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Category: Cloud

Unity Catalog in Azure Databricks

Meagan Longoria makes a recommendation:

Unity Catalog in Databricks provides a single place to create and manage data access policies that apply across all workspaces and users in an organization. It also provides a simple data catalog for users to explore. So when a client wanted to create a place for statisticians and data scientists to explore the data in their data lake using a web interface, I suggested we use Databricks with Unity Catalog.

Read on to learn more about what the Unity Catalog does.

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Reading Serverless SQL Pool Data with Data Factory

Koen Verbeeck wants to read from the serverless SQL pool in Azure Synapse Analytics:

We have some data we can query using the serverless SQL pools in Azure Synapse Analytics. For this blog post, I’m querying data that is stored in Azure Cosmos DB. Read the blog post How to Store Normalized SQL Server Data into Azure Cosmos DB to learn more about how that data got there.

Suppose I now want to read the data using Azure Data Factory. You can read data from Cosmos DB directly, but let’s pretend I want to do some transformations first using my favorite language: SQL. How can we do this?

Read on to learn how.

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Loading Normalized Data into Cosmos DB

Koen Verbeeck does a bit of shuffling:

I loaded the data into a table in Azure SQL DB. For demo purposes, I want to transfer this data from a SQL table to a container in Azure Cosmos DB (with the NoSQL API). There are plenty of resources on the web on how to transfer a simple relational table to Cosmos DB, but I have some additional complexity. One column – flavor profiles – contains a list of flavors that is assigned to a beer.

Click through for one way to organize the data when dealing with arrays.

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Invoke External REST Endpoints from Azure SQL DB

Rob Farley is impressed:

This internal procedure is new in Azure SQL DB in 2022. I think it presents a significant change to the way we do things in the world of SQL, and makes some other tools a whole lot more useful as well.

sp_invoke_external_rest_endpoint lets me send data to a REST API from within a stored procedure. Invoking an HTTP REST endpoint – as simple as that. And while I know you’re probably thinking, “But I can send data to a REST API from anywhere – why do I need to do it from within a stored procedure?”, I want to describe a few scenarios to you.

I like having the functionality, though would want to control how frequently my teams would use it. The reason is that this potentially makes your database the a domain boundary (when thinking in domain-driven design concepts).

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Continuous Backup for Cosmos DB

Manvendra Singh wants a backup:

This article will explore Continuous backup and steps to configure it for a new Azure Cosmos DB account or an existing Cosmos DB account. Azure Cosmos DB is a fully managed and highly secure, NoSQL database service on the Azure cloud that is designed for modern-day application development. It automatically runs backup for its databases on separate Azure blob storage at regular intervals without affecting the performance, availability, and provisioned resource units (RUs) to ensure data protection from a data recovery standpoint which can be needed in case of data corruption, deletion, or wrongly data updates.

Click through for the process and some limitations.

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Monitoring Azure SQL DB Restore Progress

Sudhir Raparia doesn’t have time to wait:

Database Backup & Restore capabilities are crucial for ensuring Business continuity and Disaster recovery. Restore database operation is usually done in critical situations like hardware failure, application errors, ransomware attacks, accidental deletion of database etc., to restore a production database to latest known stable state. In such critical situations users would want to track the progress of restore operation accurately so that they can plan for subsequent actions and/or alternatives.

Currently in Azure SQL DB, you can view the database restore progress either using Portal or using T-SQL as follows:

Click through for information on that DMV, as well as a recent change to it in Azure SQL DB (though not yet Azure SQL Managed Instance).

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Sending Messages to Event Hub via Python

Kiril Nikolov has a message for us:

Recently I needed to create an Azure Function app that would connect to an API and send data to an Event Hub as part of a real-time data streaming solution.

Azure functions are the perfect connectivity option for a task like this, allowing you to focus on the trigger and the resulting output message you want to capture in the event stream, while Azure handles the maintenance of the cloud infrastructure and hosting to run it.

Azure functions can be written in multiple languages. I needed to write mine in python, meaning that I had to set up a configuration file to connect to the Event Hub (as I will explain in further detail below).

Click through to see how it all works.

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Azure SQL DB Performance: Business Critical Tier

Reitse Eskens continues the comparison:

My last blog was about the Hyperscale tier, this week we’re back at more regular designs with Business Critical. This design is aimed at performance, local SSD storage and better CPU’s. But that’s not all. Besides this high-speed design, it also has high availability implemented by having a secondary replica ready to take over when the primary fails for any reason. And not just one but three replicas. So, your data should be accessible at all times. To make it even better, you can make one of these replica’s the read-only replica for reporting purposes. I’ve tested most tiers, again I didn’t test the 80 cores SKU because of the price. I also did some testing with and without replica’s but there wasn’t much of a difference. But again, my testing setup is quite simplistic, for your heavier read and write loads it might make a huge difference.

Read on for this and see how it compares to some of the other Azure SQL DB tiers.

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Time Travel with Delta Tables in Synapse

Liliam Leme reverses the clock:


While working with a customer, they had a requirement to restore modified files to a specific point in time. They had built their architecture on top of a Data lake.

Looking for options

While working on this scenario, we explored some storage options available without any side customization, for example, Soft delete for blobs – Azure Storage | Microsoft Docs.

Read on to see what they landed on.

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Azure SQL Trigger for Azure Functions

Drew Skwiers-Koballa announces a new feature:

The Azure SQL trigger for Azure Functions uses SQL change tracking functionality to monitor a SQL table for changes and trigger a function when a row is created, updated, or deleted.  Change tracking is available for Azure SQL Database, Azure SQL Managed Instance, and SQL Server, making the Azure SQL trigger for Azure Functions a flexible component for event-driven applications.

Similarly to the Azure SQL bindings for Azure Functions, a connection string for the SQL database is stored in the application settings of the Azure Function and supporting authentication options such as managed identity. In addition to the connection string, the SQL trigger is configured with a table name. The SQL trigger is specified on lines 12 and 13 in the C# Azure Function example below, which will log information about each change made to data in the dbo.Employees table.

Read on to see how it works.

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