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Category: Hadoop

Getting Started With Apache Flume

Mark Litwintschik takes us through installation and configuration of Apache Flume:

The following was run on a fresh Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS installation. The machine I’m using has an Intel Core i5 4670K clocked at 3.4 GHz, 8 GB of RAM and 1 TB of mechanical storage capacity.

First I’ve setup a standalone Hadoop environment following the instructions from my Hadoop 3 installation guide. Below I’ve installed Kafkacat for feeding and reading off of Kafka, libsnappy as I’ll be using Snappy compression on the Kafka topics, Python, Screen for running applications in the background and Zookeeper which is used by Kafka for coordination.

From there, Mark has the configuration scripts and processes to get the entire pipeline built.

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Tips For Using PolyBase With Cloudera QuickStart VM

I have a post on using Cloudera’s QuickStart VM with PolyBase:

Here’s something which tripped me up a little bit while connecting to Cloudera using SQL Server. The data node name, instead of being quickstart.cloudera like the host name, is actually localhost. You can change this in /etc/cloudera-scm-agent/config.ini.

Because PolyBase needs to have direct access to the data nodes, having a node called localhost is a bit of a drag.

I’m used to the Hortonworks Data Platform, so this is a quick compendium of things I noticed to were different.

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Bayesian Modeling Of Hardware Failure Rates

Sean Owen shows how you can use Bayesian statistical approaches with Spark Streaming, using the example of hard drive failure rates:

This data doesn’t arrive all at once, in reality. It arrives in a stream, and so it’s natural to run these kind of queries continuously. This is simple with Apache Spark’s Structured Streaming, and proceeds almost identically.

Of course, on the first day this streaming analysis is rolled out, it starts from nothing. Even after two quarters of data here, there’s still significant uncertainty about failure rates, because failures are rare.

An organization that’s transitioning this kind of offline data science to an online streaming context probably does have plenty of historical data. This is just the kind of prior belief about failure rates that can be injected as a prior distribution on failure rates!

Bayesian approaches work really well with streaming data if you think of the streams as sampling events used to update your priors to a new posterior distribution.

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Working With Skewed Data In Pig

Dmitry Tolpeko explains how you can use the Weighted Range Partitioner in Apache Pig to work with highly skewed data:

The problem is that there are 3,000 map tasks are launched to read the daily data and there are 250 distinct event types, so the mappers will produce 3,000 * 250 = 750,000 files per day. That’s too much.

Reducing the number of map tasks is not always an option as it increases the execution time, and the number of files is still high (500 tasks will produce 125,000 files per day), while our goal is to have about 500-700 files daily for this single table.

A well-known solution for this problem is to force a reduce phase. But what if the data is highly skewed, for example, when there are few event types having hundreds of millions rows, while others just have a few million rows?

This is a combination of an interesting problem and an interesting solution.

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Spark Streaming Using DStreams Or DataFrames?

Yaroslav Tkachenko contrasts the two methods for operating on data with Spark Streaming:

Spark Streaming went alpha with Spark 0.7.0. It’s based on the idea of discretized streams or DStreams. Each DStream is represented as a sequence of RDDs, so it’s easy to use if you’re coming from low-level RDD-backed batch workloads. DStreams underwent a lot of improvements over that period of time, but there were still various challenges, primarily because it’s a very low-level API.

As a solution to those challenges, Spark Structured Streaming was introduced in Spark 2.0 (and became stable in 2.2) as an extension built on top of Spark SQL. Because of that, it takes advantage of Spark SQL code and memory optimizations. Structured Streaming also gives very powerful abstractions like Dataset/DataFrame APIs as well as SQL. No more dealing with RDD directly!

For me, it’s DataFrames all day. But Yaroslav has a more nuanced answer which is worth reading. There are also a couple of good examples.

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Databricks Runtime 5.2 Released

Nakul Jamadagni announces Databricks Runtime 5.2:

Delta Time Travel
Time Travel, released as an Experimental feature, adds the ability to query a snapshot of a table using a timestamp string or a version, using SQL syntax as well as DataFrameReader options for timestamp expressions.
Sample code
SELECT count(FROM events TIMESTAMP AS OF timestamp_expression
SELECT count(
FROM events VERSION AS OF version

Time travel looks a bit like temporal tables in SQL Server.

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Kafka And The Differing Aims Of Data Professionals

Kai Waehner argues that there is an impedence mismatch between data engineers, data scientists, and ML production engineers:

Data scientists love Python, period. Therefore, the majority of machine learning/deep learning frameworks focus on Python APIs. Both the stablest and most cutting edge APIs, as well as the majority of examples and tutorials use Python APIs. In addition to Python support, there is typically support for other programming languages, including JavaScript for web integration and Java for platform integration—though oftentimes with fewer features and less maturity. No matter what other platforms are supported, chances are very high that your data scientists will build and train their analytic models with Python.

There is an impedance mismatch between model development using Python, its tool stack and a scalable, reliable data platform with low latency, high throughput, zero data loss and 24/7 availability requirements needed for data ingestion, preprocessing, model deployment and monitoring at scale. Python in practice is not the most well-known technology for these requirements. However, it is a great client for a data platform like Apache Kafka.

Click through for the full argument as well as where Kafka can help mitigate some of the issues.

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Native Math Libraries And Spark ML

Zuling Kang shares with us how we can use native math libraries in netlib-java to speed up certain machine learning algorithms in Apache Spark:

Spark’s MLlib uses the Breeze linear algebra package, which depends on netlib-java for optimized numerical processing.  netlib-java is a wrapper for low-level BLASLAPACK, and ARPACK libraries. However, due to licensing issues with runtime proprietary binaries, neither the Cloudera distribution of Spark nor the community version of Apache Spark includes the netlib-java native proxies by default. So without manual configuration, netlib-java only uses the F2J library, a Java-based math library that is translated from Fortran77 reference source code.

To check whether you are using native math libraries in Spark ML or the Java-based F2J, use the Spark shell to load and print the implementation library of netlib-java. The following commands return information on the BLAS library and include that it is using F2J in the line, “com.github.fommil.netlib.F2jBLAS,” which is highlighted below:

In the examples here, you can get about a 2x difference using the native math libraries versus without, so although that’s not an order of magnitude difference, it’s still nothing to sneeze at.

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Kafka Cruise Control Frontend

Naresh Kumar Vudutha announces the Kafka Cruise Control Frontend:

For those that may be unfamiliar, Cruise Control features include:

1. Kafka broker resource utilization tracking
2. The ability to query the latest replica state (offline, URP, out of sync) from brokers
3. Goal-based resource distribution
4. Anomaly detection with self-healing
5. Admin operations on Kafka (add/remove/demote brokers, rebalance cluster, run PLE)

In this post, we will take a look at the frontend for Cruise Control, which provides a birds-eye view of all the Kafka installations and provides a single place to manage all of them.

That’s a lot of functionality in one tool.

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No-Code ML On Cloudera Data Science Workbench

Tim Spann has a post covering ML on the Cloudera Data Science Workbench:

Using Cloudera Data Science Workbench with Apache NiFi, we can easily call functions within our deployed models from Apache NiFi as part of flows. I am working against CDSW on HDP (,  but it will work for all CDSW regardless of install type.
In my simple example, I built a Python model that uses TextBlob to run sentiment analysis against a passed-in sentence. It returns Sentiment Polarity and Subjectivity, which we can immediately act upon in our flow.
CDSW is extremely easy to work with and I was up and running in a few minutes. For my model, I created a python 3 script and a shell script for install details. Both of these artifacts are available here:

The “no code” portion was less interesting to me than the scalable ML portion, as “no code” either drops into tedium or ends up being replaced by code.

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