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Category: Linux

Don’t Run Services As Root On Linux

Kellyn Pot’vin-Gorman explains why running SQL Server as root is a bad idea:

Although enhancements have changed Windows installations for applications to run with a unique user, I created a mssql OS user even back on SQL Server 2000 on Windows as I had a tendency to use similar security practices for all database platforms as a multi-platform DBA.  With that being said-  yes, it introduced complexity, but it was for a reason: users should be restricted to the least amount of privileges required.  To grant any application or database “God” powers on a host is akin to granting DBA to every user in the database, but at the host level.  As important as security is to DBAs INSIDE the database, it should be just as important to us OUTSIDE of it on the host it resides on.

Security is important and has become more complex with the increase of security breaches and introduction of the cloud.  One of the most simple ways to do this is to ensure that all application owners on a host are granted only the privileges they require.  The application user should only utilize SUDO, stick bit, iptables, SUID, SGID and proper group creation/allocation if and when required.

It’s the same reason we don’t recommend giving everyone sa rights to databases.  Read on for more.

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Expanding LVM Drives

David Klee shows how to expand an LVM drive on Linux:

Next in our SQL Server on Linux series is one important question. On Windows, if you’re about to run out of space, you get your VM admin / storage admin to expand one or more of your drives, and you go to Disk Management and expand the drive with no downtime. How do we accomplish this same task on Linux?

First, SSH into your VM. Get your appropriate system engineer to expand the drive that needs to be expanded. You won’t be able to see it at first in Linux because, just like in Windows, it’ll need to rescan the storage to ‘see’ the extra space. Sometimes Windows does it automatically, and sometimes you have to initiate it manually. In Linux it only does this on system startup.

Let’s grow our data drive from 250GB to 300GB first.

Click through to see how to do that.

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Running SQL On Linux In Windows For Linux

Anthony Nocentino troubleshoots an error when trying to run SQL Server on Linux using the Windows Subsystem For Linux:

The first thing I had to do was reproduce the issue. So on my Windows 10 test VM I installed the Windows Subsystem for Linux, steps to do so are here and I installed the Ubuntu app.

Then, I fired up a bash shell using WSL and then I installed SQL Server on Linux for Ubuntu as documented here.

Now, I completed the installation of SQL Server on Linux using mssql-conf when that program completes it attempts to start SQL Server on Linux. BOOM! I’m able to reproduce the same error.

Looking at the error, I decided to see if I could run SQL Server on Linux from the shell as the user mssql. This would remove systemd and mssql-conf from the picture. Basically I wanted to see if I could get another, more descriptive, error to pop out.

Anthony digs out a very useful debugging tool in Linux, strace.  Sadly, he’s not able to solve the problem at the moment, but at least gets us a step in the right direction.

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R In Linux For Windows

David Smith shows how to install and use R in the Windows Subsystem for Linux:

R has been available for Windows since the very beginning, but if you have a Windows machine and want to use R within a Linux ecosystem, that’s easy to do with the new Fall Creator’s Update (version 1709). If you need access to the gcc toolchain for building R packages, or simply prefer the bash environment, it’s easy to get things up and running.

Once you have things set up, you can launch a bash shell and run R at the terminal like you would in any Linux system. And that’s because this is a Linux system: the Windows Subsystem for Linux is a complete Linux distribution running within Windows. This page provides the details on installing Linux on Windows, but here are the basic steps you need and how to get the latest version of R up and running within it.

Click through for a quick tutorial.

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Using mssql-cli

Alan Yu announces mssql-cli, a command-line interface for SQL Server:

Mssql-cli is a new and interactive command line tool that provides the following key enhancements over sqlcmd in the Terminal environment:

  • T-SQL IntelliSense
  • Syntax highlighting
  • Pretty formatting for query results, including Vertical Format
  • Multi-line edit mode
  • Configuration file support

Mssql-cli aims to offer an improved interactive command line experience for T-SQL. It is fully open source under the BSD-3 license, and a contribution to the dbcli organization, an open source suite of interactive CLI tools for relational databases including SQL Server, PostgresSQL, and MySQL. The command-line UI is written in Python and the tool leverages the same microservice backend (sqltoolsservice) that powers the VS Code SQL extension, SQL Operations Studio, and the other Python CLI tool we announced earlier, mssql-scripter.

Something very cool that Alan points out is that this is “the first time our team is contributing source code to an existing open source organization with a commitment to be a good citizen in an existing open source community.”

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Process Mapping On Linux With SQL Server And Oracle

Kellyn Pot’vin-Gorman contrasts SQL Server versus Oracle outputs when running a couple common Linux process commands:

In our Oracle environment, we can see every background process, with it’s own pid and along with the process monitor, (pmon)db writer, (dbwr), log writer, (lgwr), we also have archiving, (arcx), job processing, (j00x) performance and other background processing.  I didn’t even grep for the Oracle executable, so you recognize how quickly we can see what is running.

In the SQL Server environment, we only have two processes- our parent process is PID 7 and the child is 9 for SQL Server and nothing to distinguish what they actually are doing.  If we decide to use the pmap utility to view what the parent and child process aredoing, we see only sqlservr as the mapping information.

I imagine that things like this will improve over time for SQL Server, but Oracle definitely has a leg up in this regard.

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SQL Server Single-User Mode In Linux

Anthony Nocentino shows us how to get into single-user mode in SQL Server on Linux:

There was a question this morning on the SQL Server Community Slack channel from SvenLowry about how to launch SQL Server on Linux in Single User Mode. Well you’ve heard everyone say, it’s just SQL Server…and that’s certainly true and this is another example of that idea.

The command line parameters from the sqlservr binary are passed through into the SQLPAL managed Win32 SQL Process. So let’s check out how to do this together…

Click through for a demo.

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Error Handling On SQL With Linux

Anthony Nocentino explains Linux error codes and systemd behavior for SQL on Linux:

Now in the output above, you’ll notice a bolded line. In there, you can system that systemd[1] receives a return code from SQL Server of status=1/FAILURE.  Systemd[1] is the parent process to sqlservr, in fact it’s the parent to all processes on our system. It receives the exit code and immediately, systemd initiates a restart of the service due to the configuration we have for our mysql-server systemd unit.
What’s interesting is that this happens even on a normal shutdown. But that simply doesn’t make sense, return values on clean exits should return 0. It’s my understanding of the SHUTDOWN command, that it will cause the database engine to shutdown cleanly.

On the development side, there aren’t many differences between SQL on Linux versus SQL on Windows (aside from things which haven’t yet made the move); on the administration side, there are some interesting differences.

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SQL Server Agent On A Linux Container

Andrew Pruski shows how to get the SQL Agent service running on a Linux container:

Now, one of the benefits of attending SQL Saturdays is that you get to pick the brains of a lot of very clever people and luckily for me, Jan Van Humbeek (blog|twitter) was there.

Jan said that he had gotten the SQL Agent running in Linux containers so I asked if he could send on his code and he very kindly obliged.

So, the disclaimer for this blog post is that I didn’t write the code here, Jan did. All I’ve done is drop it into a dockerfile so that an image can be built. Thank you very much Jan!

Click through for Jan’s code and Andrew’s presentation of the process.

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