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Category: Power BI

Auditing Within Power BI

Adam Saxton has a video on how to use Power BI Auditing:

In this video, I look at the Power BI Auditing feature that was made available a few weeks ago. I show how to turn it on and how to search. This can be helpful with understanding who is doing what within your organization.

You can read more about Power BI Auditing by checking out the official docs.

Auditing Power BI in your organization

Adding the ability to audit data access is important enough within regulated environments that this was probably a deal-killer until a few weeks ago.

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Power BI Dataset Refresh Errors

Chris Webb has a workaround for dataset refresh errors when using Power BI and writing M code:

This is just a variation on the widely-used M pattern for using functions to iterate over and combine data from multiple data sources; Matt Masson has a good blog describing this pattern here. In this case I’m doing the following:

  • Defining a table using #table() with three rows containing three search terms.
  • Defining a function that calls the metadata API. It takes one parameter, a search term, and returns a value indicating whether the search was successful or not from the JSON document returned. What the API actually returns isn’t relevant here, though, just the fact that I’m calling it. Note the highlighted lines in the code above that show how I’m constructing the URL passed to Web.Contents() by simply concatenating the base URL with the string passed in via the custom function’s Term parameter.
  • Adding a custom column to the table returned by the first step, and calling the function defined in the second step using the search term given in each row.

This query refreshes with no problems in Power BI Desktop. However, when you publish a report that uses this code to and try to refresh the dataset, you’ll see that refresh fails and returns a rather unhelpful error message:

Data source error Unable to refresh the model (id=1264553) because it references an unsupported data source.

The nature of the problem makes sense, and Chris provides one method of getting around this error.

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Personalizing Power BI Dashboards

Avi Singh shares a few methods of allowing users to personalize their Power BI dashboards:

iv. Row Level Security

Row Level Security proved to be an effective approach for us to provide users a personalized view of their Dashboard & Reports based on the Organization they belonged to. The org hierarchy data was pulled directly from the Human Resource (HR) system, which allowed the Power BI Model to identify which user belonged to which department. In our sample data set, it looks as below.

Read the whole thing.

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Aster Plots

Devin Knight looks at the Aster Plot in his latest Power BI visualization video:

The Aster Plot allows a category that dives the chart and up to 2 measures.

  • The first measure controls the depth of each section

  • The second measure controls the width of each section

I have to admit that I’m not a fan of the Aster Plot.  It has all the disadvantages of pie and torus charts (specifically, that humans have a hard time discerning differences in angles) while making it more complex and comparing across a second dimension as well.

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Bullet Charts

Devin Knight continues his custom visuals series:

The bullet chart is a variation of a bar graph but designed to address some of the problems that gauges have.

  • Allows you to split chart by categories

  • Visuals can be vertical or horizontal

Some of the visualizations in this series have been hit-or-miss for me.  I’m on the fence about bullet charts:  they seem potentially useful, but also rather dense.  I like my visuals to be self-explanatory, and I’d be concerned that if I showed this to management, I’d have to explain what’s going on in more detail than I’d like.

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Streaming Data To Power BI

Reza Rad shows how to hook up streaming data sources to Power BI:

As I mentioned before, download the sample project. and then select the project under this path:


And open the PBIRealTimeStreaming solution in Visual Studio. This project creates a data set including a datetime value and a numeric value and will pass that through Power BI API (which will be discussed later in another post) to Power BI service.

Real-time dashboards are great for making it look like you’re doing Very Important Things.  They can also be useful in other ways too.  Read the whole thing.

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Breaking Out URLs With M

Chris Webb shows the RelativePath and Query parameters of Web.Contents in M:

Generates a call that returns 20 results, rather than the default 10:

Obviously these options make it easier to construct urls and the code is much clearer, but there are also other benefits to using these options which I’ll cover in another blog post soon.

This makes for a more maintainable, dynamic URL generation.  Think about an internal product dashboard, where you might need to make API calls to pull in data by product (or maybe you want to send people to an external link for each product).  This can help you parameterize your URLs quite easily.

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R Or M?

Ryan Wade gives a few scenarios in which R might be a better language choice than M for Power BI integration:

When referring to what can be done in iOS, Apple often say that there is an “app” for that. Likewise, when R developers refer to what can be done in R, we often say that there is a “package” for that. For instance:

· If one needs to scrap data from the web there are packages for that (rvest, rcurl, and others)

· If one needs to make complicated transformations to their data there are packages for that (dplyr, tidyr, lubrdiate, stringr, and others)

I like the F#-ness of M, but I admit that I’m happy there’s some fairly close R integration within Power BI, as that means there’s one fewer language I need to learn right now…

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Power BI Storage Regions

Adam Saxton explains where Power BI stores your data and how they choose the region:

This selection is what drives the location of where your data will be stored. Power BI will pick a data region closest to this selection. This selection CANNOT BE CHANGED! You will want to think about the location that makes the most sense for you.

For example, if the majority of your organization’s users are in Australia, and you are in the United States, it probably makes more sense to select Australia for the country. You may also have legal requirements that your organization’s data needs to be in a specific country.

The “cannot be changed” part means that this decision is a lot more important than you might first realize.

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Power BI DirectQuery

Adam Aspin explains some of the concepts behind DirectQuery:

In this article I will not be looking at Power BI as a data visualization tool. Indeed, I will not be discussing in anything more than a cursory way the data transformation and modelling capabilities of this product. Instead, I would like to focus on using Power BI Desktop to connect directly to certain data sources. So although you need no previous knowledge of Power BI Desktop to understand this article, I will be providing only an extremely succinct glance at the extensive array of the data mashup and modelling techniques that are available. Nor will I be explaining any of the approaches that can be taken to create visuals and dashboards. I will, however, try out a few classic techniques using the Power BI Query Editor and Data Model to see if there are any limits to using DirectQuery when compared to data loaded into the in-memory model. The aim here is to see just how, and in what circumstances, DirectQuery can help you to analyze your data faster and more easily.

This article is lengthy but good.  Check it out.

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