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Granular Deployment of Power BI Changes with ALM Toolkit

Gilbert Quevauvilliers shows off an interesting scenario:

In this blog post I am going to demonstrate how to make a granular deployment where I will create a new column in my City table, and only deploy those changes.

What this means is that by deploying only the column change to my PPU dataset, I am only updating the column in the table.

This now saves me from doing the following tasks previously:

– Time taken to refresh the PBIX file so that the data is up to date.
– Re-uploading my PBIX.
– If configured re-creating the incremental refreshing
– Time and effort to upload and wait for dataset refresh.
– Quick updates to my dataset.

I will not have to worry about saving my PBIX file, file and if configured re-creating the incremental refreshing. This saves me a lot of time and effort.

Click through to see those steps in action.