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Category: ETL / ELT

Restarting Azure Data Factory Triggers

Andy Leonard provides an after-action report:

During delivery of the class, I popped over to a much older data factory and fired up a couple integration runtimes (IRs). You see, on this older data factory, I trigger a couple pipelines that check to see if I’ve left an IR running. If so, each pipeline will shut down its respective IR. The trigger fires each evening. I blogged about the pipeline design almost two years ago in a post titled  Stop an Azure-SSIS Files Integration Runtime (Safely).

Read on for the full report, some takeaways on how to limit the risk, and possible next steps if you find yourself in a situation like Andy did.

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Migrating SSIS On-Prem Workloads into Azure

Jitendra Yadeo has put together a how-to guide:

– There can be scenario where organization wants to migrate there existing SSIS ETL process on cloud so instead of rewriting SSIS package using Cloud specific ETL tools like Azure Data Factory we can directly migrate SSIS packages and call it through Azure Data Factory.

– Goal of this blog is to show how SSIS packages hosted on on-premise can be migrated to Azure Data Factory (ADF) using Azure-SSIS Integration Runtime (IR).

Read on for a step-by-step guide.

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Running SQL Scripts on Snowflake from Azure Data Factory

Koen Verbeeck shows off the Script activity in Azure Data Factory:

Azure Data Factory has a new activity introduced this week (around the 10th of March 2022 for you future readers): the Script activity! This is not to be confused with the script task/component of SSIS, which allows you to execute .NET script (C# for most people, or VB if you’re Ben Weissman). No, this task executes SQL, so it’s more akin to the Execute SQL Task of SSIS.

Click through to see how it works while I lament the fact that SSIS never supported the best .NET language.

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Stringing Azure Data Factory between VNets

Ahmed Mahmoud performs networking wizardry:

Customer wants to connect Azure Data Factory on one subscription to an Azure SQL Server on Virtual Machine (SQL VM) on another subscription. check out the architecture diagram below for more clarification.

Click through for that diagram as well as the process. And between VNet peering and Private Link, I believe (but could be wrong in saying) the traffic would never leave Azure-hosted machines even when it transits between subscriptions.

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Executing SQL Statements in Azure Data Factory

Abhishek Narain announces a pretty nice improvement to Azure Data Factory and Synapse Pipelines:

We are introducing a Script activity in pipelines that provide the ability to execute single or multiple SQL statements.  

Using the script activity, you can execute common operations with Data Manipulation Language (DML), and Data Definition Language (DDL). DML statements like SELECT, UPDATE, and INSERT let users retrieve, store, modify, delete, insert and update data in the database. DDL statements like CREATE, ALTER, and DROP allow a database manager to create, modify, and remove database objects such as tables, indexes, and users.

Be sure to read the limitations at the bottom, however.

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Creating an Azure Integration Runtime

Andy Leonard builds out an Azure Integration Runtime:

Many Azure Data Factory developers recommend creating an Azure Integration Runtime for use with Mapping Data Flows. Why? One reason is you cannot configure all the options in the default AutoResolveIntegrationRuntime supplied when an Azure Data Factory instance is provisioned.

At the time of this writing, it’s not obvious how one creates an Azure Integration Runtime. You would think creating an integration runtime would begin with:

It turns out to be a little trickier than you might first expect.

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From Cosmos DB to Dedicated SQL Pools via Synapse Link

Jovan Popovic shows off Azure Synapse Link:

At the time of writing this article, the dedicated SQL pool doesn’t have the ability to read data from CosmosDB/Dataverse using the Synapse link. There are scenarios where you would need to use CosmosDB data in your dedicated SQL pool, so you would need to find a way how to load data. In theory, you could create an ADF pipeline that reads data from CosmosDB or Dataverse and store data in the dedicated SQL pool as a target. This might be a problem if your Pipeline is reading data directly from CosmosDB account because it might impact both operational workload performance and cost. The analytical storage is the recommended location that you should use to fetch all data from CosmosDB/Dataverse.

In this post, I will describe how to use a two-step approach where you export your data using the serverless SQL pool via Synapse link into Azure Data Lake storage, and then load data into the dedicated SQL pool table. This process is shown in the following figure:

A couple of weeks back, I wrote about another method of doing this through the Spark pool. Now you have two options.

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Simple Mapping Data Flows in Synapse

Joshuha Owen announces a new feature:

This week, we are excited to announce the public preview for Map Data, a new feature for Azure Synapse Analytics and Database Templates! The Map Data tool is a guided process to help users create ETL mappings and mapping data flows from their source data to Synapse lake database tables without writing code. This experience will help you get started with transformations into your Synapse Lake database quickly but still give you the power of Mapping Data Flows.

This process starts with the user choosing the destination tables in Synapse lake databases and then mapping their source data into these tables. We will be following up with a demo video shortly.

Click through for more details on how it works.

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Streaming Data to Event Hubs via Kafka Connect and Debezium

Niels Berglund starts off a two-part sub-series within a series:

This post is the first of two looking at if and how we can stream data to Event Hubs from Debezium. Initially I had planned only one post covering this, but it turned out that the post would be too long, so therefore I split it in two.

It started with the post, How to Use Kafka Client with Azure Event Hubs. In that post, I looked at how the Kafka client can publish messages to – not only – Apache Kafka but also Azure Event Hubs. In the post, I said something like:

An interesting point here is that it is not only your Kafka applications that can publish to Event Hubs but any application that uses Kafka Client 1.0+, like Kafka Connect connectors!

Click through for the first part of this pairing.

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