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Category: Locks, Blocks, and Deadlocks

Lock Escalation Thresholds and Parallelism

Paul White complicates matters:

In part one of this series, I explained how the lock manager maintains a count of held locks per transaction, and individual access methods keep a separate lock count per HoBt for each plan operator performing data access.

Parallelism adds an extra layer of complexity because both lock counts are maintained per thread.

There are two underlying reasons for this:

Paul explains the reasons and shows off plenty of tests along the way.

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Lock Escalation Thresholds

Paul White gets into the weeds:

This article isn’t about the act of lock escalation itself, which is already well documented and generally well understood. Some myths (like row locks escalating to page locks) persist, but challenging those yet again probably wouldn’t change much.

Instead, the question I’ll address here is exactly how and when lock escalation is triggered. Much of the documentation is incorrect or at least imprecise about this and I’ve been unable to find a correct description in other writings.

There are good reasons you haven’t seen a simple demo of lock escalation taking place at 5000 locks. I’ve seen suggestions such as lock escalation isn’t deterministic, or some types of locks don’t count toward the 5000 lock threshold. Neither of those assertions is true, but the details are interesting, as I’ll explain.

As always, Paul brings clarity to a difficult topic.

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Blocking during Creation of Indexed Views

Tom Zika runs into a problem:

There was a need to make changes to a table with an Indexed View. Since Indexed Views must be created with SCHEMABINDING, the View must be dropped and recreated.

From past experience, I knew that this operation blocked all queries (Read/Write) that referenced any table from the View’s definition for the duration of the Clustered index creation, even under the RCSI level.

Because the index might be large and the maintenance window small, I want to do that as fast as possible.

Tom does a good job of taking us through the problem as well as the solution. Definitely worth a read if you’re creating indexed views with Enterprise Edition.

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NOLOCK and Inserts

William Assaf shows us the bad idea of the day:

Error 1065 states “The NOLOCK and READUNCOMMITTED lock hints are not allowed for target tables of INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE or MERGE statements.”  However, NOLOCK can still dangerously be used as the source of the write. (NOLOCK can also fail with error 601 on even basic SELECT statements, but coders just aren’t always scared off by that.)

Here’s a very elementary example to share at parties in order to scare developers away from using NOLOCKs adventurously:

Read on for an example which shows the level of pain you can find yourself in with NOLOCK.

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Filtered XML Deadlock Reports with Extended Events

Grant Fritchey digs into a useful Extended Event:

One of my favorite little bits of information about Extended Events is the fact that everyone running a full instance of SQL Server has deadlock information available to them, even if they never enabled Trace Flag 1222 through the system_health session. That captures the xml_deadlock_report which has the full deadlock graph. However, what if you want to capture deadlock info, but, you’re dealing the GDPR, and transmitting query values could be problematic? Enter xml_deadlock_report_filtered.

Read on to see how it works, though note Grant’s warning that this is a non-documented event.

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Locking Mechanisms in Apache Hive

Shobika Selvaraj documents lock types in Apache Hive and what commands acquire which types:

In the Shared lock there are two types one is Shared_read and Shared_write. Shared_read means anyother shared_read and shared_write query can run at a time. Shared_write lock which means any other shared_read can be performed but no shared_write lock can acquire at that time.

In Exclusive locks no shared_read or shared_write can perform at the same time.

There are three types of lock state:

   (a) Acquired – transaction initiator hold the lock
   (b) Waiting – transaction initiator is waiting for the lock
   (c) Aborted – the lock has timed out but has not yet been cleaned

I was a bit surprised about inserts being shared read but that’s not a typo in the table—Shobika brings receipts.

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Sending E-mails on Database Blocking

Thomas Williams combines a few tools:

If your SQL Servers are under pressure, you want to know. Blocking and blocked processes impact end-users, and if not addressed can slow or even stop a database. In this post, I’ll outline a method I use to get timely notifications of blocking processes that you can use too.

I adapted my approach from Tom Collins’s excellent – and still relevant – 2017 article “How to monitor Blocked Processes with SQL Alert and email sp_whoisActive report” at You could implement exactly what Tom covers in his post and come out on top. I’ve gone one small step further to send a formatted HTML e-mail with a table of blocking & blocked processes; like Tom, I generate the table using Adam Machanic’s fantastic sp_WhoIsActive stored procedure, which I’ve assumed is present in the master system database. The complete solution is the sp_WhoIsActive stored procedure (which you’ll need to download and create, see, a SQL Agent job with a job step that runs sp_WhoIsActive and sends the e-mail, and an alert that calls the SQL Agent job when there’s blocked processes.

Read on for the script, as well as some important notes.

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The Upsert Pattern and Unique Indexes in SQL Server

Michael J Swart recommends a unique index:

To avoid deadlocks when implementing the upsert pattern, make sure the index on the key column is unique. It’s not sufficient that all the values in that particular column happen to be unique. The index must be defined to be unique, otherwise concurrent queries can still produce deadlocks.

Read on for Michael’s thoughts as well as some smart commenters adding on.

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Learning about Locks in SQL Server

Bob Dorr migrates over a couple of posts on locking. The first one describes lock enumeration:

SQL Server has a lock iterator class which is used by Lock Monitor (deadlock detection), DMVs such as dm_tran_locks and other workers.   The iterator is designed to remain lock free whenever possible to avoid contention with active queries.  To accomplish this the iterator uses a marker (bookmark) approach and the lock type of NL.  The NL lock does not block and provides a bookmark (reference count and location) supporting the iterator.

The other post covers lock partitioning:

Shared access blocks exclusive acquire requests. The shared access needs only to acquire on the worker’s local partition. An attempt to acquire exclusive access is blocked by the shared access holders. Conversely to acquire exclusive access the worker must acquire the exclusive access of every partition. The exclusive acquisition path is longer than the shared path because N partitions must be acquired to achieve the exclusive access. Increasing the number of partitions increases the work required to acquire exclusive access. This means that only certain protection paths should use the partitioning approach.

Both get pretty deep into internals.

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