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Category: Analysis Services

Representing Dates in Power BI: Date or Integer?

Marco Russo and Alberto Ferrari share their take on a classic debate:

A question that is often asked during the design of a Power BI data model is whether it is better to use an Integer or a Datetime column to link a fact table with the Date dimension. Historically, using Integers has always been a better choice in database design. However, Tabular is an in-memory columnar database, and its architecture is quite different from the relational databases we might be used to working with.

Indeed, in Tabular there are no technical differences between using a Datetime or an Integer to create a relationship. The database size, the query speed, and any other technical detail are absolutely identical. Therefore, the choice is not related to technical aspects, but rather on the convenience of the design. Depending on the specific requirements of your model, you might favor one data type against the other. In the most common scenarios, a Datetime proves to be better because it provides more possibilities to compute values on dates without having to rely on relationships. With that said, if your model uses Integers and you do not need to perform calculations on the dates represented in the table, then you can choose the most convenient data type – that is, the one already used in the original data source.

The remaining part of the article aims to prove the previous sentences, and to provide you with the technical details about how we tested the respective performance of the two options.

Click through for Marco and Alberto’s analysis, noting that “date” here does not include time of day, so it would have the same cardinality as the integer date key. This was a more important thing fifteen years ago, before columnstore technologies (like columnstore indexes and VertiPaq) were readily available and that 4-byte integer was considerably smaller than an 8-byte DATETIME.

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Deploying Datasets in Azure Analysis Services and Power BI PPU

Gilbert Quevauvilliers continues a series on migrating from Azure Analysis Services to Power BI Premium Per User:

Welcome to part 8, where in this blog post, I am going compare deploying datasets.

For those people who are not exactly sure what deployments are, what this means is when you are using Power BI Desktop and you click on Publish, you are effectively deploying your changes to the Power BI Service (Which could also be a server in the cloud).

In this blog post I will show the differences when completing a deployment from AAS and then PPU.

Read on to see several techniques for deploying for each technology.

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Fun with Excel Cube Functions

Chris Webb has a new series on Excel cube functions combined with Lambda helper functions. First up, Chris collects items from a set:

This example shows the fundamental problem that has always existed with CubeRankedMember though: in order to show all the items in a set you need to know how many items there are in advance, and populate as many cells with CubeRankedMember formulas as there are items. In this case see how the range B4:B6 contains the numbers 1, 2 and 3; these numbers are used in the formulas in the range C4:C6 to get the first, second and third items in the set.

If a fourth product was added to the table, however, it would not appear automatically – you would have to add another cell with another CubeRankedMember formula in it manually. I’ve seen some workarounds but they’re a bit hacky and require you to know what the maximum possible number of items in a set could ever be. Indeed that’s always been one of the key differences between cube functions and PivotTables: cube functions are static whereas PivotTables can grow and shrink dynamically when the data changes.

Read on for a better answer. Then, check out part 2, which covers generating a dynamic table using Excel cube functions and Lambda helpers:

In the first post in this series I showed how to use the new Excel Lambda helper functions to return an array containing all the items in a set. That isn’t very useful on its own, so in this post I’ll show you how to generate an entire dynamic table using Excel cube functions and Lambda helper functions.

In this post I’ll be using the same source data as in my previous post: a table containing sales data with just two columns.

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Differences in Power BI PPU Models vs Azure Analysis Services

Gilbert Quevauvilliers continues a series on migrating from Azure Analysis Services to Power BI Premium Per User:

When creating a new dataset in AAS this is typically done with Visual Studio, there are a lot of similar items between Visual Studio and Power BI desktop, the biggest difference is how you access them are very different as well as their look and feel.

When starting with a new dataset the process is to create a new data source, import some data and then to create the tables.

Click through for the differences. This is one area where Power BI drags in comparison to Azure Analysis Services.

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Differences in Logging between Azure Analysis Services and Power BI PPU

Gilbert Quevauvilliers continues a series on migrating from Azure Analysis Services to Power BI Premium Per User:

Another important aspect when having datasets is being able to log and monitor performance. In this blog post I am going to compare the logging between Azure Analysis Services (AAS) and Power BI Premium Per User (PPU).

With the recent release of PPU having integration with Log Analytics it makes it a lot easier to compare the logging options between AAS and PPU.

This is an area where there’s still a bit of a gap. Click through to see what the differences look like today.

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Migrating Historical Data from Azure Analysis Services to Power BI Premium Per User

Gilbert Quevauvilliers continues a series on moving to Power BI Premium Per User:

In this blog post I am looking at how to load or reload historical data in AAS and PPU and compare the differences.

It should already be noted that I am only going to compare tables where I have partitions created and enabled. The reason being for dimension tables it is typically quick and easy to reload the data by re-processing the data for the table.

Read on for the details.

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The Power BI Premium vs Azure Analysis Services Gap is Closing

Marco Russo has an update:

Almost 18 months ago I compared Azure Analysis Services and Power BI Premium for large datasets. At that time, Azure Analysis Services was a clear choice, but it is almost time to update that post with a longer article. Because of time constraints, I just want to quickly review what changed so far, promising a longer and more detailed update in a few months.

Read on to see Marco’s synopsis of what has happened since then. For my money, Power BI Premium Per User is already at a place where I’d prefer it to Azure Analysis Services.

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Loading Data into Power BI Premium Per User vs Azure Analysis Services

Gilbert Quevauvilliers continues a series on moving from Azure Analysis Services to Power BI Premium Per User:

I have been working with a customer where I have got data in AAS and in PPU for the same dataset.

What I have found is that when the data is loading it is very similar in terms of how long the data takes to load.

With one of my customers as an example the data was being curated in Asia, whilst the business was running things from Australia. By hosting AAS/PPU where the data was curated meant that the data loading was significantly faster. Yes while the reports would have to access the data across the ocean, this only sends the results, so the performance of the reports was and is still blazingly fast!

Click through for the full story.

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Comparing Azure Analysis Services Scaling to Power BI PPU

Gilbert Quevauvilliers continues a series on migrating from Azure Analysis Services to Power BI Premium Per User:

If you missed the first part of the series here is the link here: Query Performance – Part 1 Migrating Azure Analysis Services to Power BI Premium Per User – Reporting/Analytics Made easy with FourMoo and Power BI

In this blog post I am going to investigate how well does PPU scale when comparing it to AAS.

When comparing AAS to PPU, I must find the same size AAS size to what we get with PPU.

Read on for Gibert’s findings.

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From Azure Analysis Services to Power BI Premium Per User

Gilbert Quevauvilliers picks back up on a new series:

Welcome to the first in my blog post series on evaluating the different aspects when looking to migrate from Azure Analysis Services (AAS) to Power BI Premium Per User (PPU).

Apologies for this taking a few extra weeks to get started, life has been super busy, but as they say “Better late than never”.

In this post I am going to compare the Query Performance of an AAS Cube compared to a PPU Cube.

Click through to see how Power BI Premium Per User stacks up against Azure Analysis Services.

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