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Category: Internals

The Power of Hash Match Joins

Jared Poche looks at hash matching:

When I began working at Microsoft, I was very much a novice at performance troubleshooting. There was a lot to learn, and hash match joins were pointed out to me multiple times as the potential cause for a given issue. So, for a while I had it in my head, “hash match == bad”. But this really isn’t the case.

Hash matches aren’t inefficient; they are the best way to join large result sets together. The caveat is that you have a large result set, and that itself may not be optimal. Should it be returning this many rows? Have you included all the filters you can? Are you returning columns you don’t need?

I might throw in one caveat about hash match joins and being the best performers for two really large datasets joining together: merge join can be more efficient so long as both sets are guaranteed to be ordered in the same way without an explicit sort operator. That last clause is usually the kicker.

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Fun with Nested Loops

Jared Poche explains my favorite type of join:

Nested loops joins are the join operator you are likely to see the most often. It tends to operate best on smaller data sets, especially when the first of the two tables being joined has a small data set.

In row mode, the first table returns rows one at a time to the join operator. The join operator then performs a seek\scan against the second table for each row passed in from the first table. It searches that table based on the data provided by the first table, and the columns defined in our ON or WHERE clauses.

Read on for more information about nested loop joins.

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Memory Fractions in SQL Server

Hugo Kornelis explains the notion of memory fractions:

Some time ago a reader reached out to me with a request for help. He showed me a query and accompanying execution plan, and asked if I could help reduce (or, better yet, eliminate) the many hash spills that were killing his performance.

While helping him work through the plan, I was once more reminded of one of my pet peeves with execution plans: we get to see the requested memory for the plan (the Memory Grant and MemoryGrantInfo properties), which is of course based on the estimated total memory usage of operators that are active at the same time. We also get to see the actual memory used by each individual operator (in the Memory Usage property). But there is no way to see how much memory the optimizer estimates for each individual operator.

Read on for a detailed explanation.

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Reviewing a SQL Server Backup File

Andy Yun digs into a SQL Server backup file:

This first came up during my onboarding with Pure Storage. Anthony Nocentino (b|t) taught me that a SQL Server backup file is a byte-for-byte copy of your data, as materialized in SQL Server MDF files (assuming no backup compression or backup encryption). And that would make sense – how else would SQL Server store a copy of your data in a backup file? It does not make sense for SQL Server to alter your data when it writes it down to a backup file (again, with NO backup compression/encryption) – that’s a waste of compute and effort.

Well, I had a conversation with someone who was unclear about that assertion. I tried some Google-fu to present some supporting materials, but could not actually find any documentation, official or otherwise, to back it up. So here we are.

Click through to dive into a backup file with Andy.

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Spools, Plus Memory Grants

Erik Darling continues looking at plan operators. Erik starts with spools:

Spools are temporary structures that get stuck over in tempdb. They’re a bit like temp tables, though they don’t have any of the optimizations and enhancements. For example, loading data into a spool is a row-by-row operation.

The structure that spools use varies a bit. Table spools use a “clustered index”, but it’s not built on any of the columns in your data. Index spools use the same thing, but it’s defined on columns in your data that the optimizer thinks would make some facet of the query faster.

Definitely a must-read and a good way of explaining things. In my words, spools aren’t necessarily a problem but if you have a problem, spools are often at the root.

Erik Darling is also Overdrawn at the Memory Bank:

Whoever called memory a “bank” was a smart cookie. Everything you get from RAM is a loan.

In SQL Server, queries can get memory loaned to them while they execute. The most common reasons for memory grants are Sorts and Hashes. You may also see them for an Optimized Nested Loops Join, but whatever.

Memory is such an important aspect of query and overall server performance that it really helps to understand when there’s pressure on it, and where it’s coming from.

Check out both.

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Watching and (Not) Messing with Optimization Phases

David Alcock giveth:

The full optimisation stage is where the optimiser uses a bag of tricks to optimise our query (surprise, surpise), well technically it has three bags of tricks that are named optimisation phases that each contain a collection of transformation rules (which I cover in this post that you should never do). The optimiser is not limited to using just one of the phases and each has a set criteria which determines if the optimiser can use that particular phase.

In order to see what how the optimiser is using these phases we need to enable Trace Flag 8675 as well as Trace Flag 3604 which will redirect the output to the query messages tab in Management Studio:

And David Alcock taketh away:

Now it has to be said it’s undocumented for a reason, the reason is that it’s really not a good idea to do this. In fact enabling this trace flag is such a bad idea that it will probably cause no end of issues with query performance…so let’s do it, but before we do let me add yet again that please don’t do this! Disabling optimisation features is a really bad idea, just like we did in this post – the purpose for this demo is just to show that we can, and how dangerous it can get.

This is fun to learn and interesting when doing advanced troubleshooting, but maybe not something you want to do very often.

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Processing Data: Aggregate and Join Operators

Erik Darling continues a series on understanding plains. First up is aggregate operators:

Aggregates can be useful for all sorts of things in a query plan, and can show up in many different forms.

It would be tough to cover all of them in a single post, but what I’d like to do is help all you nice folks out there understand some of their finer points.

Then we have join operators:

Anyone who tells you there are only three types of joins in SQL Server isn’t your friend.

Okay, maybe that’s harsh. Maybe they’re just getting you prepared for the bonne promenade through all the many different faces a join can wear in your query plans.

Maybe they have a great explanation for Grace Hash Joins in their back pocket that they’re waiting to throw in your face like a bunch of glitter.

Do read both.

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Tempdb Improvements over Time

Melody Zacharias takes us through the history of tempdb improvements:

In my previous blog and this one, there is a lot of talk of trace flags and you can see the life cycle of them.  They are implemented and then sometimes become part of the product over time. For a long time, the trace flag 1118 was a common performance improvement trick known only by industry experts. Over the years as a consultant, I have often been asked by clients if they should use trace flags, and generally speaking, as long as they are documented by Microsoft they are safe to use.  I would certainly not recommend using undocumented trace flags.  They are not supported and therefore not recommended.  So always be sure to check the trace flag list before setting trace flags.  So of course, as I say that, I have to offer another one.  

Read on for more details and also advice on getting the most out of tempdb.

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Capturing a Call Stack without a Dump

Bob Dorr shows off Arvind’s SQL Call Stack Resolver:

Some outputs, such as the XEvent call stack action output the raw stack frame information and require a rebase to loaded module information in order to symbolize.   The security feature for random address virtualization loads images at different addresses each time the image is loaded.   This requires the module base address and the raw address in order to calculate the relative virtual address for symbolization.

Click through for more information.

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