the page as a txt file. To use the script there are three steps to take.

Click through to see how it all works.

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Expanding Column Width in Powershell Results

Kenneth Fisher supersizes the screen:

Notice the ellipsis (the three dots). That’s showing us that the name was too long and ended up being truncated. Given that I’ve been doing this for a little while now I’m almost completely certain that if I send this as it is the users are going to want to know full names. And with my luck I’ll end up having to give them each truncated string individually. On the theory that if I have time to do it twice I probably have time to do it right the first time, let’s figure out how to expand the columns. Fortunately, as with most things Powershell, there’s a cmdlet for that.

Read on to see what the process looks like.

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Refreshing Power BI Usage Metrics Report Credentials

Stephanie Bruno fixes a credentials issue:

Have you ever had a Usage Metrics Report just stop refreshing? At the bottom you’ll see a little message that tells you to check the credentials. But you don’t have access to the Usage Metrics Report dataset in the list of datasets in the workspace because it’s hidden! So even if you wanted to delete it and nicely ask it to start again, you can’t do it from the workspace. What can you do? Well, you can delete the Usage Metrics Report dataset with the Power BI Rest API.

Read on to see how.

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Setting Breakpoints in Powershell Scripts

Patrick Gruenauer does a bit of debugging:

The Set-PSBreakPoint cmdlet sets a breakpoint in a script. When you are troubleshooting a script it could be helpful to know what’s going on in a particualar step or workflow. In this blog bost I will give you an overview and the basics you can build on to troubleshoot and investigate your script. Let’s jump in.

One of these years, I’m finally going to learn command-line debugging. I grew up in the IDE era and so never took the time to learn that skill.

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Creating a Self-Signed Certificate in Powershell

Tom Collins says ‘trust me’:

Use the Powershell cmdlet New-SelfSignedCertificate

Warning: I only ever use this method for testing purposes – never use for Production environments. A typical test would be for  SQL Server Network Encryption SSL Certificate Management

Encryption strategy  should be part of a wider review of Database Security Countermeasures against hacker attacks

For more details check the Microsoft documentation but here are some notes on some of the parameters  attached to the Powershell cmdlet – New-SelfSignedCertificate.

Read on to see how you can create the certificate and use it in SQL Server. Connections will complain (and rightfully so) about the self-signed certificate but you’ll be able to try functionality which requires a certificate in an environment in which you don’t have one available for whatever reason.

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Creating Calculation Groups in Power BI Desktop via Powershell

Phil Seamark helps those who are stuck lacking tools:

recently shared on Twitter a 7-module learning path on MS Learn that teaches all you need to know about calculation groups in Power BI. This learning path is an excellent course, and I highly recommend it. However, as part of this exchange, I received a reply from someone lamenting that calculation groups are unusable in organisations that will not allow non-Microsoft applications. Power BI Desktop does not currently have UX enabling you to create/manage calculation groups in a Power BI Model, so the most common method today is to use 3rd party tools such as Tabular Editor.

This exchange is not the first time I have heard this feedback, so I decided to share a technique showing how you can use Microsoft tools. The approach used in this article uses PowerShell but can quickly get translated to VS Code or other scripting environments.

Click through if you’re in that unfortunate situation.

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Searching for SQL Server Backup Locations

David Fowler can’t remember where those backups went:

Sometimes I find remembering where a particular server sends its backups to a nightmare.

You might have servers backing up to different locations, you might have different locations for individual databases and different locations for your fulls, diffs and logs. You might be trying to get your head around a customer’s set up, where the backups make no logical sense at all.

Whatever you’re up to, at some point, for some reason you’re going to need to access your backup location to get at the files.

Read on for a Powershell script which can help out with this task.

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Reading the SQL Server Error Log

Lee Markum has two ways to read the SQL Server error log:

Reading the SQL Server Error Log is important when troubleshooting many issues for SQL Server. Some example issues would be errors related to Always On Availability Groups, long IO occurrence messages, and login failures.

Unfortunately, the SQL Server Error Log can be very full of information, making specific things hard to find, especially if you’re just visually scrolling the Error Log. Even if you’re recycling the Error Log each day and keeping 30 or more days of error log, on a busy system, the error log can still be quite full, even for a single day.

Click through for those techniques.

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Finding Assigned Synapse RBAC Roles in Powershell

Charith Caldera wants to know your access level:

One of the key use cases that most customers face difficulties while retrieving or assigning the role-based access control in Azure Synapse Analytics, that they cannot find the correct usernames, group names or the service principal names using the PowerShell cmdlet “Get-AzSynapseRoleAssignment”. The PowerShell cmdlet only provides limited information and it’s difficult to understand since that contains the object IDs. 

Read on for a script which helps with this problem.

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