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Category: Data Lake

Defining A Data Lake

Derik Hammer gives us a definition of the data lake:

Data lake, a term originally coined by James Dixon, the founder and CTO of Pentaho, is used to describe a data store which can scale to extremely large sizes, in an affordable manner. A data lake is also designed to store the raw data, in its original format, so it can be used immediately, rather than waiting weeks for the IT department to massage it into a format that the data warehouse can accept and/or use effectively.

The data lake concept always includes the capability to scale to an enormous size. However, you do not need petabytes of data to find use in a data lake. It can be used as cheap storage for long-term archival data. It can be used to transform data before attempting to ingest into a data warehouse with the convenience of retaining the original and transformed versions of the data. It also can be used as the centralized staging location for ingestion into the data warehouse, simplifying the loading processes.

I would like to take this opportunity to remind readers that the Aristotelian opposite of the Data Lake is the Data Swamp.  Derik uses this term as well and it makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside to see broad adoption of this term.

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Comparing Data Lake Job Runs

Yanan Cai shows how to compare stats on different executions of a job:

Troubleshooting issues in recurring job is a time-consuming task. It starts with searching through the Job Browser to find instances of a recurring job and identifying both baseline and anomalous performance. This is followed by multi-way comparisons between job instances to figure out what has been changed in the query, data or environment. This is followed by analysis to discover which changes may have performance impact. While this is happening production workloads continue to under-perform or go down.

Azure Data Lake Tools for Visual Studio now makes it easy to spot anomalies and quickly trace the key characteristics across recurring job instances allowing for an efficient debugging experience. The Pipeline Browser automatically groups recurring jobs to simplify discovery of all runs. The Related Job View collects data about inputs, outputs and execution across multiple runs into a single visualization.

Read on for more.

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The Need For Multiple Warehouse Architectures

James Serra argues in favor of a data lake approach and a traditional data warehouse:

I think the ultimate question is: Can all the benefits of a traditional relational data warehouse be implemented inside of a Hadoop data lake with interactive querying via Hive LLAP or Spark SQL, or should I use both a data lake and a relational data warehouse in my big data solution?  The short answer is you should use both.  The rest of this post will dig into the reasons why.

I touched on this ultimate question in a blog that is now over a few years old at Hadoop and Data Warehouses so this is a good time to provide an update.  I also touched on this topic in my blogs Use cases of various products for a big data cloud solutionData lake detailsWhy use a data lake?and What is a data lake? and my presentation Big data architectures and the data lake.  

Read on for James’s argument, which is good.  My argument is summed up as follows:  the purpose of a data warehouse is to solve known business problems—that is, to help build reports that people on the business side need based on established requirements.  The purpose of a data lake is to hold all kinds of data and curate it for when people come looking for something they didn’t know they needed.

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Data Lake Archive Tier

Ust Oldfeld looks at an important part of a data lake:

The Archive access tier in blob storage was made generally available today (13th December 2017) and with it comes the final piece in the puzzle to archiving data from the data lake.

Where Hot and Cool access tiers can be applied at a storage account level, the Archive access tier can only be applied to a blob storage container. To understand why the Archive access tier can only be applied to a container, you need to understand the features of the Archive access tier. It is intended for data that has no or low SLAs for availability within an organisation and the data is stored offline (Hot and Cool access tiers are online). Therefore, it can take up to 15 hours for data to be made online and available. Brining Archive data online is a process called rehydration (fitting for the data lake). If you have lots of blob containers in a storage account, you can archive them and rehydrate them as required, rather than having to rehydrate the entire storage account.

Read on for more details, including a pattern for archiving data lake data.

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Fetching U-SQL Job Input And Output Paths

Matthew Hicks shows how to retrieve information on U-SQL input and output paths using Powershell:

Each time you submit a U-SQL job, a job folder is created in your Azure Data Lake Store account. This folder contains useful debugging information about the job, including a file called the U-SQL algebra file. This is an XML file containing information about your job graph, the list of input and output files, and other key U-SQL job metadata.

We’ve just published a sample script that reads the U-SQL algebra file for a specified job and returns the input or output files. Give it a try!

Read on for more.

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Automating Azure Data Lake Storage ACLs

Shannon Lowder shows how to automate Azure Data Lake Storage access control lists:

Now that you have these, you can use a for each loop to set your permissions.

foreach ($ACL in $ACLs) {
   write-host "Grant $useremail " $ACL[1] " access to " $ACL[0];
    Set-AzureRmDataLakeStoreItemAclEntry -AccountName $adls -Path $ACL[0] -AceType User -Id $(Get-AzureRmADUser -Mail $useremail ).Id -Permissions $ACL[1]
    Set-AzureRmDataLakeStoreItemAclEntry -AccountName $adls -Path $ACL[0] -AceType User -Id $(Get-AzureRmADUser -Mail $useremail ).Id -Permissions $ACL[1] -Default

Now, for each permission, we’ll set the ACL and the default.  Why set both?  Well, when folders are created under each of the target folders, you want to cascade those permissions down from parent to child, right?  Well, that’s what the Default ACL controls.  If you skip the second Set-AzureRMDataLakeStoreItemAclEntry, then new folders would not inherit the permissions of the containing folder and your users would be unable to access their files properly.

Read the whole thing.  Shannon also has one of the very few valid use cases for 3D pie charts.

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Data Lake Zones

Shannon Lowder walks us through a multi-zone approach to storing data in a data lake:

Our first zone is the raw zone.  This zone will serve as the landing point for source files.  Like the extract (or stage) schema in our data warehouse, we want these files to match the source system as close as possible.In the data lake, we actually go one step beyond saying we want the schema of our raw files to match the source system, we also want these files to be immutable.

Immutable means once they are written to the raw folder we shouldn’t be able to modify or delete them.  That way, we can always reconstruct different states from these files without having to retrieve them from the source system.

Worth reading the whole thing.

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Data Lakes Aren’t New

Shannon Lowder reveals one of the deep, dark data lake secrets:

Turns out there are three basic zones or areas to a data lake. Raw, Managed, and Presentation.

The raw zone should be optimized for fast storage.  The goal is to get the data in as quickly as possible.  Don’t make any changes to this data.  You want it stored as close to the original format as possible.  It sounds just like staged data to me.  Data you’d build an extract package to get from source to your staging environment, right?

Maybe you’re thinking this is just a coincidence…let’s move on.

Spoilers:  it’s not a coincidence.

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Azure Data Lake Analytics Pipelines

Yan Li notes that Azure Data Lake Analytics now offers the ability to manage pipelines:

To make it easier to manage and understand jobs, ADLA now captures the pipeline and recurrence information for each job. This information can be used to connect and organize jobs belonging to the same pipeline or recurring instances. As shown in Fig 2, now jobs are organized by pipeline and recurring instances which enable you to:

  • Quickly identify jobs in pipelines which may have failed or taken longer than expected.

  • Get the aggregated statistics (e.g. job counts, successful and failed AU hours etc.) for a pipeline or a recurring instance

This is an interesting improvement.

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