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Author: Kevin Feasel

Defining Tidy Data

John Mount shares thoughts about the concept of tidy data:

A question is: is such a data set “tidy”? The paper itself claims the above definitions are “Codd’s 3rd normal form.” So, no the above table is not “tidy” under that paper’s definition. The the winner’s date of birth is a fact about the winner alone, and not a fact about the joint row keys (the tournament plus year) as required by the rules of Codd’s 3rd normal form. The critique being: this data presentation does not express the intended data invariant that Al Fredrickson must have the same “Winner Date of Birth” in all rows.

My spin on it is that tidy data is Boyce-Codd Normal Form but may subsequently be denormalized. This may reintroduce violations of 3NF (as in Mount’s example) and sometimes 2NF, but does not change the shape of the variables themselves—that is, a variable still represents a single thing and exists per observation.

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Visualizing Earthquake Data

Giorgio Garziano continues a series on analyzing earthquake data:

This is the third part of our post series about the exploratory analysis of a publicly available dataset reporting earthquakes and similar events within a specific 30 days time span. In this post, we are going to show static, interactive and animated earthquakes maps of different flavors by using the functionalities provided by a pool of R packages as specifically explained herein below.

Giorgio looks at 9 separate R mapping packages, so you get your money’s worth here.

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Automating Log File Expansion

Max Vernon shows how you can automatically expand log files to optimize VLF counts:

SQL Server Database Log file expansion can be fairly tedious if you need to make the log bigger in many reasonably-sized growth increments. It can be tedious because you may need to write and execute a large number of ALTER DATABASE ... MODIFY FILE ... commands.

The following code automatically grows a SQL Server Database log file, using the size and growth increments you configure in the script. If you set the @DebugOnly flag to 1, the script will only print the commands required, instead of executing them. This allows you to see what exactly will be executed ahead of time. Alternately, you could copy-and-paste the commands into a query window and execute them one-by-one.

Click through for that code.

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Azure Data Studio May Release

Alan Yu announces the May release of Azure Data Studio:

Since its release two months ago, the community continues to love SQL Notebooks. This month, we had a laser-eyed focus on quality of life bug fixes instead of new features. These improvements include:

– Markdown rendering improvements, including better support for notes and tables
– Usability improvements to the toolbar
– Markdown links for trusted notebooks no longer requires Command/Ctrl + click and can be clicked directly
– Improvements in cleaning up Jupyter processes after closing notebooks and reducing errors when starting multiple notebooks concurrently
– Improvements to SQL Notebook connections to ensure errors don’t occur when running two notebooks against the same database
– Improvements to notebook auto-scrolling to the currently executing cell when clicking the run cells button from the toolbar
– General stability and performance improvements

And based on some of the GitHub comments, I’m going to really like the June release if those changes all make it in.

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Memory Pressure and Azure SQL Managed Instances

Jovan Popovic takes us through determining whether we have enough memory on an Azure SQL Managed Instance:

Managed Instance has memory that is proportional to the number of cores. As an example, in Gen5 architecture you have 5.1GB of memory per vCore, meaning that 8-core instance will have 41GB memory. Periodically you should check is this amount of memory good for your workload.
Do not monitor does the Managed Instance use ~100% of available memory. Some people believe that this is an issue (like hitting 100% CPU), but this is expected and desired behavior. Managed Instance should use as much as possible memory to cache the pages from disk into the buffer pool. The only case where you will not see near 100% usage of memory is the case where you have the databases much smaller that the available memory size so all of them can fit into the memory.

The spoiler version is that it’s the same process as on-prem.

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Azure Data Factory: Mapping and Wrangling Data Flows

Cathrine Wilhelmsen explains the difference between Mapping Data Flows and Wrangling Data Flows in Azure Data Factory:

Now, we all know that the consultant answer to “which should I use?” is It Depends ™ 🙂 But what does it depend on?

To me, it boils down to a few key questions you need to ask:
– What is the task or problem you are trying to solve?
– Where and how will you use the output?
– Which tool are you most comfortable using?

Read on to see how they both work.

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Auto-Terminating Unused EMR Clusters

Praveen Krishamoorthy Ravikumar shows how you can use AWS Lambda to terminate ElasticMapReduce clusters which have been idle for a certain amount of time:

To avoid this overhead, you must track the idleness of the EMR cluster and terminate it if it is running idle for long hours. There is the Amazon EMR native IsIdle Amazon CloudWatch metric, which determines the idleness of the cluster by checking whether there’s a YARN job running. However, you should consider additional metrics, such as SSH users connected or Presto jobs running, to determine whether the cluster is idle. Also, when you execute any Spark jobs in Apache Zeppelin, the IsIdle metric remains active (1) for long hours, even after the job is finished executing. In such cases, the IsIdle metric is not ideal in deciding the inactivity of a cluster.

In this blog post, we propose a solution to cut down this overhead cost. We implemented a bash script to be installed in the master node of the EMR cluster, and the script is scheduled to run every 5 minutes. The script monitors the clusters and sends a CUSTOM metric EMR-INUSE (0=inactive; 1=active) to CloudWatch every 5 minutes. If CloudWatch receives 0 (inactive) for some predefined set of data points, it triggers an alarm, which in turn executes an AWS Lambda function that terminates the cluster.

We went a slightly different route for auto-termination, killing after a fixed number of hours.

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The Pains of Small Files in Hadoop

Shashank Naik and Bhagya Gummalla explain why having a large number of small data files in Hadoop is a problem:

When a NameNode restarts, it must load the filesystem metadata from local disk into memory. This means that if the namenode metadata is large, restarts will be slower. The NameNode must also track changes in the block locations on the cluster. Too many small files can also cause the NameNode to run out of metadata space in memory before the DataNodes run out of data space on disk. The datanodes also report block  changes to the NameNode over the network; more blocks means more changes to report over the network.

More files mean more read requests that need to be served by the NameNode, which may end up clogging NameNode’s capacity to do so. This will increase the RPC queue and processing latency, which will then lead to degraded performance and responsiveness. An overall RPC workload of close to 40K~50K RPCs/s is considered high.

There are a few reasons you want to pack data into large files on Hadoop and this explains them well.

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