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Category: Cloud

Trying out the Databricks For-Each Task

Chen Hirsh goes in a loop:

Databricks recently added a for-each task to their workflow capability. Workflows are Databricks jobs, like Data factory pipelines, or SQL server jobs, a pipeline that you can schedule, that include a number of tasks that together complete some business logic.

Theoretically, the long-awaited for-each task should make the run of multiple processes easier. for example, one of the things I often do is run a list of notebooks, each processing a different table, with no dependencies between them. At the moment I use parallel notebooks –

As you will see later, this use case is not supported yet. But before that, let’s see what we can do with the for-each task.

Read on to see what it currently can do, and what it cannot.

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Memoizing Functions with Snowflake

Kevin Wilkie is speaking my language (that is, the language of functional programming):

If you’ve been working with data for several years like I have – mostly using the SQL language – then I have a term for you that other languages, like JavaScript or Python, have had for a few years. The term is “memoizable” and it means, in a nutshell, to remember. A memoizable function caches the results so that it can return the resultset in record time, given the same parameters.

Yeah, it’s a fancy term that basically states, “Instead of calculating the result each time, I’ll just create a lookup table of all possible inputs and what the output is.” It’s really helpful when you have a small number of possible inputs and generating a result takes a while.

Read on to learn more about how this works in Snowflake, including several limitations.

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Connecting to Azure Storage from SSIS

Andy Brownsword makes a connection:

Migrating to the cloud can be disruptive to existing processes. Moving storage to Azure isn’t a simple configuration change for SSIS packages.

SSIS doesn’t have native connections for Azure. That doesn’t mean we need to completely re-engineer the process or change technology though.

How can we take the simple package below and move to using Azure storage?

Read on for the answer. Also, I am 100% on Team SAS Token. They are easy to create and give you a lot of control over who gets access to what.

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Copying Content between Databricks Unity Catalogs

Meagan Longoria busts out the photocopier:

I had a couple of clients who were moving content from development catalogs to production catalogs for the first time. They wanted to copy the schema and data from tables, views, and volumes.

So I wrote a python notebook to handle this task. It creates the objects in the new catalog and then changes the owner to a selected user/group. You can find the full notebook on GitHub.

You can check out the notebook, and Meagan also has explanatory notes covering the process.

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Azure Database for PostgreSQL Backup and Restoration

Josephine Bush makes and restores a backup:

I wanted to test a migration of Azure PostgreSQL from simple to flexible. I wanted a simple db to restore onto my single server. I may not have needed to do this, but I was then curious how one would go about dumping and restoring on Azure Postgres in general. I plan to use the Azure migration service, but since I started this dump/restore exercise, I thought I would document it here.

Read on for the process.

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Tracking Python Packages in Snowflake

Kevin Wilkie takes a peek:

When working with one of the many modern computer languages that use libraries, one of the many things to be aware of – as a developer – is the version of the libraries available for your usage.

Since there are multiple languages in Snowflake that use libraries, let’s go over how to check out the versions that come installed and how to install one yourself.

Read on for those answers. Well, one answer and one conundrum.

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TLS 1.2 (or Later) in Azure SQL

Sakshi Gupta provides a public service announcement:

From November 1st, any Azure SQL server left with the “Select an option” or “NONE” setting (where “NONE” means no enforced minimum TLS version) will only allow connections using TLS 1.2 and TLS 1.3. Connections using TLS 1.0 or TLS 1.1 will be rejected. It is critical for all customers to configure their servers correctly and ensure that their client applications can operate with TLS 1.2 or higher.

Pretty much any SQL Server client or driver that Microsoft released from 2016 forwards will support TLS 1.2, so for most organizations, this should be as simple as enabling the option in development and ensuring applications connect as expected.

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Cloud Governance via Azure Policy

Alexey Nazarov draws a line:

Azure Policy is a service that allows you to create, assign, and manage policies that govern your Azure resources. Policies are rules that define the desired state and configuration of your resources, such as the location, size, tags, and properties. Policies can also audit the compliance status of your resources and report any violations.

With Azure Policy, you can ensure that your resources follow the best practices and standards that you define for your organization. You can also use Azure Policy to implement cost management, security, and regulatory compliance for your cloud environment.

Click through to learn more about Azure Policy. My limited experience with it is that the idea is sound, though there are some limitations in what you can do that can make things annoying.

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Using Managed Identities in Azure Logic Apps

Koen Verbeeck doesn’t want to change a password yet again:

A stored procedure is executed on an Azure SQL Database. The connection to this database was configured using SQL Server Authentication. The goal of this article is to show you how you can connect using managed identities instead, which was left as an exercise to the reader in the previous article.

I recommend you to go through this article first if you don’t have a solid understanding of Logic Apps, or if you want to follow along as an exercise. It’s not necessarily a prerequisite to understand the concepts of this article and if you’re just interested in learning how managed identities work for Logic Apps, then keep on reading.

Click through to learn more about managed identities in Azure and how they can be so useful.

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