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Category: Learning

Wat-Provenance And Debugging Distributed Systems

Adrian Colyer reviews an interesting paper on debugging distributed systems:

Why why-provenance doesn’t work

Relational databases have why-provenance, which sounds on the surface exactly like what we’re looking for.

Given a relational database, a query issued against the database, and a tuple in the output of the query, why-provenance explains why the output tuple was produced. That is, why -provenance produces the input tuples that, if passed through the relational operators of the query, would produce the output tuple in question.

One reason that won’t work in our distributed systems setting is that the state of the system is not relational, and the operations can be much more complex and arbitrary than the well-defined set of relational operators why-provenance works with.

Read the whole thing.

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Analysis Of A Failed Project

Eugene Meidinger looks back at a big project which fell apart:

So the first issue was that the software was built in-house by another company in the same industry. Imagine, for example, if a large bakery had created an ERP system and another large bakery wanted to move to that system. Sounds great, right? Well, you run into two issues in that scenario.

First, a bakery is not an independent software vendor. Programming, by definition, is not their core competency. Which means that you may run into fragility or issues that you wouldn’t run into with a commercial piece of software. It also means that there isn’t going to be any documentation on migrating to the software or implementing it. Why would there be. If you built software for one company, why would you create scaffolding to move other companies onto it?

Second, not every business is the same. A lot of the fundamentals are the same, but you will run into many edge cases. We do invoices this way. They do workorders this way. We handle purchase orders this way. They handle inventory that way.

The way that I think about it is like a sea shell. It’s this intricate curve that’s grown over time, organically, to fit that creature. If you just try to fit a different snail or mollusk in that shell, it may not work out.

Read the whole thing.

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What You Can Learn At SQL Saturday

Nate Johnson shares a few things he picked up at the SQL Saturday in San Diego:

This was an interesting and even slightly entertaining session presented by Max @ SQLHA. One analogy that really stood out to me was this:

SANs have become a bit like the printer industry — You don’t pay a lot for the enclosure, the device itself, i.e. the SAN box & software; but you pay through the nose for ‘refills’, i.e. the drives that your SAN vendor gods deem worthy of their enclosure.

It’s frighteningly accurate. Ask your storage admin what it costs to add a single drive (or pair of drives, if you’re using something with built-in redundancy) to your SAN. Then compare that cost with the same exact drive off the retail market. It’s highway robbery. And we’re letting them get away with it because we can’t evolve fast enough to take advantage of storage virtualization tech (S2DSOFSRDMA) that effectively makes servers with locally attached SSDs a superior architecture. (As long as they’re not using a horribly outdated interface like SAS!)

Nate also includes several more interesting lessons.  SQL Saturdays are great for picking up useful knowledge.

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Tips For Troubleshooting Code Problems

Bert Wagner shares some techniques he uses to troubleshoot code:

1. Rubber Duck Debugging

The first thing I usually do when I hit a wall like this is talk myself through the problem again.

This technique usually works well for me and is equivalent to those times when you ask  someone for help but realize the solution while explaining the problem to them.

To save yourself embarrassment (and to let your coworkers keep working uninterrupted), people often substitute an inanimate object, like a rubber duck, instead of a coworker to try and work out the problem on their own.

Alas, in this case explaining the problem to myself didn’t help, so I moved on to the next technique.

This one works more often than you might expect, and is a big part of the value behind pair programming.

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Understanding Binary Trees

Robert Maclean has a couple of posts on binary trees.  In the first post, he explains the basics of a binary tree:

As a binary tree has some flexibility in it, a number of classifications have come up to have a consistent way to discuss a binary tree. Common classifications are:

  • Full binary tree: Each node in a binary tree can have zero, one, or two child nodes. In a fullbinary tree, each node can only have zero or two child nodes.
  • Perfect binary tree: This is a full binary tree with the additional condition that all leaf nodes (i.e. nodes with no children) are at the same level/depth.
  • Complete binary tree: The complete binary tree is where each leaf node is as far left as possible.
  • Balanced binary tree: A balanced binary tree is a tree where the height of the tree is as small a number as possible.

Then, he looks at binary search trees:

So, why should we care about a BST? We should care because searching is really performant in it as each time you move a depth down, you eliminate approximately 50% of the potential nodes.

So, for example, if we wanted to find the item in our example with the key 66, we could start at the root (50) and move right. At that point, we have eliminated 8 possible nodes immediately. The next is to the left from the node with the 70 (total possible nodes removed 12). Next is to the right of the node with the value of 65, and then to 66 to the left of 67. So we found the node with 5 steps.

Going to Big O Notation, this means we achieved a performance of close to O(log n). It is possible to have a worst case of O(n), when the tree is not Optimal or Unbalanced.

Binary search trees are an easy to understand, reasonably efficient model for searching for data.  Even when there are better options, this is an easy algorithm to implement and can often be good enough to solve the problem.

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Technical Debt, T-SQL Business Rules Edition

Paul Turley tells a story of technical debt:

They’ve been writing reports using some pretty complicated SQL queries embedded in SSRS paginated reports.  Every time a user wants a new report, a request is sent to the IT group.  A developer picks up the request, writes some gnarly T-SQL query with pre-calculated columns and business rules.  Complex reports might take days or weeks of development time.  I needed to update a dimension table in the data model and needed a calculated column to differentiate case types.  Turns out that it wasn’t a simple addition and his response was “I’ll just send you the SQL for that…you can just paste it”.  The dilemma here is that all the complicated business rules had already been resolved using layers of T-SQL common table expressions (CTEs), nested subqueries and CASE statements.  It was very well-written SQL and it would take considerable effort to re-engineer the logic into a dimensional tabular model to support general-use reporting.  After beginning to nod-off while reading through the layers of SQL script, my initial reaction was to just paste the code and be done with it.  After all, someone had already solved this problem, right?

It’s the persistent battle between “don’t fix what isn’t broken” and “the process is broken, even if the code isn’t.”

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Inside SQL Server 6.5

Brent Ozar reviews a blast from the past:

I picked up half a dozen used books about SQL Server 6.5, then spent a delightful weekend reading them. Seriously delightful – lemme tell you just how into it I was. Erika and I eat all weekend meals out at restaurants, but she saw me so happily curled up in my chair reading that she insisted on going out and getting tacos for us just so I wouldn’t have to get up. I was having that good of a time READING BOOKS ABOUT SQL SERVER 6.5. (Also, Erika is amazing. Moving on.)

To bring you that same fun, I wanna share with you a few pages from Inside SQL Server 6.5 by Ron Soukup, one of the fathers of SQL Server

It’s a great read.  My contribution to the Old But Good oeuvre is the Handbook of Relational Database Design by Candace Fleming and Barbar von Halle.  For my money, it has what I still consider the best primer on database normalization out there.  It also has a bunch of stuff that we should be glad we don’t do anymore, like figuring out specific file layouts for non-clustered indexes to minimize the number of disk rotations needed to retrieve a record of data.

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Test Your Restore Process

Clive Strong tells a tale about a mental flub while restoring a backup:

Our automated restore process works really nicely. We take full backups on Saturday and differential backups through the week. We also take log backups through the day, but we were not going to be restoring those for this task. We have a number of internal platforms we restore to in full (or in part following a cut down process) so which gives us good validation of our backup files on a regular basis. We also have regular test restores from tape just for good measure.

However, a while ago I was asked to build a new server and restore the databases up to a specific date. We didn’t need a point in time restore, just to a specific day, so I pulled the full and differentials and wrote the script to do the restore for me. The script restored the full backup and the differential backup for Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. I gave it the once over and executed the script. A while later and I came back and it was unexpectedly, still running. I eventually left the office and noted it finished in the early hours and ran for many hours longer than I had anticipated.

Read on for Clive’s more detailed explanation of the whoopsie moment.

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The Joys Of Boolean Logic

Jen McCown explains boolean logic via truth tables:

t’s really fine if all the circuitry and algebra stuff makes no sense to you. We’re going to use a tried-and-true method to figuring out how these things will come out.

For a truth table, you just put in every combination of input types – meaning, inputs that will evaluate to true, and those that evaluate to false – and work out how the clause will evaluate it overall.

What do I mean? Well, we have two inputs for the questions above: StatusID and UserForeignID, which I’ll shorten to ID and ForeignIDto save characters. Logically speaking:

  • ID can either be equal to 1, or to a value other than 1.

  • ForeignID can either be equal to TD75R, or to a value other than TD75R.

A logic course is particularly helpful in these cases, but start by reading the whole thing.

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Meidinger’s Law

Eugene Meidinger shares his thoughts on the future:

Since we are prognosticating, I want to take a guess at one of the constraints limiting the future.  I present you with Meidinger’s law:

An industry’s growth is constrained by how much your junior dev can learn in two years.

Let me explain. On my team, one of our developers’ just left for a different company. We also have a college student who will be going full time in May, upon graduation. How long do you think it’s going to take the new guy to get up to speed?

And how long do you think he’s going to stay?

This I think is a useful dictum which explains a pretty good amount of industry movement.

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