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Category: Administration

Don’t Panic

Robert Davis describes how he recovered from accidentally deleting a production-necessary LUN:

That’s right, I did it. I was deleting unused LUNs and the focus somehow jumped from the LUNs for the one database onto a LUN for another database. I blame an errant mouse-click. As soon as I deleted the LUN, I realized the name was wrong. The LUN held the log file for a production database.

Fortunately for me, the database was in an Availability Group so after recreating the LUN and attaching it, I restored the database from the read-only secondary.

The biggest disservice you can do to yourself in a situation like this is to panic.  Stop, think it through, and act once you have a plan.  Even better, plan ahead:  try one of these disasters in a non-production environment and see how the team reacts, what you need to do to bring it back up, and how you can improve next time (which might be in prod).

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Thinking Docker

Matt Smith thinks about Docker and SQL Server:

At one of my local user groups, Suffolk Devs, back in Sept 2015, Richard Vickerstaff done a talk on Docker. One of the things I took away was this was very dev friendly, Richard was honest in the fact he has yet to deploy to production in this manner and the general feedback from the room at the time was no one else had – this doesn’t mean no-one has since of course, but you start to get the feeling the DBAs back home wouldn’t be happy. The other thing was the dev nature of it, for example, when your developing, you don’t want to be held back by “rules” that protect data, it is after all, development, your not going to have production data in your dev environment, right? So, if you don’t “pin” your storage to a persistent path, it’ll get purge when you stop your docker image. Can you image if you forgot to set the production config correctly and come a reboot all your data disappears? I can already here my friendly DBA screaming.

I think that within a few years, non-Dockerized SQL Server will be considered quaint.  “You mean you had to install and configure it each time?”

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Cycle Your Logs

Andrea Allred shows how to cycle error logs to prevent them from growing out of hand:

What is a good size?  I usually try to get it to roll over around 10 MB.  I use a monitoring tool and when the large error log alert is triggered, I have it run sp_cycle_errorlog for me so mine always stay a healthy size.  You don’t need fancy tools to do this though.  If you know about how fast your logs grow, you can set up a SQL Agent job to run it on a schedule to keep your logs healthy.

How many logs should I keep? This is completely up to you, but since I keep my logs so small, I try to keep 15 of them.  Why so many? I do it so I can go back and see issues further back if needed. You can adjust the amount you keep by right clicking on SQL Server Logs in SSMS and selecting “Configure”

I’d personally prefer to keep more logs—at least 32-45 days worth—but that’s going to depend upon the environment.

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Daily Briefings

Brent Ozar shows a way to see high-priority sp_Blitz items across an environment:

Step 3: run sp_Blitz @IgnorePrioritiesAbove = 50, @CheckUserDatabaseObjects = 0. This gets you the fast headline news, especially when used with the improved priorities in the latest version in our SQL Server download kit

It’s important to have one or two high-level systems you can glance at to see top-level health of a system.  This could be one of those systems.

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Spring Cleaning

Tara Kizer gives some advice on proactive administrative measures:

If a database has a high number of Virtual Log Files (VLFs), it can impact the the speed of transaction log backups and database recovery. I once had a database with 75,000 VLFs. I didn’t even know what a VLF was at the time (hence having so many). After rebooting the server, a mission critical database with extremely high SLAs took 45 minutes to complete recovery. We were in the process of opening a support case with Microsoft when the database finally came online. The next day, I contacted a Microsoft engineer and learned about VLFs.

There are a number of helpful tidbits here, so check it out.

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Dave Mason notes that ALTER DATABASE needs to be in an autocommitted transaction and will not roll back:

If you create that trigger and subsequently change the recovery model, you’ll get an error. But the recovery model doesn’t get changed back to its original setting. As the TSql comment notes, ROLLBACK doesn’t work in this context. And that’s a shame too. Sometimes the recovery model gets changed on accident, by a third-party vendor’s software installation, or by someone that isn’t familiar with the ramifications. I was trying to prevent that. <Grumble> At least I knew it wasn’t allowed. I just didn’t know why. After seeing this Connect item, “why” didn’t matter.

Dave goes on to point out that under certain circumstances, ALTER DATABASE will simply fail, so there are preventative checks; we just can’t build our own.

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NUMA Node Count

Denny Cherry shows us how to find the number of NUMA nodes a SQL Server has:

The next way to see what your NUMA configuration is, is to look at the ERRORLOG file. Every time SQL Server is started it will log the NUMA configuration towards the beginning of the ERRORLOG file. That line will look something like this example.

Server Node configuration: node 0: CPU mask: 0x00000000000000ff:0 Active CPU mask: 0x00000000000000ff:0. This message provides a description of the NUMA configuration for this computer. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.

Denny shows four different ways of getting this answer, and then provides some general advice on the maximum number of nodes you probably want.

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Monitoring MapR With ELK

Mathieu Dumoulin shows how to feed MapR metrics into ElasticSearch and monitor with Kibana:

There are several ways to keep the data updated: a cron job, a linux daemon running as a service, or a stream tool such as Streamsets.

The easiest way might be to run the task as a cron job with an interval of one to thirty seconds depending on monitoring needs. This may be suitable for a proof of concept or a small test cluster or even a production cluster. The main drawback of using a cron is that the control over the execution is limited to running the script and resources aren’t shared, meaning we are opening and closing a connection to Elasticsearch as well as doing the work to call the rest endpoint for each invocation.

Kibana makes for some pretty dashboards.

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Minion CheckDB Beta

Sean McCown has released a beta of Minion CheckDB:

We’ve had many of you asking to be part of the Minion CheckDB beta and now is the time. We’re putting the finishing touches on the 1st beta and it’s looking great with some fabulous features.
So this is the open call for beta users. If you’d like to meet Codex before anyone else then send me an email.
We have some requirements though. We don’t want dead beta users. This is your chance to shape the product and we want to hear from you. So if you’re serious about putting the product through its paces then we definitely want you. So you should be ready to provide real feedback, report bugs as you find them, and work with us to fix them.

Considering that I’ve bothered Sean about this at every SQL Saturday the two of us have been at this year, I’d better get moving and join the beta.

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DBA Scripts Update

Rob Sewell has updated his DBA-Database project:

By making use of the dbo.InstanceList in my DBA database I am able to target instances, by SQL Version, OS Version, Environment, Data Centre, System, Client or any other variable I choose. An agent job that runs every night will automatically pick up the instances and the scripts that are marked as needing installing. This is great when people release updates to the above scripts allowing you to target the development environment and test before they get put onto live.

I talked to a lot of people in Hannover and they all suggested that I placed the scripts onto GitHub and after some how-to instructions from a few people (Thank you Luke) I spent the weekend updating and cleaning up the code and you can now find it on GitHub here

Check out his solution, especially if you do not already have an administrative database on your instances.

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