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Category: Administration

Reading Changes From The Transaction Log

Marek Masko shows us how to read through the transaction log to understand a data change operation:

Another solution that can be used to track changes executed against your database is to read Transaction Log file or Transaction Log Backups. Transaction log file (and backups) consists of every transaction executed against your database. The only requirement for this is to have a database in the Full recovery model. In the Simple recovery model, every committed transaction can be very quickly overwritten by another one.

Also, this is something that you get for free without the need to enable and configure any additional SQL Server functionality. Of course, besides the database backups, but you already do database backups, right?

To test this approach, you have to make some preparations. You need to set the database’s recovery model to Full. As a first step, check database properties to ensure that it is appropriately configured. As a second step, you need to create a full database backup. From this point, the database is in Full recovery model, and every transaction is fully logged. Thanks to this you are able to read logged transactions from Transaction Log file. The same applies to read from Transaction Log backup. To do this, you need to create such a backup after you execute database schema changes.

I think I’ve only done this once or twice, but it’s a good technique to know about.

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Using Query Store To Force Plans With Plan Guides On Them Already

Grant Fritchey creates a plan guide and then forces the plan in Query Store:

If I look at the plan that is stored in Query Store, I’ll see the identical plan up above, including the PlanGuideDB and PlanGuideName properties.

So, let’s force the plan using the values returned from the query above:

Now, when we run the query, we’ll see both the plan guide in use and that the plan is forced (see this earlier blog post explaining this behavior). This is all expected behavior.

Check it out to see how SQL Server behaves.

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Optimizing SQL Server Workloads On VMware

Jeff Mlakar shares a few tips on hosting SQL Server via VMware virtual machine:

Why is Over-Allocating a VM Bad?

Why is is so important to allocate just the right amount of resources for your guest VM running SQL Server? We all know the problem with an undersized system; however, what about an oversized system? What problem could that be? Here are a few common issues to consider:

  • Over-allocating CPU causes poor resource utilization across all the guest VMs

  • Over-allocating memory unnecessarily increases memory contention and overhead on other guest VMs

  • Having more vCPUs assigned to the VM can have an impact on licensing.

There are some good points in the post, so check it out.

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The Risk Of Shadow IT In The Cloud

Kenneth Fisher walks us through the risk of increased Shadow IT with migration to the cloud:

Shadow IT has been, well, maybe not the bane of the IT department, but certainly a pain in the neck. On the off chance you’ve never heard of shadow IT do any of these sound familiar?

  • A user asks you to restore a corrupt database on a SQL Server you’ve never heard of and isn’t in your inventory. (And 50/50 odds there’s never been a backup taken.)

  • You do a licensing true-up and dozens of new SQL Servers suddenly show up.

  • You hear from a user: “We have this mission critical Access database that suddenly isn’t working. I know you don’t support access but you’re the database person so we need you to fix it.”

It’s an interesting short essay and worth thinking about if you’re in the cloud or moving that way.

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Extended Events In Azure Data Studio

Jason Brimhall walks us through installation of the SQL Server Profiler on Azure Data Studio:

Azure Data Studio (ADS) is getting all sorts of love and attention these days. So much so that they have finally gotten around to adding Extended Events (XE) to the tool – sort of. Now we have the power to run traces on SQL Server via ADS.

The presence of XE in ADS comes via an extension and comes with a few other caveats. I will explore the extension for XE available in ADS in this article and discuss some of the caveats. As you read the article, it might be helpful to go ahead and download ADS if you do not already have it.

Jason points out the name of SQL Server Profiler and I’d like to add my own bit of irritation here.  “Don’t use Profiler, except the one good Profiler but not the Profiler you think you’re using unless you know not to use Profiler and use Profiler instead.”  Yeah, that’s pretty clear.

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Migrating A Database To Managed Instances

Frank Gill shows how to migrate a database from on-premises to an Azure SQL Managed Instance:

If you have run through my last Managed Instance blog post, you have a Managed Instance at your disposal.  The PowerShell script for creating the network requirements also contains steps to create an Azure VM in a different subnet in the same VNet.  Unless you have a site-to-site VPN or Express Route between your on-prem environment and Azure, you will use this VM to connect to your Managed Instance.

Install Management Studio on the Azure VM.  To connect to your Managed Instance, you will need the host name for your Managed Instance.  You can find the Managed Instance host name on the resource page for your Managed Instance in the Portal.

I think this migration story is a bit easier for DBAs than the old Azure SQL Database strategy of building dacpacs.

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Automatically Enabling SQLCMD Mode In SSMS

Greg Low shows how to have every Management Studio tab open in SQLCMD mode:

Note the :CONNECT command is used to connect to another server.

Because everything else works pretty much the same, and you get a whole lot of additional options, you might choose to open all your new queries in SQLCMD mode. That’s easy to do.

SQLCMD mode is one of those things where I thought I’d use it a lot, but aside from deploying database projects, I don’t.  Granted, this could be a failure of imagination on my part.

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New Diagnostics For Synchronous Statistics Updates

Joe Sack announces a new wait type and request command:

Consider the following query execution scenario:

  • You execute a SELECT query that triggers an automatic synchronous statistics update.
  • The synchronous statistics update begins execution and your query waits (is essentially blocked) until the fresh statistics are generated.
  • The query compilation and execution does not resume until the synchronous statistics update operation completes.

During this time, there are no external signs via common troubleshooting channels that the query is specifically waiting for the synchronous statistics update operation to complete.  If the statistics update takes a long time (due to a large table and\or busy system), there is no easy way to determine root cause of the high duration.

This is now available in SQL Server 2019 CTP 2.1.  Read the whole thing.

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Deep Dive On Log Buffer Flushes

Itzik Ben-Gan delves into log buffer flushes and how SQL Server maintains durability without giving up too much performance:

The way SQL Server enforces transaction durability, in part, is by ensuring that all of the transaction’s changes are written to the database’s transaction log on disk before returning control to the caller. In a case of a power failure after a transaction’s commit was acknowledged, you know that all those changes were at least written to the on-disk transaction log. That’s the case even if the related data pages were modified only in the data cache (the buffer pool) but not yet flushed to the data files on disk. When you restart SQL Server, during the redo phase of the recovery process, SQL Server uses the information recorded in the log to replay changes that were applied after the last checkpoint and that haven’t made it to the data files. There’s a bit more to the story depending on the recovery model that you’re using and on whether bulk operations were applied after the last checkpoint, but for the purposes of our discussion, suffice to focus on the part that involves hardening the changes to the transaction log.

The tricky part in SQL Server’s logging architecture is that log writes are sequential. Had SQL Server not used some sort of a log buffer to alleviate log writes to disk, write-intensive systems—especially ones that involve lots of small transactions—would quickly run into terrible log-write-related performance bottlenecks.

To alleviate the negative performance impact of frequent sequential log writes to disk, SQL Server uses a log buffer in memory.

Itzik also covers a few technologies which can help if you’re experiencing log buffer flush-related slowness, including enabling delayed durability and purchasing nonvolatile memory (NVDIMM-N) for storage.

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