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Category: Misc Languages

Retrieving Counts of Cosmos DB Collections

Manoj Pandey shows how you can retrieve counts of records in Cosmos DB using the .NET client:

Here in this post we will use C# .net code (for beginners like me) to see how to:
1. Connect to a Cosmos DB instance
2. Get list of all Databases in a Cosmos DB
3. Iterate through all the Databases and get the list of all Collections (or Tables)
4. Get COUNT of all documents/items (or records) in these Collections

Click through to see how.

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Avoiding Temporal Coupling in Code

Yamini Bansal explains a common error in class and method design:

Temporal means time based. So, consider if the time(instant/order) at which one member of a class is called, affects the calling of another member. Or, if sequence of calling members of a class is something that should be kept in mind before using that class’s member then it means they are coupled.

Click through for an example. The basic concept is, I shouldn’t need to know that I must call setup method X() before I can take advantage of some useful method Y(). This is because a new person coming in might not realize that X() exists, will try to call Y(), and something breaks. Calling a method with a valid set of input parameters and having it immediately break is a sign of a dodgy API.

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Configurable Retry in Microsoft.Data.SqlClient

Hasan Savran notes an improvement to the Microsoft.Data.SqlClient library:

You need to watch for Transient errors if you use SQL Server in Azure. Transient errors or Retriable errors can occur any time and your application should be smart enough to retry these failed operations. Azure might quickly shift hardware resources of your database to give you a better load-balance, when this happens your application might not be able to connect to the database. Since these reconfiguration events completes quickly, your application needs to be designed to handle these faults.This adds more complexity to your code because you need to write code to handle this manually. 

      Preview version of  Microsoft.Data.SqlClient library now supports RetryLogic function, you do not need to write any manual code to handle Transient or retriable errors anymore. 

Click through for more details as well as a demonstration. I’m surprised it took this long, to be honest—useful retry logic is exactly the type of thing which should be in the bowels of a library rather than littered throughout business code (or worse, not even in business code).

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Using the tree Command

Denis Gobo learns a new trick:

I was watching a Pluralsight course and the person typed in the tree command.. and I was like whoaaaa.. How do I not know this?  Perhaps maybe because I don’t use the command window all that much?  Anyway I thought that this was pretty cool

As you can see tree list all the directories and sub directories in a tree like structure. This is great to quickly see all the directories in one shot

It’s a useful command. And if you’re on Linux, there are a lot of useful switches. If you’re on Windows, there are fewer useful switches.

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Kafka in .NET

Diogo Souza walks us through building an application which produces and consumes messages using Apache Kafka:

Kafka is just the broker, the stage in which all the action takes place. The producers send messages to the world while the consumers read specific chunks of data. How do you differentiate one specific portion of data from the others? How do consumers know what data to consume? To understand this, you need a new actor in the play: the topics.

Kafka topics are the channels, the carriage that transport messages around. Kafka records produced by producers are organized and stored into topics.

This is a nice overview of Kafka followed by the basics of building a consumer and a producer in C#. I just wish that there was more community usage of Kafka so that the Confluent .NET driver would include some of the really cool stuff they’ve added to Kafka over the past couple of years.

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Grouping Data with Spark

Ed Elliott has two quick examples of grouping data in Spark:

I have been playing around with the new Azure Synapse Analytics, and I realised that this is an excellent opportunity for people to move to Apache Spark. Synapse Analytics ships with .NET for Apache Spark C# support many people will surely try to convert T-SQL code or SSIS code into Apache Spark code. I thought it would be awesome if there were a set of examples of how to do something in T-SQL, then translated into how to do that same thing in Spark SQL and the Spark DataFrame API in C#.

Click through for the first example, GROUP BY.

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Loading a Spark DataFrame in .NET

Ed Elliott shows how to get data and convert it into a Spark DataFrame using .NET:

When I first started working with Apache Spark, one of the things I struggled with was that I would have some variable or data in my code that I wanted to work on with Apache Spark. To get the data in a state that Apache Spark can process it involves putting the data into a DataFrame. How do you take some data and get it into a DataFrame?

This post will cover all the ways to get data into a DataFrame in .NET for Apache Spark.

Click through for several methods.

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