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Category: Power BI

Extracting Refresh Metrics for a Power BI Workspace

Marc Lelijveld wants to pull some metrics:

In the Power BI service, you can easily look at refresh times for an individual dataset or dataflow. There are many different reasons why these metrics are important to you as a dataset or dataflow owner. For example, you may bump into refresh time-outs or unfortunate errors. There are many good reasons to think about why you want to have more insights in your refresh metrics.

Having that said, it can be a pain to look at these metrics every day. Power BI already offers a way to send automatic notification in case of a refresh failure. Though, I would personally prefer to have more insights in all my refresh metrics, whether they are failing or succeeding.

In this blog I want to share a way how you can export all refresh metrics for your datasets and dataflows using a PowerShell script.

Click through to see how and to get a copy of the script.

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Top N with Others in Power BI

Marco Russo and Alberto Ferrari cover a pain point in Power BI:

The VisibleProducts variable contains a list of products for the selection currently displayed in the visual. In the example, we have the top 3 products for each Product Category included in our report. The ranking that is returned is only up to the value selected in the TopN parameter – for this reason, we can use the result of Ranking by Sales to filter the visual, including only the products ranked in the 1-to-TopN Value range. We use a filter in the Power BI filter pane to accomplish this task.

This is a common enough pattern that I do wish Power BI made it easy.

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Non-Kimball Relationships in Power BI

Paul Turley continues a series on relationship modeling in Power BI:

So far, you’ve seen that the essential components of a data model include tables related to each other. Filtering records in one table prorogates the filter to related tables(s), causing records in the related table to be filtered. This dimensional model schema is the foundation of the reporting solution. Once the fact and dimension tables are in-place, you can create more advanced solutions by working outside of this standard relationship pattern.

Read on for the full story.

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The Complexity of Adding Simple Features

Chris Webb answers a timeless question:

One question I get asked all the time is this:

Why don’t you add [insert feature idea here] to Power BI?

It’s sometimes followed up by one or more of the following comments:

It would be so easy for you to do
I can’t believe you haven’t done it already
Power BI is unusable without it
[insert competitor name here] has had this feature for years

…and a real or virtual exasperated sigh.

Read on for the answer. This isn’t special to Power BI or even Microsoft—once you start to have customers with competing interests, these decisions get a lot harder.

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Chaining with DirectQuery for Power BI Datasets

Wolfgang Strasser explains the notion of chaining when working with Power BI datasets:

In my last blog post I introduced the new concept of DirectQuery for Power BI datasets. This feature allows you to extend and modify a (remote) published Power BI dataset with the help of a local model.

The local model does not contain a copy of the remote dataset but a reference to it. You, as Power BI developer, are able to extend the referenced model with new data sources (like the Excel file I used in my previous example) and/or extend the model with new measures, columns and so on. For a new data model, relationships between the two data islands can be created.

Read on for examples of how this can be useful and what the current limitations look like.

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Power BI Composite Model V2 Demo

Wolfgang Strasser gives us a walkthrough of DirectQuery for Power BI datasets:

With the December 2020 release of Power BI Desktop, this approach changed. You are now able to change a live connection to a Power BI dataset (or an Azure Analysis Services connection) to DirectQuery mode. Which allows us, to enhance the remote model with new columns, tables, additional datasources and create relationships between the datasources.

Let’s dive deeper into this and look at the story together with a sample.

I’ve seen and linked to several posts talking about the idea, but Wolfgang has a demo going, which makes it easier to follow.

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DirectQuery for Power BI Datasets

James Serra takes us through a new Power BI feature:

Announced last week is a major new feature for Power BI: you can now use DirectQuery to connect to Azure Analysis Services or Power BI Datasets and combine it with other DirectQuery datasets and/or imported datasets. This is a HUGE improvement that has the Power BI community buzzing! Think of it as the next generation of composite models. Note this requires the December version of Power BI Desktop, and you must go to Options -> Preview features and select “DirectQuery for Power BI datasets and Analysis Services”.

Read on for more details.

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