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Category: Extended Events

Improving the system_health Session

Aaron Bertrand takes a look at a pre-configured tool and gives us ways to make it better:

I was recently trying to troubleshoot a SQL Server replication-related deadlock that our monitoring tool didn’t capture, and tried to find information about it in the system_health Extended Events session. With the default retention settings and the amount of noise contributed by security ring buffer events, I quickly discovered that the session only had data going back less than two hours. Meaning unless I started investigating an event immediately after it happened, all evidence had rolled out forever.

Read on for Aaron’s guidance around this. The natural next step is to build out your own extended events which capture what you need.

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Getting Row Counts After Execution

Grant Fritchey gives us a few ways to find row counts after a query has finished:

But, if you really want to get picky, batches and procedures frequently have multiple statements. This means that the row count you’re getting isn’t for a particular table. If you want to get that, then you need to capture the statement level stuff, sp_statement_completed or sql_statement_completed, depending on if you’re looking at procedures or batches.

However, this is one of those “be careful what you wish for” moments. Because, if you capture all statements in a system, you’re going to have a very large amount of data to deal with. This is where filtering is your friend.

Click through for Grant’s full answer.

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Auditing Logons Using Extended Events

Jason Brimhall dumps a server-side trace in favor of extended events:

Some time ago, I wrote an article for SQL Server 2008 to help determine the use of the server since SQL Server 2008 was reaching End Of Life. In that article, I shared a reasonable use of server side trace to capture all of the logon events to the server. Afterall, you have to find out the source of connections and who is using the server if you need to migrate it to a newer SQL Server version. You can read that article here.

Soon after, from various sources, I received requests on how to perform a logon audit using the more preferred, robust, venerable, awesome tool called Extended Events (XEvents). In response, I would share a login audit session to each person. In this article, I will share my login audit solution and give a brief explanation. I use a solution like this on more than 90% of my client servers and I find it highly useful.

Click through to see how.

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The Best of Extended Events

Grant Fritchey shares plenty of links for people to learn about extended events:

However, it’s really important to me that you understand just how powerful and amazing a tool Extended Events is. Further, that you have some resources to get going on this. So, I reached out to a bunch of friends and acquaintances and just some rando’s on the internet to compile a list of the very best of their Extended Events posts.

I’ll be sharing and promoting these links in all my upcoming sessions. They’re in the published slide decks. However, I also want to share them here.

Read on for the list.

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Per-Query Wait Stats with Extended Events

Grant Fritchey shows us how to see the waits associated with a specific query:

And that my friends is only the waits associated with the one query. TA-DA indeed!

Now, we could get into filtering this stuff too. Toss the ones that have little to no duration, ensure that I only capture for a specific query or procedure, all would be helpful. However, this is how you can easily identify just the waits associated with a single query, and only that query.

Click through to see how. The one thing I’d caution here is that the query which received waits isn’t necessarily the query in the wrong—it might be the fourth or fifth session in a blocking chain. But this is a great technique for getting additional per-query info when you can control the experiment.

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Exploring the Extended Events Live Data Window

Grant Fritchey takes us through the Extended Events Live Data window:

One reason a lot of people don’t like Extended Events is because the output is in XML. Let’s face it, XML is a pain in the bottom. However, there are a bunch of ways around dealing with the XML data. The first, and easiest, is to ignore it completely and use the Live Data window built into SQL Server Management Studio.

I’ve written about the Live Data window before, and I’ve been using it throughout this series of posts on Extended Events. There’s a lot more to this tool than is immediately apparent. Today, we’re going to explore the basics around this tool

Read on to see what you can do with this. It’s a lot more powerful than it first appears to be.

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Collation Conflicts with Extended Events

Jason Brimhall takes us through a nasty scenario:

Have you ever run into an error like this?

Cannot resolve the collation conflict between “pick a collation” and “pick another collation” in the equal to operation.

This kind of error seems pretty straight forward and it is safe to say that it generally happens in a query. When you know what the query is and you get this error, it is pretty easy to spot and fix the problem. At least you can band-aid it well enough to get past the error with a little use of the collate clause in your query.

But what if the error you are seeing is popping up when you are trying to use Management Studio (SSMS)? The error is less than helpful and can look a little something like this.

In this case, it was when trying to expand Extended Events sessions. Click through to see what’s going on and how to fix the problem.

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Extended Events and Query Store

Jason Brimhall takes us through some of the internals of Query Store as exposed by Extended Events:

One of my favorite questions to ask during some of presentations on XE is “What was the first version of SQL Server to have Query Store?” You can imagine the wide array of answers but what is interesting is how often  the correct answer is always missed. I hear lots of answers for 2012, some answers for 2017 and somewhere in between for 2016. But never does the correct answer pop up.

Right now, I hope you are scratching your head at that last statement. You see, the question is somewhat of a trick question. The first version of SQL Server that has QDS is SQL Server 2014. However, the first version where you can actually use it is SQL Server 2016. This fun fact is visible when we start exploring SQL Server from the realm of XE. Let’s take a look.

Read the whole thing.

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Finding Long-Running Queries with system_health

Grant Fritchey shows us where we can find long-running queries easily:

Wouldn’t it be great to just quickly and easily take a look at your system to see if you had any queries that ran for a long time, but, without actually doing any work to capture query metrics?

Oh, yeah, I can do that right now, and so can you.

All we need is something that is built into every single server you currently have under management (sorry, not Azure SQL Database) that is SQL Server 2008 or better: system_health

Grant then ties this into general benefits of Extended Events and shows how you can query and view the results.

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Capturing Query Errors with Extended Events

Jack Vamvas shows how to capture query errors using Extended Events:

If you’re troubleshooting SQL Server query errors , you’ll already know Extended Events are highly useful and very effective method to capture SQL Server errors.

To use the script you’ll need appropriate privileges to create the Extended Event. You will also need to have some space available on the disk to store output files.

If you want something a little less permanent, you can use the ring buffer target. I put together something like this a long time ago and enjoyed IM-ing coworkers and saying “You forgot the join criteria” with no other context. Freaked them out the first couple of times…

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