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Category: DAX

Performance Profiles of SUM() and SUMX() in DAX

Eugene Meidinger blows the doors off of this conspiracy:

For years, I told people to avoid iterators. I compared them to cursors in SQL, which are really bad, or for loops in C# which are normally fine. I knew that DAX was column based and that it often broke down when doing row-based operations, but I couldn’t tell you why.

Advice to avoid iterators is often based on a misunderstanding and a misapprehension of how the Vertipaq engine works. If you are blindly giving this advice out, like I was, you are promoting a fundamental misunderstanding of how DAX works.

Eugene has since opened his eyes and can see through the lies.

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Building a Top N Analysis in Power BI

Hamza Boubou builds a dynamic report:

There was a requirement from my client that seemed simple at first but turned out to be a Trojan horse after deeper investigation. The goal was to create a Power BI Time Comparisons Top N Analysis page, giving users complete control over the Top/Bottom N products based on multiple metrics. Users needed to define the period, compare it with other periods, and adjust the N parameter dynamically.

Read on to see how Hamza was able to solve this customer request.

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Aging Accounts Receivable Data in Power BI

Marco Russo and Alberto Ferrari inform us that we owe them money:

The Accounts Receivable (AR) Aging report helps companies track overdue receivables and better manage their cash flow. It is a common requirement from the finance department that often represents a challenge for Power BI reports, especially when you want to show the trend over time. Here is a typical visualization for the Open Amount at the end of each month, colored by the age range of the Accounts Receivable.

Read on for a dive into the report concept and some of the most common issues you may run into.

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Reducing Query Timeout on DAX and MDX Queries

Chris Webb shuts it down:

The recent announcement of Surge Protection gives Fabric/Power BI capacity admins a way to restrict the impact of background operations on a capacity, preventing them from causing throttling. However, at the time of writing, Surge Protection does not prevent users that are running expensive DAX or MDX queries – which are interactive operations – from causing problems on your capacity. Indeed, right now, there is no direct way to stop runaway queries from consuming a lot of CUs, although there is something you can do which will help a lot: reducing the query timeout.

Read on for information about why Surge Protection doesn’t currently work with DAX and MDX queries, and how you can change the query timeout. This is kind of interesting considering that, outside of the Microsoft Fabric world, we typically move the query timeout higher rather than lower, to deal with long-running queries.

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Marco Russo and Alberto Ferrari disambiguate a pair of operators:

Have you ever wondered what the subtle difference between ALL and ALLCROSSFILTERED might be? The family of ALL functions and modifiers includes some common functions, like ALL and ALLSELECTED, and some fancier and less frequently-used functions, like ALLNOBLANKROW and ALLCROSSFILTERED. This article discusses what ALLCROSSFILTERED is, why it is there in DAX, and when and how developers should use it.

Read on for that answer, along with several helpful demos.

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MDX vs DAX for Bulk Data Extraction from Power BI

Chris Webb performs a test but gives us a warning first:

This is a post I’ve avoided writing for many years, and before I carry on let me make one thing clear:

Doing bulk extracts of data from a Power BI semantic model is a **really** bad idea

My colleague Matthew Roche wrote a great post on this topic a couple of years ago that is still relevant: using Power BI (or Analysis Services) as a data source for other systems, including other Power BI Import mode semantic models, is an anti-pattern. Power BI is optimised for small, analytical queries that return the amount of data that can be visualised on a single page. It is not optimised for queries that return millions of rows.

After the warning, Chris still gives a performance breakdown for extracting data from a semantic model in Excel, using automated MDX and DAX.

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Optimizing Incremental Inventory Calculations in DAX

Marco Russo and Alberto Ferrari track account balances:

Computing an inventory level or an account balance at a given time is a common requirement for many reports. However, when the source data contains all the transactions since the initial zero state, the calculation requires a running sum from the beginning of the data history until the day considered. While easy to implement, a calculation like this can be extremely expensive depending on several factors: the number of cells to compute in the report, the data volume of the transactions, and the cardinality of the dimensions.

The usual approach to optimizing this type of calculation is to introduce a snapshot table that pre-calculates the value of each date for all the dimensions required. Because of the resulting data volume, this solution can be very expensive both in terms of processing time and in terms of resulting memory consumption. A tradeoff is to limit the cardinality of the time available for the snapshot, for example by creating a monthly or quarterly snapshot instead of a daily snapshot. However, this approach limits the analysis of inventory or balance amount trends, and it removes any detail below the snapshot cardinality.

This article shows how to implement a hybrid approach that minimizes the snapshot cost without losing analytical capabilities. This provides outstanding query performance for the reports.

To an extent, this replicates what accountants do with general ledger operations: after an accounting period ends, you summarize results. Then, you can start from the summarized end point instead of needing to read each journal entry. It also provides a convenient time to perform audits and ensure that the numbers are what they should be.

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The Year in DAX: 2024 Edition

Marco Russo wraps up the year:

In 2024, DAX added several functions to support visual calculations – a Power BI feature still in preview at the end of the year 2024. These 12 functions cannot be used in measures, calculated columns, nor calculated tables – they can only be used in visual calculations: COLLAPSECOLLAPSEALLEXPANDEXPANDALLFIRSTISATLEVELLASTMOVINGAVERAGENEXTPREVIOUSRANGE, and RUNNINGSUM.

Read on to learn more about what Microsoft has done with DAX as a language, as well as what has kept the SQLBI team busy and what’s coming in 2025.

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Blank Dates and DAX

Marco Russo and Alberto Ferrari are blanking on us:

Handling missing dates in a semantic model can be challenging, especially when working with DAX time intelligence functions. Dates might be missing for various reasons: incomplete data entry, system errors, special placeholder values like 0000, or dates set far in the future. We will see that using a blank is the best way to manage missing dates, even though you should pay attention to DAX conditional expressions operating on those dates. We will also consider how to hide these blanks in a Power BI report if their presence is not desired in charts and slicers.

Read on to learn more.

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Aggregate Functions in Power BI

Hristo Hristov writes some DAX:

At times when using Power BI, you want to combine your data to produce an aggregated value. The aggregation is performed over some criteria – frequently this may be time (year, month, date) or a categorical value. Some popular aggregation functions to apply can be Sum, Average, Maximum, Minimum, or Count. Typically, Power BI applies certain aggregations by default when adding data fields to visualizations. What if you wanted to create your own data aggregations? To achieve better understanding of the underlying data, how can you attain fine-grained control over the aggregations?

Read on for several DAX measures, including totals, running totals, moving averages, and day over day changes.

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