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Category: JSON

JSON Patching in Cosmos DB

Hasan Savran does some JSON modification:

JSON is a quite common format for data in these days. NoSQL databases save data in JSON format. Even Relational Databases like SQL Server give you option to save or retrieve data in JSON format. When we need to update a property in a JSON document, we need to update the whole JSON document. This can be a problem specially if document size is larger. This is where JSON Patch feature comes in. JSON Patch is a format that let you update JSON document partially. 

     You can do more than updating a property. You can add, remove, replace, move, or test a value by using this format. Let’s look at its details by using the following JSON document as the source.

Read on to see how patching works with Cosmos DB in particular.

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JSON Basics with SQL Server

Steve Jones takes us through querying straightforward JSON data in SQL Server:

Recently I saw Jason Horner do a presentation on JSON at a user group meeting. I’ve lightly looked at JSON in some detail, and I decided to experiment with this.

All in all, I’ve been pretty happy with the syntax for JSON manipulation in T-SQL. I’m not the biggest user of JSON around, but when I’ve needed to slice or build JSON, even when I needed to build it in a certain way to emulate an old application, it has worked for me.

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From JSON to SQL Server

Phil Factor has some helper functions for us when working with JSON data:

If you know the structure and contents of a JSON document, then it is possible to turn this into one or more relational tables, but even then I dare to you claim that it is easy to tap in a good OpenJSON SELECT statement to do it. If you don’t know what’s in that JSON file, then you’re faced with sweating over a text editor trying to work it all out. You long to just get the contents into a relational table and take it on from there. Even then, You’ve got several struggles before that table appears in the result pane. You must get the path to the tabular data correct, you have to work out the SQL Datatypes, and you need to list the full panoply of keys. Let’s face it: it is a chore. Hopefully, all that is in the past with these helper functions.

Click through for those functions.

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Iterating over JSON and XML Data in SQL Server

Steve Stedman explains how you can iterate through XML and JSON data using the APPLY operator:

The results are what we are looking for in this specific example, but where they break down is when there are more employees represented in the XML, for each employee we need to add another UNION to bring the results together. That is not very iterative and since the title of this post includes the word iterating, we need to focus on how to do that.

Now we introduce the CROSS APPLY functionality that can be used like a JOIN to take a value from one result set (table) and apply it to a function that gets called once for each row. You can reference my JOIN TYPES poster for using CROSS APPLY

Click through for the full set of examples.

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Comparing JSON Documents with SQL Server

Phil Factor has a new function for us to try out:

It is often necessary to compare objects, particularly when you are working on a routine that generates an object and you want to check that an improvement you’ve made is actually returned the same result. An XML or JSON document is the nearest we get to an object in SQL Server. This is probably as near as you’d want.

Although this routine is designed to compare JSON documents, and takes them as input, it can be used for comparing any results.

The style takes from the diff command in Unix.

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Passing Around JSON Arrays in Azure Data Factory

Rayis Imayev continues a series on JSON in Azure Data Factory:

It’s not a new thing to know that we can reference nested elements of ADF activities’ output since it’s represented in JSON format or pass the JSON file content to other tasks/components that can process this format.

But what if you need to pass a complete output of your ADF activity task further down your pipeline. Or you need to pass a JSON array elements to another ADF activity or sub-pipeline as the parameter value. Let’s explore what other options available in Azure Data Factory for this very interesting use case.

Read on for the demo.

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Mongo Shell Preview for Azure Cosmos DB

Hasan Savran takes a look at the preview for a native Mongo shell in Cosmos DB:

Native Mongo Shell became available as In-Preview mode in Azure Cosmos DB on March. I had chance to check it out this week and I decided to write about it this week. Mongo Shell let you execute Mongo database commands in Cosmos DB Data Explorer! Currently, It is not available in all Azure regions. If you don’t see this option, your database might be in a region that does not support this option yet. 
     Click on Data Explorer to see the Mongo Shell button. If you have never used it before, you will need to activate the Mongo Shell by clicking Complete Setup button. This box will open up when you click on Open Mongo Shell.

It sounds like it’s a little bit limited at the moment, but Hasan takes you through the things you can do today.

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XML and JSON Creation in SQL Server vs Elsewhere

Lukas Eder walks us through converting result sets to XML and JSON using different platforms:

SQL Server supports transforming flat tabular SQL result sets into hierarchical structures by convention using the convenient FOR XML or FOR JSON syntaxes. This is really convenient and less verbose than the standard SQL/XML or SQL/JSON APIs – although the standard ones are more powerful.

In this blog post, I’d like to show a few core features of the SQL Server syntax, and what they correspond to in standard SQL. jOOQ 3.14 will support both SQL Server’s syntax and the standard syntax, and will be able to translate from one to the other, such that you can use SQL Server syntax also on Db2, MariaDB, MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL. You can play around with the current state of development on our website here.

Click through for a series of examples.

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Documenting SQL Server Tables

Phil Factor has a way to create table documentation in source control and propagate it to the actual database:

It has always been a problem that documentation in the source, where it should be, is not then passed into the live database when the build script is executed. In a table, you have columns, constraints and indexes that you are likely to document using line-ending comments and block comments. You probably have a big block comment at the start, explaining the table. This information should be available in the live database. Microsoft don’t have a good answer and vaguely go on about adding comments in extended properties. Well, that’s fine but it hasn’t happened, unsurprisingly: Have you ever tried to do it? It is an almost impossible task, even with SQL Doc.

My solution is to execute my finely-documented build script as usual to create the latest version of the database, and then process the same script in PowerShell to add all the comments and documentation as extended properties in the right place in the live database.

It’s an interesting approach to a classic problem.

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