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Author: Kevin Feasel

Apache Flink 1.9.2 Released

Hequn Cheng announces Apache Flink 1.9.2:

The Apache Flink community released the second bugfix version of the Apache Flink 1.9 series.

This release includes 117 fixes and minor improvements for Flink 1.9.1. The list below includes a detailed list of all fixes and improvements.

We highly recommend all users to upgrade to Flink 1.9.2.

Read on to see all of the things they’ve fixed and improved.

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.NET and Powershell 7 Notebooks

Rob Sewell forwards on some exciting news:

A notebook experience for PowerShell 7 that sounds amazing. This will enable a true cross-platform PowerShell Notebook experience which is lacking from the Python version as it uses Windows PowerShell on Windows and PowerShell Core on other OS’s

The first thing I asked was – Will this come to Azure Data Studio. I got an immediate response from Sydney Smith PowerShell Program Manager saying it is on the roadmap

Two notes of importance. First, these are kernels for Jupyter Notebooks and not Azure Data Studio or VS Code (yet). Second, Rob buried the lede on the most important language in there: F#. You can also read the full announcement from Maria Naggaga, to which Rob linked.

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Recovering Lost Linked Servers

Taryn Pratt had a post-upgrade problem:

Recently, I kicked off a project to start moving us to SQL Server 2019. During my initial review of our servers, I found quite a few (9 total) that were still running on Windows Server 2012 R2. This meant that I would need to upgrade the operating system and move us to SQL Server 2019. Having completed plenty of SQL Server upgrades, as well as operating system upgrades, I couldn’t possibly make a mistake, right? Wrong…I completely forgot to script out the linked servers on the server I upgraded this week. I screwed up and decided to write about how I went about fixing it.

Click through to understand the problem and solution.

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Creating an Income Statement in Power BI

Joseph Yeates continues a series on financial statements in Power BI:

I had created a measure to populate the matrix visual. It uses =SWITCH() to return the YTD amount for the revenue and expense row headers and returns a subtotal for the net income header.

To finish building the income statement, I needed to add two more line items: retained income from the beginning and end of the year. I had already created the categories in the Power Query Editor, so I had to update the DAX statement to return logic for these lines.

Read on to see how to add these.

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Auditing DDL with Event Notifications and Service Broker

Max Vernon wants to audit Data Definition Language events:

SQL Server doesn’t audit DDL events out of the box, aside from several major events which are captured in the Default System Trace. By “audit”, I mean there is no log of the data-definition-language statements issued against the server. So, if someone creates a table in a database, you can see the table, and when it was created, but details about who created it, and what code they used to create it isn’t saved anywhere. The code in this blog post shows how to configure SQL Server Event Notifications in tandem with SQL Server Service Broker to capture all SQL Server DDL events asynchronously to a database specially configured for the purpose.

Click through for the code and explanation of what’s happening.

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Interleaved Execution with SQL Server

Milos Radivojevic takes us through improvements with interleaved execution in SQL Server:

As you might know, the Interleaved Execution is the member of the Intelligent Query Processing family of features. It has been introduced with SQL Server 2017 (as a part of the Adaptive Query Processing). It is designed to improve the performance of queries referencing multi-statement table-valued functions (MSTVF). Actually, it addresses currently only queries using MSTVF, but is hopefully designed for much more. The query optimizer usually has two issues with queries using MSTVF:

MSTVF is a black-box for the optimizer; it does not know what’s inside, it cannot perform cross-statement optimization (as it is a case with inline TVFs) and it assumes it is a cheap and fast operation
MSTVF has a fixed cardinality of 100 (prior to SQL Server 2014, it was 1)

Interleaved execution does not improve the first issue (MSTVF is still a black-box for the optimizer), but solves the cardinality issue.

Read on to understand how this second aspect has changed for the better.

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Powershell Runspaces

Mark Wilkinson has a new blog and an itch to explain the notion of runspaces in Powershell:

So I have a problem with some of the posts I’ve read about runspaces. It all comes down to a small detail that I think makes a big difference in your understanding of them.

$Runspace = ::Create()

This code looks innocent. What does it do? You’d probably think it’s creating a new runspace, but it’s not. This code is instead creating a fresh instance of PowerShell. If you run this code and run Get-Runspace you’ll see there is still just one listed, the one attached to your current session. So what is this instance we just created?

Click through for an example and a step-by-step breakout of that example.

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Rebuilding Rowstore Indexes Online on Tables with Columnstore Indexes

Niko Neugebauer explains something about rebuilding rowstore indexes:

This blogpost will be about older SQL Server versions (2016, 2017) and some implications that I have found that people rather do not understand, until they hit the problems in productions – the ONLINE creation & rebuild operations for the Rowstore indexes when having Columnstore Indexes on their tables.
As you should know by now – SQL Server 2017 & SQL Server 2019 respectively brought the ONLINE features support for the Columnstore Indexes (Nonclustered(2017) & Clustered(2019)) and I have blogged about those news in Columnstore Indexes – part 96 (“Nonclustered Columnstore Index Online Rebuild”) in 2017 and in Columnstore Indexes – part 123 (“Clustered Columnstore Index Online Rebuild”) in 2018.

What I honestly did not expect is the amount of the same question I have faced as in the last 3 months regarding the rebuild operations for the the ONLINE creation & rebuild operations for the Rowstore indexes when having Columnstore Indexes.

Read on to see the demonstration for when you have a clustered columnstore index and a nonclustered columnstore index.

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Working with Multiple DataFrames in Pandas

Zehra Can shows how to concatenate and work with multiple data frames at once in Pandas:

Data can be selected from data frames by using loc and iloc options:

Loc is used for selecting rows and columns by index and value label, columns can be selected by column names,

Iloc is used for selecting rows and columns by their indexes.

This is a demo-heavy tutorial style of post, so it has plenty of code to look at.

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