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Category: Backups

Backups from Secondary Replicas in SQL Server

Brendan McCaffrey offers up some guidance:

With Availability Groups there has always been a common theme across the industry to offload your database backups to a secondary replica. It sounds great in theory. I know people that have done this. I also know people that “thought” they were doing this. But the question is, should you be doing this?

Your scientists spent so long figuring out if they could that they forgot to ask if they should.

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Postgres Backup and Restore

Grant Fritchey is learning about PostgreSQL:

One of the first things I worry about when I’m looking at a new system is the status of the backups. I don’t see anything in PostgreSQL that will lead me to a different conclusion. However, I didn’t realize just how big a can of worms I would open by pursuing backups and restores.

Instead of talking immediately about backups, let’s talk about restores.

This is a bit different from what we’re used to in SQL Server, so definitely check it out if you are looking at Postgres development or administration.

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Restoring PostgreSQL Backups in Azure

Grant Fritchey tests a restore plan:

I recently wrote an article about PostgreSQL restores (and by extension, backups) over on Simple-Talk. The restore process within PostgreSQL, without 3rd party involvement, can be a little tricky. However, when you are using a Platform as a Service offering, like Azure Database for PostgreSQL, things get quite a bit easier. Let’s explore this just a little.

Read the whole thing if you’re thinking about PostgreSQL or Azure Database for PostgreSQL.

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Air-Gapping Backups

Chad Callihan notes an increasingly dangerous problem:

I’m guessing that we’ve all dealt with a computer virus or malware at some point in our lives. Dealing with these issues can range from annoying to absolutely devastating.

Even at their worst, viruses or malware are not typically on the same level as a ransomware attack. Sure, you may hate not being able to access your games or documents on your laptop due to a virus. But when a company is attacked with ransomware there are more financial complications.

Ransomware has picked up steam in recent years, making the idea of keeping backups air-gapped more appealing.

I chatted with a consulting client of mine yesterday about this very thing. One of their customers was hit by a major ransomware attack which put them behind for an entire year (and would have been considerably worse if they hadn’t been using my client’s software, as it has both cloud and on-prem components, so they could safely fall back to the cloud side while they rebuilt their entire on-prem infrastructure from scratch). Recent ransomware will not only encrypt the files on local disk but will also try to figure out where backups get stored, access that location using the backup service account, and encrypt those backup files as well.

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Cosmos DB Continuous Backup

Gauri Mahajan explains how continuous backup works in Cosmos DB:

To follow the exercise in this article, we would need an Azure Account with administrative privileges to operate the Azure Cosmos DB service. It is assumed that such an Azure Account and setup is already available and ready for use. The Continuous backup option is not available for all the editions of Cosmos DB and works only under certain configurations. The focus of this exercise is to understand the use-cases and options under which continuous backup would work in Cosmos DB.

There are four restrictions (as of the draft of this article), which should be kept in view while considering using continuous backup.

Read on for those restrictions and then how you can configure continuous backup to run.

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Restoring a Database in Standby Mode

David Alcock points out a useful database restoration mode:

Here’s a scenario. A user has made several modifications to a database and now needs to restore the database back to a particular point. The problem is that they don’t know the particular time to restore back to, just that they need the database back to before a particular change was made.

If the database is in simple recovery then there’s no options to play with, the database can only go back to the last full and maybe differential backup if they’ve been taken. If the database is using full recovery (I’m skipping over BULK-LOGGED for this post) then we can then apply the transaction log backups taken after the full backup to get back to a point in time by restoring the database with NORECOVERY and then restoring the necessary log backup files until we reach a particular point.

But one of the disadvantages of NORECOVERY is that it doesn’t give us a readable database until we restore with RECOVERY and at that point we can’t restore further log backups to our database so if we have missed anything we’d need to start the whole restore process from the beginning.

Read on for an alternative restore mode which fits the bill.

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Managing File Retention in Blob Storage

Jeet Kainth shows how to configure a retention strategy in Azure Blob Storage:

This blog is a follow up to a previous blog I wrote about backing up Azure Analysis Services cubes in Azure, that blog can be found here. This blog shows how to implement a retention policy using PowerShell in Azure Runbooks to remove the backups after a set number of days. To create a new Runbook in the Azure portal, go to the relevant Automation account in the relevant resource group and then select Runbooks from the left hand pane. Note you will need to add the Az.Storage module to the automation account to be able to use some of the commands listed in this blog.

Click through for the process, including Powershell code to perform the task.

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