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Category: Cloud

Polybase With Azure Blob Storage

I look at using Polybase to read data from Azure Blob Storage:

To this point, I have focused my Polybase series on interactions with on-premises Hadoop, as it’s the use case most apropos to me.  I want to start expanding that out to include other interaction mechanisms, and I’m going to start with one of the easiest:  Azure Blob Storage.

Ayman El-Ghazali has a great blog post the topic, which he turned into a full-length talk.  As such, this post will fill in the gaps rather than start from scratch.  In today’s post, my intention is to retrieve data from Azure Blob Storage and get an idea of what’s happening.  From there, we’ll spend a couple more posts on Azure Blob Storage, looking a bit deeper into the process.  That said, my expectation going into this series is that much of what we do with Azure Blob Storage will mimic what we did with Hadoop, as there are no Polybase core concepts unique to Azure Blob Storage, at least any of which I am aware.

Spoilers:  I’m still not aware of any core concepts unique to Azure Blob Storage.

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Transactional Replication To Azure SQL Database

Jes Borland has a five-part series on replicating a series of databases in an Availability Group to Azure SQL Database.  Part 1 involves planning:

There are tasks you’ll need to take care of in SQL Server, the AG, and the SQL DB before you can begin.

This blog series assumes you already have an AG set up – it won’t go through the setup of that. It also assumes you have an Azure SQL server and a SQL Database created – it won’t go through that setup either.

Ideally, the publishers, distributor, and subscribers will all be the same version and edition of SQL Server. If not, you have to configure from the highest-version server, or you will get errors.

Part 2 prepares the replication distributor:

The first step in this process is to set up the remote distributor. As I mentioned in the first blog, you do not want your distribution database on one of the AG replicas. You need to set this up on a server that is not part of the AG.

Start by logging on to the distributor server – in this demo, SQL2014demo.

Stay tuned for the remainder of the series.

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Jupyter On ElasticMapReduce

Tom Zeng shows howt o install Jupyter Notebooks on Amazon’s ElasticMapReduce:

By default (with no --password and --port arguments), Jupyter will run on port 8888 with no password protection; JupyterHub will run on port 8000.  The --port and --jupyterhub-port arguments can be used to override the default ports to avoid conflicts with other applications.

The --r option installs the IRKernel for R. It also installs SparkR and sparklyr for R, so make sure Spark is one of the selected EMR applications to be installed. You’ll need the Spark application if you use the --toree argument.

If you used --jupyterhub, use Linux users to sign in to JupyterHub. (Be sure to create passwords for the Linux users first.)  hadoop, the default admin user for JupyterHub, can be used to set up other users. The –password option sets the password for Jupyter and for the hadoop user for JupyterHub.

Installation is fairly straightforward, and they include a series of samples you can get to try out Jupyter.

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Linux Data Science Virtual Machine

David Smith mentions the Linux data science virtual machine on Azure:

The Linux Data Science Virtual Machine includes all of the tools a modern data scientist needs, in one easy-to-launch package. With it, you can try exploring data with Apache Drill, train deep neural networks for computer vision with MXNet, develop AI applications with the Cognitive Toolkit, or create statistical models with big data in R with Microsoft R Server 9.0.

They also offer a free trial, so check it out.

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Azure Management Using R

Alan Weaver introduces AzureSMR:

The AzureSMR functions currently addresses the following Azure Services:

  • Azure Blob: List, Read and Write to Blob Services

  • Azure Resources: List, Create and Delete Azure Resource. Deploy ARM templates.

  • Azure VM: List, Start and Stop Azure VMs

  • Azure HDI: List and Scale Azure HDInsight Clusters

  • Azure Hive: Run Hive queries against a HDInsight Cluster

  • Azure Spark: List and create Spark jobs/Sessions against a HDInsight Cluster(Livy)

This can be useful for cases like when you need to ramp up the Spark cluster before running a particularly compute-intensive process.

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Understanding Data Gateways

James Serra walks us through the different data gateways available in Azure:

On-premises data gateway: Formally called the enterprise version.  Multiple users can share and reuse a gateway in this mode.  This gateway can be used by Power BI, PowerApps, Microsoft Flow or Azure Logic Apps.  For Power BI, this includes support for both scheduled refresh and DirectQuery.  To add a data source such as SQL Server that can be used by the gateway, check out Manage your data source – SQL Server.  To connect the gateway to your Power BI, you will sign in to Power BI after you install it (see On-premises data gateway in-depth).

Click through for more details on additional gateways.

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Debugging Spark In HDInsight

Sajib Mahmood gives various methods for debugging Spark applications running on an HDInsight cluster:

Spark Application Master

To access Spark UI for the running application and get more detailed information on its execution use the Application Master link and navigate through different tabs containing more information on jobs, stages, executors and so on.

These methods also apply for on-prem Spark clusters, although the resource locations might be a little different.

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Understanding Azure SQL Elastic Pool

Vincent-Philippe Lauzon explains how SQL Elastic Pools work and why we might want to use them in Azure:

Along came Elastic Pool.  Interestingly, Elastic Pools brought back the notion of a centralized compute shared across databases.  Unlike on premise SQL Server on premise though, that compute doesn’t sit with the server itself but with a new resource called an elastic pool.

This allows us to provision certain compute, i.e. DTUs, to a pool and share it across many databases.

His example is using a large number of small databases, where the total load is never the sum of individual expected loads.  Another reason to use a pool is for cross-database queries in Azure.

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Deploying VMs To Azure Using Powershell

Rob Sewell shows how to use Powershell to create your own Azure VM instance of the Microsoft data science virtual machine:

First, an annoyance. To be able to deploy Data Science virtual machines in Azure programmatically  you first have to login to the portal and click some buttons.

In the Portal click new and then marketplace and then search for data science. Choose the Windows Data Science Machine and under the blue Create button you will see a link which says “Want to deploy programmatically? Get started” Clicking this will lead to the following blade.

Click through for a screenshot-laden explanation which leaves you with a working VM in Azure.

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Taxi Rides And Amazon Athena

Mark Litwintschik looks at using Amazon Athena to process the New York City taxi rides data set:

It’s important to note that Athena is not a general purpose database. Under the hood is Presto, a query execution engine that runs on top of the Hadoop stack. Athena’s purpose is to ask questions rather than insert records quickly or update random records with low latency.

That being said, Presto’s performance, given it can work on some of the world’s largest datasets, is impressive. Presto is used daily by analysts at Facebook on their multi-petabyte data warehouse so the fact that such a powerful tool is available via a simple web interface with no servers to manage is pretty amazing to say the least.

Athena is Amazon’s response to Azure Data Lake Analytics.  Check out Mark’s blog post for a good way of getting started with Athena.

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