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Category: Azure Data Studio

Generating Scripts in SSMS and ADS

Rob Farley walks us through automation options in SQL Server Management Studio and Azure Data Studio:

User interfaces are great, but I simply don’t want to have to remember to do everything the same way each time.

To that end, I want to wax lyrical for a moment about the Script button on most dialog boxes in SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS), and make a quick mention of what things (currently) look like in Azure Data Studio (ADS). (I say “currently” because ADS is still under very active development and could have changed even by the time I publish this.)

The Script button is one of the best features of Management Studio. The UI lets you know what can be done, and the Script button lets you know the process. It’s also a nice reminder that this functionality is not unique to the UI. Management Studio’s implementation of the Script button isn’t perfect, but it is good.

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Building dacpac Files on Non-Windows Machines

Erik Ejlskov Jensen provides another advantage for Azure SQL Database’s database projects:

For a while now, it has been possible to publish a .dacpac file (meaning apply it to an new or existing database) using the cross-platform version of sqlpackage.

But authoring and building a database project (sqlproj) was only possible on Windows, as the .sqlproj project type is based on the classic .NET Framework .csproj project type.

Now, thanks to the new Database Project extension in Azure Data Studio Insiders build, it is now possible to author, build and manually publish a SQL Server Database project.

And by using the new MsBuild.Sdk.SqlProj SDK and project type, is is also possible to build and publish a Database Project from a build agent (CI pipeline), without having to install the sqlpackage tool. Read on!

You heard Erik.

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Azure Data Studio Extension Generator

Anjali Agarwal and Laura Jiang announce a new product:

The release of the Azure Data Studio extension generator is now available. Install the generator through npm and get started with extension development with these Azure Data Studio extension tutorials.

The Azure Data Studio extension generator is a command line tool designed to help extension authors get started with the process of extension development. It includes extension templates that enable users to create and publish extensions with minimal technical knowledge required. In our most recent release, we have added three highly requested extension templates to the generator.

Anything which helps make extension development easier is fine by me.

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Tips for Creating Azure Data Studio Database Projects

Kevin Chant offers some insights for us:

One of the options within the SQL database Projects extension is that you can publish your project to another SQL Server database. Of course, this is only for one database.

So, what do you do if you want to update multiple databases with one project? Well one option is to create a dacpac from your project and use that dacpac to update multiple databases.

You have a couple of options if you wish to do this.

Read on for some helpful tips.

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Azure Data Studio August 2020 Release

Alan Yu announces the most recent set of changes around Azure Data Studio:

The notebooks viewlet in Azure Data Studio now includes a dynamic search experience. When you are dealing with hundreds of notebooks, it can be tricky navigating and finding the notebook you need. With this experience, we make it faster to search through notebook content.

Once notebooks are listed in the Notebooks viewlet, users can easily search for content across all notebooks and see how many instances the search term appears in a certain notebook. You can then interact with the notebook.

It’s a notebook-heavy month.

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Creating a Database Project with Azure Data Studio

Wolfgang Strasser takes the database project extension for a spin:

There is currently one requirement to start your database project development in ADS, it is that you need the Insider build of ADS (that you can download here). After the installation, you’ll need to install the extension. Please search for it in the list of extensions and install it in your ADS instance.

Tom Norman and I talked about it in detail on last night’s episode of Shop Talk (to be posted later today). It’s a good start, but there are still some rough edges and missing functionality. I’d expect that to improve over time, though.

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Quality Azure Data Studio Extensions

Randolph West vouches for some Azure Data Studio extensions:

It’s worth mentioning that for the most part Azure Data Studio extensions are extremely lightweight, both in download size and memory usage. Installing this many on SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) would slow it down dramatically.

Note: not all extensions can be installed from the Extensions pane. For many of them you must visit a website, download the VSIX file and install it manually using the File > Install Extension from VSIX Package menu option. In most cases you can trust extensions from reputable publishers, but always take care.

Randolph has quite a few more extensions than I do, but I can’t say any of those are a bad choice.

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Azure Data Studio June 2020 Release

Alan Yu announces a new release of Azure Data Studio:

The Data Virtualization extension for Azure Data Studio is now updated with more functionality and a new logo. This update allows you to use the data virtualization wizard to virtualize MongoDB and Teradata data sources into your SQL Server. This new functionality is available for SQL Server 2019 instances running CU5 or later.

To install the extension, search for Data Virtualization in the extension viewlet in Azure Data Studio and click install.

Of course I’m going to clip the bit about PolyBase.

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