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Category: Administration

Handling Orphaned Database Files with dbatools

Rod Edwards rounds up the orphans:

This may be an edge case issue, it may not. Or some may not know this is a potentially a thing. For any of the above questions, i’m not sure of the answer. I do know however, that it doesn’t involve morally suspicious fairy tales of any kind, flutes, or pastry products for that matter.

I also know that it’s something that could potentially be robbing disk space across SQL Estates so i’ll talk about it anyway and supply a simple way to fix this in one sweep using the magnificent DBATools.

Rod’s claim is no pastry products, but my counter-argument is that the command probably runs better if someone brings donuts in.

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Adding a Service Principal to a Power BI Workspace

Marc Lelijveld reads the manual, disagrees with it, and stubbornly sets out to prove it right:

Today, I run into an issue by adding a service principal to a workspace. To my experience so far, this should be straight forward and a matter of adding with the right permissions in the workspace settings. However, for some reason I couldn’t get it to work. In this blog I will elaborate on what caused this issue and which tenant setting influences this.

Click through for the story behind this and the resolution to Marc’s issue.

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Simple Change Auditing in SQL Server

Vitaly Bruk keeps it simple:

Some time ago, one of my customers asked me about a simple audit system. The system must collect all “user” changes in the database. The need appears because a lot of users (like developers, DevOps, technical support, analysts, etc.) have access to the DB. Due to an internal problem, he cannot change or take permissions, but he wanted to be able to track the changes.

In this article, I want to talk about the simplest way to track changes in SQL Server. The idea for this came due to an incident that happened to one of my customers – one of the tables disappeared. Yep, like that, the entire table was missing, and no one knew where it had gone.

Table disappeared? I blame the network.

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The Power of Schema Binding

Guy Glantser explains what schema binding is and why it’s important:

In SQL Server, when we use the “WITH SCHEMABINDING” clause in the definition of an object (view or function), we bind the object to the schema of all the underlying tables and views. This means that the underlying tables and views cannot be modified in a way that would affect the definition of the schema-bound object. It also means that the underlying objects cannot be dropped. We can still modify those tables or views, as long as we don’t affect the definition of the schema-bound object (view or function).

At one point, I was a lot more gung-ho about schema binding and would do it even for views that didn’t require it, as I liked the idea of protecting the schema from changing. This turned out to be more of an annoyance than a benefit, though, so I quietly modified that belief a while ago. Nowadays, I’ll typically use schema binding when it’s required and on the rare occasion in which I create a function (assuming the function complies).

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Incremental Backup in Postgres

Robert Haas talks about a new feature:

Five days before Christmas I committed my patch to add incremental backup to PostgreSQL. Actually, I’ve been committing preparatory patches for some months now, but December 20 saw the two main patches land. Since then, there’s been a bunch of bug-fix commits, and there are still a few pending items that need to be addressed, but the core of the feature is now committed. If you want a quick overview of the feature, Lukas Fittl has a great video about that. Here, I’d like to talk about the architecture of the feature itself in a little more detail, and specifically with how we decide which data to copy.

Most people who are likely to read this blog are probably already familiar with the core idea of an incremental backup: instead of copying the whole database instance, just copy the data that has changed. That’s faster, and takes up less space on disk. But, to work properly, you have to be able to quickly and reliably identify which data has, in fact, changed. There’s more than one way to do that.

Read on for some of the complexity around this. It’s interesting to see what goes on behind the scenes in a relational database.

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Managing Azure Data Factory IP Ranges for Azure Firewalls

Meagan Longoria has a script for us:

While a private endpoint and vNets are preferred, sometimes we need to configure Azure SQL Database or Azure Storage to allow use of public endpoints. In that case, an IP-based firewall is used to prevent traffic from unauthorized locations. But Azure Data Factory’s Azure Integration Runtimes do not have a single static IP. So how do we keep the firewall updated so that ADF can access these resources?

One option is to run everything through a self-hosted integration runtime, which can have a static public IP. But that also means you have to install (and keep updated) a Java SDK if you are converting data to Parquet or ORC files.

Another option is to obtain the IP range list published by Microsoft and update the firewall. That is what I did for a recent project.

Read on to learn more about the latter option, including a Powershell script to do the work.

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Configuring and Troubleshooting SQL Server on Linux

I have a new video:

In this video, we will run through detailed configuration recommendations for SQL Server on Linux. We will also find out where you can find your error logs.

This is a mix of show and tell, as I couldn’t show some of the recommendations on my particular hardware. Still, there are a whole boatload of links to additional resources if you want to learn more about why Microsoft chose specific things to show in their SQL Server on Linux performance tuning recommendations.

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Building a Terraform Module for Azure SQL Database

Josephine Bush automates a deployment:

A well-structured Terraform module for Azure SQL DB typically consists of the following elements:

  • Main Configuration Files:
  • Helper Files: (if necessary), etc.

If you want to learn more about the basics of Terraform, you can visit my previous blog post.

Click through to see how Josephine has put together the Azure SQL Database deployment module.

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Monitoring Checkpoints and the Background Writer in Postgres

Muhammad Ali keeps an eye on things:

In PostgreSQL, a checkpoint is an operation during which the database flushes/syncs all pending modifications(dirty buffers) inside memory to the actual data files on the disk.

This is important for two primary reasons. Firstly, it guarantees that all committed transactions are permanently stored, thereby safeguarding against data loss in the event of a system failure. Secondly, it works closely with the database recovery mechanism. If a crash occurs, PostgreSQL begins processing WAL logs starting from the last successful checkpoint(It gets this information from the pg_control file located in the PG data directory) during recovery. Additionally, this process allows for the fine-tuning of performance through a variety of parameters, adaptable to specific workload requirements which are discussed below.

Read on to learn more about how checkpoints work in Postgres, how the background writer works, and things to keep in mind.

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