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From JSON to SQL Server

Phil Factor has some helper functions for us when working with JSON data:

If you know the structure and contents of a JSON document, then it is possible to turn this into one or more relational tables, but even then I dare to you claim that it is easy to tap in a good OpenJSON SELECT statement to do it. If you don’t know what’s in that JSON file, then you’re faced with sweating over a text editor trying to work it all out. You long to just get the contents into a relational table and take it on from there. Even then, You’ve got several struggles before that table appears in the result pane. You must get the path to the tabular data correct, you have to work out the SQL Datatypes, and you need to list the full panoply of keys. Let’s face it: it is a chore. Hopefully, all that is in the past with these helper functions.

Click through for those functions.