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Category: Power BI

Building a Generic Percent of Grand Total in DAX

Leo Tachev isn’t down with the copy-pasta:

Suppose you need to calculate a percentage of grand total measure. Easy, you can use the Power BI “Show value as” without any DAX, right? Now suppose that you have 50 Table visuals and each of them require the same measure to be shown as a percentage of total. Although it requires far more clicks, “Show value as” is still not so bad for avoiding the DAX rabbit hole. But what about if you need this calculation in another measure, such as to implement a weighted average? Now, you can’t reference the Microsoft-generated field because it’s not implemented as a measure.

Click through for one solution.

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Minimizing Calculated Column Usage in Power BI

Ed Hansberry wants us to slow down and think:

First off I want to make sure it is clear that I am not saying “never use calculated columns.” I am not. What I am saying is they should be avoided, and there are several reasons. I am going to focus on the model size, and thus performance. Note that the data I am going to show is a contrived set of data for demonstration purposes only to explain.

Read the whole thing, including a set of questions you might want to ask yourself before deploying that PBIX file with calculated columns in it.

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Power BI Publish to Web

Reza Rad takes us through the Publish to Web option in Power BI:

Publish to the web is an easy way of sharing public data. However, it has some disadvantages as well. In this article and video, you will learn about this feature in more detail, and you will learn this feature is, and how it is different from Power BI Embedded. It will be a very long article if you want to learn about both Power BI Embedded and Publish to the web and compare them here. So in this article, I’ll explain Publish to Web, and in another article, you’ll learn about Power BI embedded and their differences. In this article, you will learn how easy it is to share your report with the public through a web page which can be your blog post, an HTML page, or any other web page. Some frequently asked questions about this feature are answered through the content of this article. If you like to learn more about Power BI, read Power BI online book, from Rookie to Rock Star.

Read on for the video as well as a full-length article.

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Dashboard Sharing in Power BI

Reza Rad takes us through one form of data sharing in Power BI:

Power BI provides multiple ways of sharing content with users. Each sharing method has pros and cons and can be used for specific scenarios. Some sharing methods can be used together to build a framework for sharing. This article and video discuss the most basic way to share Power BI content. This method is called Dashboard (or Report) Sharing. Dashboard sharing is the easiest way of sharing; however, it may not always be the best way. In this article and video, you’ll learn how this method works, you will learn about the pros and cons of this method, and the scenarios of using it.

Click through for a video and article.

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Unpivoting a Multi-Field Matrix in Power BI

Meagan Longoria gets out of a tricky situation:

I had to do this for a client the other day, and I realized I hadn’t blogged about it. Let’s say you need to include data in a Power BI model, but the only source of the data is a matrix that is output from another system. And that matrix has multiple fields populating the columns. An example of this is below. The matrix has fiscal year and product category on columns, vertical on rows, and the profit metric populating the values.

Read on for a step-by-step guide on how to do this.

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Restoring Large Power BI Premium Backups

Gilbert Quevauvilliers has a hefty backup:

When using Power BI Premium or Premium Per user you get the option to backup the database, there can be occasions when you try and restore the backup and it fails.

The reason that it could fail is because when a restore happens it can consume additional memory which would take you up and over the memory limit.

Below I will explain a new option which allow this to restore successfully!

Gilbert includes a copy of the error message and one new option in the post.

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An Overview of the Power BI REST API

Reza Rad takes a look at Power BI’s API:

You can interact with the Power BI objects in the Power BI Service through a set of APIs called Power BI REST API. The Power BI REST API can help automate tasks, build tools that work with Power BI, the configuration of Power BI outside of the platform, and embed Power BI into a third-party application. In this article and video, I’ll explain REST API, why it is useful, and a few examples.

Click through for the video and explanation.

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