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Category: ETL / ELT

So You’ve Hit the Limits of ADF Concurrency

Paul Andrew shows what happens you you break the ADF concurrency barrier:

Firstly, understanding how these limits apply to your Data Factory pipelines takes a little bit of thinking about considering you need to understand the difference between an internal and external activity. Then you need to think about this with the caveats of being per subscription and importantly per Azure Integration Runtime region.

Assuming you know that, and you’ve hit these limits!

Click through to see what happens. It’s not pretty.

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Working with Self-Hosted Integration Runtimes

Craig Porteous walks us through some of the planning necessary for self-hosted integration runtimes:

If your Data Factory contains a self-hosted Integration runtime, you will need to do some planning work before everything will work nicely with CI/CD pipelines. Unlike all other resources in your Data Factory, runtimes won’t deploy cleanly between environments, primarily as you connect the installed runtime directly to a single Data Factory. (We can add more runtime nodes to a single Data Factory but we cannot share a single node between many data factories*). An excerpt from Microsoft’s docs on Continuous integration and delivery in Azure Data Factory mentions this caveat.

Read on for the consequences and two options available to you.

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Azure Data Factory Integration Runtimes

Tino Zishiri takes us through the concept of the Integration Runtime:

An Integration Runtime (IR) is the compute infrastructure used by Azure Data Factory to provide data integration capabilities such as Data Flows and Data Movement. It has access to resources in either public networks, or hybrid scenarios (public and private networks).

Read on to learn more about what they do and the variety of Integration Runtimes available to you.

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Using Delimiters when Performing Change Detection with Hashbytes

Andy Leonard clues us in on an important character:

A student of my SSIS training asked why I place vertical pipe delimiters between column values when calculating the hash value for a row. I sent back a quick response and then informed him that he’d inspired a blog post.

Hence, this blog post.

To understand what I am talking about, you need to know that I define a 100% efficient data integration operation as a data integration process – such as an SSIS package or ADF pipeline – that loads only new and changed rows from a source. I explain this in the video. To achieve 100% efficiency, I use the T-SQL HashBytes function for change detection.

Check out the full reasoning. A secondary reason for using delimiters is that if you’re using the CONCAT() function to combine rather than calling CAST() or CONVERT() on everything individually, CONCAT() requires at least two inputs. If you always put a delimiter at the end as well, you have at least two inputs, guaranteed. It’s a small thing, but adds to consistency when, say, you only have one non-key, type 2 field on a dimension.

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The ETLT Pattern

Abe Dearmer bridges the gap:

Because ETL and ELT present different strengths and weaknesses, many organizations are using a hybrid “ETLT” approach to get the best of both worlds. In this guide, we’ll help you understand the “why, what, and how” of ETLT, so you can determine if it’s right for your use-case. 

The idea can certainly be useful.

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Check if an ADF Pipeline is Already Running

Paul Andrew has a scenario for us:

Scenario: I want to trigger a Data Factory pipeline, but when I do I want the pipeline to know if it’s already running. If it is already running, stop the new run.

Sounds simple enough right?


But, now simple for you, because I’ve done it for you, yay! 🙂

I thought it was simple, but it wasn’t simple, but now it’s simple, but is it really simple? Click through to find out.

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Auto-Checking Azure Data Factory Setup

Paul Andrew is at it again:

Building on the work done and detailed in my previous blog post (Best Practices for Implementing Azure Data Factory) I was tasked by my delightful boss to turn this content into a simple check list of what/why that others could use…. I slightly reluctantly did so. However, I wanted to do something better than simply transcribe the previous blog post into a check list. I therefore decided to breakout the Shell of Power and attempt to automate said check list.

Sure, a check list could be picked up and used by anyone – with answers manually provided by the person doing the inspection of a given ADF resource. But what if there was a way to have the results given to you a plate and inferring things that aren’t always easy to spot via the Data Factory UI.

Paul uses an ARM template rather than hitting your Data Factory directly, so there’s a little bit more work for you the user, but Paul explains why it’s both necessary and proper.

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Automating Hadoop Workflows with Spark and Oozie

Prashanth Jayaram walks us through automating a sample data transfer with tools like Sqoop, Spark, and Oozie:

In the process of building a data product one would end-up applying many resource-intensive analytical operations on a medium to large data-set in an efficient way. Apache Spark is the bet in this scenario to perform faster job execution by caching data in memory and enabling parallelism in a distributed data environments.

Components involved in Spark implementation:

1. Initialize spark session using scala program
2. Ingest data from data lake through hive queries
3. Apply business logic using scala constructs or hive queries
4. Load data into HDFS or Hive targets
5. Execute spark programs through spark submit

Read on for a sample flow.

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Migrating SSIS to Azure Data Factory

Koen Verbeeck has some articles for us:

For quite some time now, there’s been the possibility to lift-and-shift your on-premises SSIS project to Azure Data Factory. There, they run in an Integration Runtime, a cluster of virtual machines that will execute your SSIS packages. In the beginning, you only had the option to use the project deployment model and host your SSIS catalog in either an Azure SQL DB, or in a SQL Server Managed Instance.

But over time, features were added and now the package deployment model has been supported for quite some time as well. Even more, the “legacy SSIS package store” is also supported. For those who still remember this, it’s the SSIS service where you can log into with SSMS and see which packages are stored in the service (either the file system or the MSDB database) and which are currently running.

Read on for much more detail on the topic.

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