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Category: Misc Languages

Managing Azure SQL Database with Golang

Silvano Coriani shows us that it’s possible to manage Azure SQL Databases with Go:

Goal for this post is to introduce how to start interacting with Azure SQL through Go (, an open source programming language gaining lots of traction in developers’ community thanks to its simplicity and efficiency in scenarios like microservices and server apps (did I mention that Kubernetes itself is written in Go?).  

Azure SQL provides full support for Go developers on both control plane (deploy, manage and configure Azure SQL servers and databases) and data plane activities (connect, execute commands and queries against Azure SQL instances) through Azure SDK for Go and Microsoft SQL Server Driver for Go.

A companion code sample for this article, written using VS Code, can be found here.

To me, this is like the articles written back in 2007-2008 about how to manage SQL Server with Python. It’s cool and I hope it helps some people learn the language or find another good use for it, but I’m not sure it moves the needle.

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High-Throughput REST APIs with Dapper and Azure SQL DB

Davide Mauri builds out an example of a WebAPI project using Dapper to query Azure SQL Database:

I was able to execute 1100 Requests Per Seconds with a median response time of 20msec. If you can accept a bit higher latency, you can also reach 1500 RPS but the median response time becomes 40msec and the 95 percentile is set at 95msec. Database usage never goes above 20% in such cases…and in fact the bottleneck is the Web App (better, the Web App Plan) and more specifically the CPU. Time to scale up or out the Web App Plan.

By scaling up and out a bit, I was able to reach almost 10.000 request per second with just an HS_Gen5_4. Quite impressive.

I like Dapper as a micro-ORM. Products like it and FSharp.Data.SqlClient are good examples of how you can remove a lot of middleware goop without taking on the performance burdens of Entity Framework and Hibernate.

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Executing Azure Data Factory Pipelines with Azure Functions

Paul Andrew wants to execute an Azure Data Factory pipeline via an Azure Function call:

For the function itself, hopefully this is fairly intuitive once you’ve created your DataFactoryManagementClient and authenticated.

The only thing to be careful of is not using the CreateOrUpdateWithHttpMessagesAsync method by mistake. Make sure its Create Run. Sounds really obvious, but when you get code drunk names blur together and the very different method overloads will have you confused for hours!…. According to a friend 🙂

Read the whole thing.

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Creating a Delimited List in .NET

Bill Fellows wants you to use a built-in library method:

There are various ways to concatenate values together. A common approach I see is that people will add a delimiter and then the value and loop until they finish. Then they take away the first delimiter. Generally, that’s easier coding, prepending a delimiter, than to append the delimiter and not do it for the final element of a list. Or add it and then remove the final delimiter from the resulting string.

Gentle reader, there is a better way. And has been for quite some time but if you weren’t looking for it, you might not know it exists. 

You do get bonus points if you knew this existed.

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Installing .NET Notebooks for Powershell

Max Trinidad shows us how to install .NET Interactive on Linux:

In Windows, just takes a few steps to set it up. For Linux, it takes a few extra steps but still is quick enough to get you started.

For Windows, follow the instructions found at the .NET Interactive page in Github.

For Linux, for Ubuntu 18.04, follow the blog post “Ubuntu 18.04 Package Manager – Install .NET Core“.

Basically, in either operating systems, you install:

Install the .NET Core SDK
Install the ASP.NET Core runtime
Install the .NET Core runtime

Click through for the step-by-step instructions. Once you have it done, you get not only Powershell but also F# and C#.

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Fun with Binding Redirects in .NET

Nick Craver has some advice if you see binding redirect problems:

You’re probably here because of an error like this:

Could not load file or assembly ‘System.<…>, Version=4.x.x.x, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=<…>’ or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.

And you likely saw a build warning like this:

warning MSB3277: Found conflicts between different versions of “System.<…>” that could not be resolved.

Whelp, you’re not alone. We’re thinking about starting a survivors group. 

Read on for Nick’s advice here. This is particularly tricky with F# and especially when you use type providers, as that can easily lead to a version mismatch in FSharp.Core. I’ve spent way too much time tracking those down.

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RESULT_SCAN() in Snowflake

Koen Verbeeck introduces us to the RESULT_SCAN() function in Snowflake DB:

I’m doing a little series on some of the nice features/capabilities in Snowflake (the cloud data warehouse). In each part, I’ll highlight something that I think it’s interesting enough to share. It might be some SQL function that I’d really like to be in SQL Server, it might be something else.

This post builds upon part 6 of the series, which dealt with query history. There it is explained how Snowflake caches the query results. You can find a query in the history and take a look at what was returned. Using the RESULT_SCAN table function, you can do this with SQL. Let’s take a look at an example.

This is an interesting function. Click through to see it in action.

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Queueing Event Notifications with Service Broker

Max Vernon ties event notifications to Service Broker:

My previous post shows how to configure an Event Notification to fire whenever a login event occurs. The post uses Service Broker to receive those Event Notifications into a queue, which is then processed by a stored procedure and saved into a standard SQL Server database. This post provides a quick+dirty VB.Net command line monitor that shows how full a Service Broker queue is.

The following code should be pasted into a blank Visual Studio VB.Net console project. It is trivially easy to translate this into C#, but I like VB – what can I say.

Click through for the code. No F# translation from me, however, as I am lazy.

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An Introduction to gRPC

Munander Singh explains why you might want to use gRPC for cross-process communications:

When the client invokes the service, the client-side gRPC library uses the protocol buffer and marshals the remote procedure call, which is then sent over HTTP2. Server un-marshal the request and executes the respective procedure invocation using protocol buffers. The response follows a similar execution flow from the server to the client.

The main advantage of developing services and clients with gRPC is that your service code or client side code doesn’t need to worry about parsing JSON or similar text-based message formats (within the code or implicitly inside the underlying libraries such as Jackson, which is hidden from service code). What comes in the wire is a binary format, which is unmarshalled into an object. Also, having first-class support for defining a service interface via an IDL is a powerful feature when we have to deal with multiple microservices and ensure and maintain interoperability.

The “yes, but” here is that based on your language of choice, gRPC can be a bit tricky to get going.

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ACID Transactions with Cosmos DB

Hasan Savran shows how you can use the Cosmos DB SDK to create ACID transactions:

What about Azure Cosmos DB? It’s a NoSQL database, probably you can’t do ACID Transactions right? WRONG! Azure Cosmos DB has been supporting ACID transaction for some time now. We were able to create ACID transactions by using stored procedures of Cosmos DB. Last year (2019) Cosmos DB team introduced ACID transactions to Cosmos DB SDK. Now, we can create transactions by using C# just like writing transactions by using SQLClient class for SQL Server!

      To create an ACID transaction in Cosmos DB SDK, we need to use TransactionalBatch object. You need add all operations in transaction to TransactionalBatch object. All the operations attached to the TransactionalBatch object must share the same partition key. In the following example, I created three objects and attach them to TransactionalBatch object. To start the transaction, I ran the ExecuteAsync() function.  This function runs the transaction and returns the responses for each operation.

I’d think you would need to set a strong consistency level as well.

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