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Category: Power BI

Multi-Column Transformations in Power Query

Imke Feldmann has the need for speed:

In this article I’m going to present a method about transforming multiple columns at once in a fast way. This method also allows you to reference columns that exist in your table already. As I have described in a previous article, this cannot be done using the native Table.TransformColumns function that will be applied if you do column transformations using the UI in Power Query. The function I am sharing here allows you to enter a list of column names to be transformed and a function that defines the transformation itself. So you have to be familiar with defining custom functions to use this approach.

Click through for Imke’s function and explanation but also check out the comments for another take on the problem.

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Plotting Multiple Columns on a Legend in Power BI

Jason Cockington has a workaround:

At a recent training course, one of the students asked if it was possible to add two different columns on the legend of a line chart, so that when a selection is made on a second slicer the chart splits to reveal multiple lines.

Given others in the class showed interest in the subsequent conversation, I decided to create a short blog so that everyone could benefit.

The short answer is “no” but the longer answer is more interesting.

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Power BI Implementation Planning Guidance

Melissa Coates has a plan:

I’m really excited to share with you that we’re working on a new set of Power BI guidance called “Power BI Implementation Planning.”

The first pieces of content are some of the most common Power BI usage scenarios. In terms of scope of content, we’re just getting started – there will be LOTS more content to come. We’ll be iteratively publishing additions to this set of content over the next several months.

There are a lot of smart people working on this project.

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Incremental Refresh in Power BI Desktop

Soheil Bakhshi starts off a series on incremental refresh in Power BI:

Incremental refresh, or in short, IR, refers to loading the data incrementally, which has been around in the world of ETL for data warehousing for a long time. Let us discuss incremental refresh (or incremental data loading) in a simple language to better understand how it works.

Read on for the explanation as well as how you can implement it in Power BI Desktop. There are a lot of instructions here but they include publication and testing as well as development.

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Power BI Delivery Options

Paul Turley has a list:

When you sign-up for the Power BI service at (this address redirects to, use establish a tenant for your organization, hosted in the Azure cloud. Even if you setup a 90-day trial account, you have a tenant that you can upgrade later on. By default, all of the datasets, reports and other assets you publish to the workspaces in your tenant, are in a shared capacity. This means that Microsoft will manage the storage and resource allocation among shared servers in their data centers. Larger organizations will benefit from a dedicated capacity “Premium” tenant. This means that Microsoft dedicates at least one virtual machine in the Azure data center, with guaranteed capacity, for your tenant. With Premium-per-User (PPU) licensing, you pay per user.

Click through for a list of available options and some of the implications of each.

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Paginated Reports vs Interactive Power BI Reports

Paul Turley explains when to use each type of report:

Technology evolves, the industry changes and the way businesses use technology changes. The road that has brought us to the current state of reporting capabilities in the Microsoft data platform has been long and winding. Ten years ago, we were using SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) to create interactive, dashboard-like reports scorecard reports. It wasn’t easy and the report interactivity wasn’t exactly “snappy” as the report server had to re-query data and re-render the report every time a link or chart series was clicked. But, because SSRS was the best tool that we had back in the day, the techniques we used for advanced report development were arcane by today’s standards. Over the years, I’ve written a few articles and posts about how to create reports with interactive KPI gauges, charts and scorecards using SSRS. Today we have a better tool for that style of reporting and analytics. Reporting Services remains a powerful and flexible tool for a few different styles of reports. Now that SSRS has been integrated into the premium Power BI service as “Paginated Reports”, this raises questions about how and when to use each tool – and how to use them together.

Read on for more information, including a handy set of bullet points to help you make a decision.

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Azure Data Explorer Dynamic Columns in Power Query

Chris Webb blows out the margins:

Now you can easily extract the individual property values from this column in KQL, and indeed I did so in the KQL queries in this post, but the interesting thing is you can also extract these values in Power Query M very easily and – crucially – maintain query folding using the Record.FieldOrDefault M function in a custom column without needing to write any KQL yourself, in both Import mode and DirectQuery mode.

Read on to see how.

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Automating Power BI Data Model Metadata Extraction

Gerhard Brueckl avoids manual processes:

In the past I have been working on a lot of different Power BI projects and it has always been (and still is) a pain when it comes to the deployment of changes across multiple tiers(e.g. Dev/Test/Prod). The main problem here being that a file generated in Power BI desktop (.pbix) is basically a binary file and the metadata of the actual data model (BIM) cannot be easily extracted or derived. This causes a lot of problems upstream when you want to automate the deployment using CI/CD pipelines. Here are some common approaches to tackle these issues:

Click through to see several bad to palatable options and then check out Gerhard’s solution, which is significantly better. CI/CD is a huge pain point for Power BI developers but people like Gerhard are doing what they can to help.

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Tracking Table and Column Usage for Power BI Premium/PPU

Gilbert Quevauvilliers wants to see who’s using what tables:

I was reading through the blog post Announcing on-demand loading capabilities for large models in Power BI and I got a thought would it not be great to better understand which columns and tables are being used in my Power BI Premium/Premium per user datasets?

To do this, using the new DMV I could now look at the temperature of the tables-column.

The higher the temperature the more the table-column is being used in my reports!

Click through to see how Gilbert put this together but also pay attention to the caveats.

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