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Thoughts on Multi-Platform Visual Studio

The NDepend Blog has an interesting post on Visual Studio:

Notice that there are two distinct questions:

  • Will Visual Studio Be Migrated to .NET Core? (but still remain Windows-centric).
  • Will Visual Studio Be Multi-Platform?

Disclaimer: For nearly two decades, I’ve been the creator and lead developer of NDepend, a tool that functions both as a Visual Studio extension and a standalone app that can collaborate with VSCode and JetBrains Rider. NDepend also integrates into CI/CD pipelines to deliver interactive web reports on .NET code quality and security. We’ve collaborated with many Visual Studio engineers over the years, who have provided invaluable assistance, though we have no insider information. This post is based purely on observable facts and speculations derived from them.

Read on for those thoughts. My money’s on “No” for the latter, as that’s the purview of Visual Studio Code, and just thinking about the sheer amount of work necessary to make Visual Studio itself cross-platform, I can’t see it happening.