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Category: Power BI

Building A Power BI Date Dimension

Martin Schoombee explains why you should have a date dimension in Power BI and then has a script which generates one:

If your source system does not contain a Date entity or dimension, a better way is to create a such an entity with Power Query (aka “M”). By creating your own, you can add more attributes than just year, quarter and month…and optimize the size and performance of your model at the same time.

Not a Power Query expert? You don’t have to be. Others in the community have already shared their versions, and I will share my own modified version that you can copy and use for yourself. I’ve used the examples of Matt Masson and Chris Webb as the basis of my own Date entity. You can find their versions here and here.

Read on for Martin’s version.

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Library Paths In R

Stacia Varga troubleshoots an issue integrating Power BI with R:

As I was putting together an example of using an R script as a Power BI data source, I ran into some issues on my development machine that was frankly driving me crazy. When I tried to run the query in Power BI with my R script (that ran successfully in the IDE, by the way), I kept getting this message:

DataSource.Error: ADO.NET: R script error.
Error in loadNamespace(i, c(lib.loc, .libPaths()), versionCheck = vI[[i]]) :

  namespace 'scales' 0.3.0 is being loaded, but >= 0.4.1 is required

Error: package or namespace load failed for 'rnoaa'

Execution halted

Stacia’s answer works as long as the .libPaths() results match expectations.  Another idea would be to set the R_LIBS_USER user-level environment variable to the desired starting directory and that should force the directory in the environment variable to be first when calling .libPaths().

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Displaying Power BI Filter Values

Reid Havens shows how to display Power BI report filter values on the report itself:

The client and I brainstormed, and we decided to create card visuals to identify filter selections. The beautiful thing about DAX, as mentioned in many articles on our site, is that it can easily return text values. I actually did something similar to this with Dynamic Titles when I posted about Power BI’s new Drill Through feature last year, that article can be found here. So, I essentially wanted to do something similar here, but to call out the filter selection for each slicer. The end result looked something like this

The end result was a new section of the report, dedicated to calling out slicer selections. The BIGGEST reason the client wanted this, was for screenshots. They often took screenshots of this report, and pasted it into emails or slides to use in presentations. The result works well, and uses a bit of clever DAX to always return the right selections, no matter the combination of selections among the slicers.

Read on to see a couple odd scenarios that Reid ran into and how to fix them.

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Power BI Cumulative Totaling

Martin Schoombee runs into an interesting issue with cumulative totals in Power BI:

A common practice in the data warehousing world is to use a Date Key as unique identifier in a date dimension. This attribute is usually a number in the format yyyymmdd. I’m not going to dive into all the reasons why it is used in data warehouse environments here, but (for fun) let’s change our data model to use the Date Keyattribute in the relationship between the two tables.

If we look at our visualizations again, we see a very different picture. Sales by date still looks the same, but the sales by month seems a little out of whack (image below). If you had cumulative sales at any other aggregated level (quarter, year, etc.) it would also have been incorrect.

The answer is not immediately intuitive, so it’s good to know this ahead of time rather than have to struggle with it later.

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Power BI Desktop File Shrinkage

Eugene Meidinger notes that Power BI Desktop files are a bit smaller now:

I was working on a demo for my upcoming Pluralsight course, and I noticed something odd. It used to be that a empty PBIX file was 123 KB, but some point since May 2017, the file size has become 10 (!) KB. So what’s the cause of the difference?

If you rename a .pbix file to .zip, you can crack it open. If we look at two nearly empty files side by side, we can see the difference comes from the data model. In this example, each data model has a single value that I manually entered.

Yet another reason why it pays to keep up to date on Power BI versions.

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Switching Power BI From Imported To Live Query

Dustin Ryan shows us a neat hack to turn a Power BI Desktop file which uses an imported data model into one which uses Live Query:

In this blog post, I’m going to walk you through modifying a Power BI Desktop file with an imported data model to use an external data model hosted in Azure Analysis Services or SQL Server Analysis Services 2017. This isn’t supported by any stretch of the imagination but if you’re in a pinch and have to convert a Power BI Desktop file from an imported data model to Live Query then this may be helpful to you. Also, this method works as of the January 2018 release of Power BI Desktop but there’s no guarantee that this method will work in future releases of Power BI Desktop.

I was inspired to write this blog post after reading this post in the Power BI community forums by odegarun. It’s a great post with some good instructions, but I wanted to provide a clearer walk through as well as validate a couple other things with the process for my customers and anyone else that might be interested.

Check it out with the understanding that this is not a supported operation.

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The Benefits And Risks Of Sharing In Power BI

Steve Hughes explains the implications of sharing a Power BI report:

The primary reason to use share is to distribute content outside the context of a Power BI App. Power BI Apps should be your first mechanism for sharing content within your organization. It requires more thought and planning which is typically a good idea with your companies data. However, there are times when sharing makes sense. With the ability to share reports, you can limit sharing to specific areas. Also, you may want to create a “one-off” report for use in decision making but not something to be deployed in the long term.

Sharing is very different from deploying Apps. App deployment is not that difficult to do, but prevents sharing and is much easier to manage access.

Read on for Steve’s thoughts, including his hesitancy toward sharing en masse.

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Data Migration And Visualization With Data Factory And Data Lake

Matt Basile has a video which shows him taking raw data in S3, moving it to Azure Data Lake Storage using Azure Data Factory, and then visualizing it with Power BI:

While this seems like a lot of parts just to copy a few files, it’s important to note I only scratched the surface of what ADF can do.  Think of ADF as an airline company that manages and enables cargo (data) movement between cities (data sources).  A pipeline represents the overall goal of moving certain cargo from one city to another. The linked service is the airport, which provides a landing point and access control for the cities. The dataset is the list of cargo to move, the activity is the flight itself, while the integration runtime is the airport infrastructure that makes the cargo movement possible.  A single pipeline requires all these objects to run successfully; however, many pipelines can use these same objects to complete different tasks.  Once you’ve created these data factory objects, it is straightforward to layer on additional functionality or more pipelines. ADF also has visual tools that make building these objects a breeze – to build my pipeline, all I had to do was click on “Copy data” in the visual tools start menu and follow the steps provided.

Matt has a video demonstrating the process as well.

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Visualizing Progress Using Power BI

Stacia Varga methods of visualizing progress toward a goal using Power BI:

Another interesting way to look at goal tracking for a goal in which time is an important element, such as my daily Move goal, is to use a KPI visualization.

Just as many businesses use KPIs, which is an abbreviation for key performance indicators, I can use a KPI to see my current metric value, as of the last date for which I have collected data. In Power BI, not only can I see this value, but I can also see how it compares to the target at a glance, through the use of color. Red is bad and green is good, by default, but I can use the formatting options to change this. And I can see how the value trends over time, much like my current line and clustered column chart does.

Click through for several techniques.

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