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Category: ETL / ELT

Transforming JSON to CSV with Azure Data Factory

Rayis Imayev shows how you can use the Flatten task in Azure Data Factory to convert JSON text to CSV:

What this new task does it helps to transform/transpose/flatten your JSON structure into a denormalized flatten datasets that you can upload into a new or existing flat database table. 

I like the analogy of the Transpose function in Excel that helps to rotate your vertical set of data pairs (name : value) into a table with the column names and values for corresponding objects. And when this vertical JSON structural set contains several similar sets (array) then ADF Mapping Data Flows Flatten does a really good job by transforming it into a table with several rows (records).

Click through for a demonstration.

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ADF.PROCFWK 1.1 Released

Paul Andrew has a new name for the metadata-driven framework in Azure Data Factory:

Hi data friends! Version 1.1 of my ADF.procfwk is ready!

Following the great response I got to the version 1.0 blog series I decided to push ahead and get version 1.1 out there as soon as possible. The main thing I’ve addressed with this release is the big problem of having hard coded service principal credentials in the body of the Azure Function request that called our execution pipelines. Hopefully we can all agree this was/is not great for a number of reasons.

Read on for more details including a detailed changelog, and check out the GitHub repo.

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Loading Data from CSVs with Inconsistent Quoted Identifiers

Dave Mason has some fun with loading data from files:

BCP and OPENROWSET are long-lived SQL Server options for working with data in external files. I’ve blogged about OPENROWSET, including a recent article showing a way to deal with quoted data. One of the shortcomings I’ve never been able to overcome is an inconsistent data file with data fields in some rows enclosed in double quotes, but not all. I’ve never found a way around this limitation.

Let’s demonstrate with BCP. Below is a sample data file I’ll attempt to load into a SQL Server table. Note the data fields highlighted in yellow, which are enclosed in double quotes and contain the field terminator , (comma) character. For reference, the file is also available on Github.

I get unduly frustrated with the implementations of various data loaders around SQL Server and how they handle quoted identifiers differently. And don’t get me started on PolyBase.

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Metadata-Driven ADF Pipelines

Paul Andrew wraps up a series on metadata-driven processing of Azure Data Factory pipelines. Part 3 covers the ADF wrapper necessary for our custom pipelines:

Firstly, to help guide this post below is a mock up of our Data Factory pipelines and activities to show the end goal. Hopefully this view informs how things are going to be connected using what I call a pipeline hierarchy system and how they will work in the overall framework. For our metadata processing framework we can make the following category distinctions about the activities represented:

Grandparent – This is the top level orchestration of our wider data platform solution. Here a scheduled trigger could be connected or processing in our solution grouped into natural areas. Technically this level isn’t required for our processing framework, but I’ve included it as good practice.
Parent – Our parent pipelines primary purpose (try saying that fast 3 times 🙂 ) is to handle the stages of our processing framework. The stages will then be passed off sequentially to our child pipeline using another execute pipeline activity.
Child – At this level in the framework the child is hitting the Azure Function to call the lowest level executors, or the pipelines that we want to actually do the work in our data platform solution. In my previous post I added some example metadata to call pipelines name Stage X-X. These in turn relate to a set of empty place holder pipelines that contained only Wait activities.

Part 4 puts it all together:

For the end to end run of the framework we have a few options to see progress once its been triggered. Before that its worth pointing out that in the below I’ve used the sample metadata provided with the database scripts in GitHub. Then for each execution pipeline I’ve added a single Wait activity with a random time delay of a few seconds. The point here is to test the framework execution, not the pipelines being called. To further clarify, the Stage X-X pipelines names should be replaced with your actual pipeline names in your data platform solution.

Definitely worth the read.

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Building Metadata for an ADF Pipeline

Paul Andrew continues a series on Azure Data Factory and metadata-driven pipelines:

Welcome back friends to part 2 of this 4 part blog series. In this post we are going to deliver on some of the design points we covered in part 1 by building the database to house our processing framework metadata.

Let’s start with a nice new shiny Azure SQLDB database and schema. This can easily be scaled up as our calls from Data Factory increase and ultimately the solution we are using the framework for grows.

Soon we will get to see the Azure Data Factory power in action.

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Incremental Imports with Sqoop

Jon Morisi continues a series on Sqoop:

In my last two blog posts I walked through how to use Sqoop to perform full imports.  Nightly full imports with overwrite has it’s place for small tables like dimension tables.  However, in real-world scenarios you’re also going to want a way to import only the delta values since the last time an import was run.  Sqoop offers two ways to perform incremental imports: append and lastmodified.

Both incremental imports can be run manually or created as job using the “sqoop job” command.  When running incremental imports manually from the command line the “–last-value” arg is used to specify the reference value for the check-column.  Alternately sqoop jobs track the “check-column” in the job and the value of the check-column is used for subsequent job runs as the where predicate in the SQL statement.  I.E. select columns from table where check-column > (last-max-check-column-value).

This is where Sqoop starts to break down for me, and Jon lists some of the issues in the post.

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A Metadata-Driven Framework for ADF Pipelines

Paul Andrew has started a series on metadata-driven Azure Data Factory pipelines:

The concept of having a processing framework to manage our Data Platform solutions isn’t a new one. However, overtime changes in the technology we use means the way we now deliver this orchestration has to change as well, especially in Azure. On that basis and using my favourite Azure orchestration service; Azure Data Factory (ADF) I’ve created an alpha metadata driven framework that could be used to execute all our platform processes. Furthermore, at various community events I’ve talked about bootstrapping solutions with Azure Data Factory so now as a technical exercise I’ve rolled my own simple processing framework. Mainly, to understand how easily we can make it with the latest cloud tools and fully exploiting just how dynamic you can get a set of generational pipelines.

This first post lays out some of the architectural decisions and prep work needed for the series.

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Using a Spark Listener

Bipin Patwardhan shares with us an event ingestion engine for Apache Spark:

In the last quarter of 2019, I developed a meta-data driven, ingestion engine using Spark. The framework /library has multiple patterns to cater to multiple source and destination combinations. For example, two patterns are available for loading flat files to cloud storage (one to load data to AWS S3 and another to load data to Azure Blob).

As data loading philosophies have changed from Extract-Transform-Load (ETL) to Extract-Load-Transform (ETL), such a framework is very useful, as it reduces the time needed to set up ingestion jobs.

Is anyone else getting Integration Services or Informatica flashbacks? Because I sure am.

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Using Sqoop to Move Data into Hive

Jon Morisi continues a series on Sqoop:

Sqoop completes the import task by running MapReduce jobs importing the data to HDFS, and then running Hive commands (CREATE TABLE / LOAD DATA INPATH) to move the data to Hive.  The default HDFS location is: /user/[login]/[TABLENAME].  If you have any issues during the import you may need to remove the HDFS directory prior to re-running, or else you will get an Error:

Read on for sample calls and additional notes.

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Streaming Pipelines in AWS with Flink and Kinesis Data Analytics

Steffen Hasumann shows us how to put together a streaming ETL pipeline in AWS using Apache Flink and Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics:

The remainder of this post discusses how to implement streaming ETL architectures with Apache Flink and Kinesis Data Analytics. The architecture persists streaming data from one or multiple sources to different destinations and is extensible to your needs. This post does not cover additional filtering, enrichment, and aggregation transformations, although that is a natural extension for practical applications.

This post shows how to build, deploy, and operate the Flink application with Kinesis Data Analytics, without further focusing on these operational aspects. It is only relevant to know that you can create a Kinesis Data Analytics application by uploading the compiled Flink application jar file to Amazon S3 and specifying some additional configuration options with the service. You can then execute the Kinesis Data Analytics application in a fully managed environment. For more information, see Build and run streaming applications with Apache Flink and Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics for Java Applications and the Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics developer guide.

Click through for the walkthrough.

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